
I’m James from Team Rocket!

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Growlie’s Talent?

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Hey Hopkins, how do I check Growlie's talent?" I asked my butler. My trusty butler being across the room, hears my question and heads towards me.

Sitting at the guest's rooms desk, I stretch my stiff body as I just finished some homework.

That's right homework.

As the heir to a rich business man and noble, its compulsory to learn the most I can when I'm younger. Already knowing most of the subjects I could breeze through these things.

I had minimal problems though which were business management and etiquette. The former is understandable as in my past life I was going for an accounting bachelor.

So I guess the money management and work ethic is all there. I'll just need to work on a few more things and then I should be set on going on my journey when I hit the age of 15.

Hopkins now in front of me starts to explain some of the information not known to me by this point.

"You can check the talent of Growlithe at a Pokemon center Young James. Though if we could nobles would buy this device but it's currently being kept under a tight leash by the Alliance."

"I've finished all of my work and have the rest of the day off, could you ask my parents if I could go outside?"

Hopkins hearing this, nods at me and leaves the room to inform my parents of my little "adventure". I haven't left the mansion yet so this should be quite fun.

Its only been a week since I've arrived in the Pokemon world and my progress has been minimal as expected.

Turning back to the desk I'm practically glued to, I check my diary and the notes I will be implementing soon.

[<•—Diary Page—•>]

• Callisthenics

• Get muscles loser

• Learn how to fight

• What Pokemon to ask from dad? Pseudo-legendary maybe?

• Find out as much as I can about the Pokemon battling scene and ways to train Pokemon.


The first two notes are the obvious things I need. First of all learning to be flexible at a young age is great as when you grow up, you will still be able to flex quite well even if you didn't keep up with your routine.

For muscle building and training, it won't be a priority till I get older as I'm too young. But learning how to fight and self defence is important. This world is vast with elemental pocket monsters and deranged cultists.

Only a retard wouldn't try to learn self defence at least. Even my mother has had physical training which is something I found out recently.

"Growlie come over here." I call out. Standing up from the comfortable chair, I get Growlie and head outside to play some fetch with him.

"Lithe!" The hyper Pokemon says in excitement. Growlie constantly circling me, got dizzy by the time we got to a spacious garden with a beautiful green house. Growlie fell on his side with swirls in his eyes, it almost looked like he'd be a drunkard.

"You cant make this up." I chuckled at Growlie who was moving side to side. "Okay let's start Growlie, go get it!"

With this Growlie ran away from my location in order to get the bouncy ball we played with before. It should take him a minute or two.

"Thinking back to my notes, I should probably join a dojo." I think out loud. Dojos were shown quite a lot throughout the anime and video games.

So joining one should benefit me quite a bit.

'But I need to focus on being a trainer as well.' I complain in my head. But soon after this I thought of the perfect place.

"The place doesn't exactly need to be in Kanto does it. Galar has some specific Islands I can visit…" As I murmured this, I could hear Growlie making his way back.

"Grawr!" Growlie getting in front of me drops the bouncy ball and uses his head to push it towards my feet.

"Good job!"

Not wasting his efforts at all, I start his little "game" which I just call extra training for Growlie. This helps with Growlie's stamina, speed, coordination and reaction time.

Growlie got tired pretty fast at first but after a few days he showed rapid improvement. His coordination when catching the bouncing ball and reaction time when it's thrown were the ones I focused on.

It's important to have coordination to control your own body and reaction speed for dodging attacks.

This training went on for a couple of minutes until Hopkins got back.

"Young James, your parents have given you permission to leave the mansion." He said happily. Smiling at his words I get Growlie back to my side and make my way to the limousine outside the gate.

"Holy mother of Arceus."

Making my way out of the main house, I look behind me and see the sheer size of the mansion. Turning to my right after this, I spot another "huge" mansion next to the main one.

'Oh I remember this from a Pokemon episode and my memories.' I think to myself. "Growlie it's your dog house."

"Woof woof!" Growlie says raising its head in a proud manner. Seeing this both Hopkins and I snicker in a non-scornfully way.

Still how huge this place is boggles my mind. Hopefully I could build a custom gym in the main mansion in the future. It's every man's dream to be able to spam machines all day if you couldn't afford to have them and needed to go to the gym and get a membership.

Entering the limo, we started to drive towards the nearest Pokemon centre which was 40 minutes away. Taking in the scenery around the roads, there were lakes, a few routes in sight and loads of people with some having Pokemon next to them.

"Young James I'll need to tell you something, you'll need to have Haunter over here stay with you at all times. This is because we'd rather not have any psychic or psychic Pokemon read or hurt you mind." Hopkins explains as the helpful person he is. Carefully listening to his words my mind starts to work overtime.

"If I had a dark type per say or a bug, would it also work in the same way?" I question. If that is how that worked then the Pokemon I could ask from my father would become rather obvious to me.

"Yes it could work, but ghosts I personally think are better as they can hide in your shadow and protect you. With dark and bug type though, these Pokemon can only protect your mind and not hide themselves but still give the same mind protecting abilities."

Nodding at his words I finally got the idea on which Pokemon I will ask my father for. 'I wonder how he'll be able to get it. If he was able to buy this Pokemon through money.'

40 minutes of driving going by as I cuddled with Growlie. We arrived in front of the Pokemon centre and got dropped off.

"Alright let's go!"

Exiting the car with Growlie next to me, I followed behind Hopkins who was practically guarding me like a paranoid parent.

"Let's enter now Young James."

Looking a head to where the Pokemon centre was between all the buildings, it really looked like a bright and peaceful place.

With a water fountain in front of the place with multiple trainers and civilians walking around. The amount of Pokemon here was a real treat to my eyes as I was in awe.

After a little bit of staring I somehow found my way through the doors of the Pokemon centre and following Hopkins to a private room.

"Thank you Nurse Joy." Hopkins thanks Nurse Joy after talking to her on what we came here to do.

"No problem, just put Growlithe over here to stand over the scanner." She mentions. Hearing this I pickup Growlie and place him in the middle of the scanner to where he looked at me confused tilting his head.

"Just stay still Growlie." I tell him. But Growlie not understanding the assignment runs over to me and licks my face. "This will take a little bit." I murmur.

Nurse Joy and Hopkins seeing this chuckled at my predicament.

Thankfully though after a few tries Growlie stayed on the scanner for the one minute needed and we got the results.

Nurse joy picking up a clipboard after printing out a few papers. Walks up to me and gives me the sheet.

(:{Full Info Results}:)

Pokemon: Growlithe

Level: 7

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Age: 2 years & 3 months

Height: 61cm (2'01)

Moves: [Ember], [Leer].


"Two stars huh." Looking down at Growlithe I get a determined look. At this current point I'm too attached to Growlie to throw him away, but I only want to keep strong Pokemon around me. "Is there anyway to increase his talent Nurse Joy."

[•—•{3rd Person's POV}•—•]

Nurse Joy hearing James say this gets a surprised look. She expected him to either look at his Pokemon with either disgust or outright abandon Growlithe as that's how young nobles acted when their Pokemon weren't up to par.

Hearing this she recovered from her initial shock and got a relieved look.

"There is a way to increase a Pokémon's talent with Star Pieces. But this costs quite the huge amount of money, and this doesn't even scratch the rarity of the pieces themselves." She explains to James to her full ability. Nurse Joy with nothing else to say, leaves the room with James and Hopkin leaving the area with Growlithe.

"Hopkins can we buy a Star Piece for Growlie?" James asks as the spoiled brat he is.

"Well I'm not so sure if we can find one and buy it, but I know for a fact that your parents would gladly spent a lot of money for one if you really wanted it." Hopkin says with a smile seeing his young maters determined look. James with a glint in his eyes stays silent on the drive back to the mansion thinking.


"Dad can we buy a Star Piece for Growlie?" James asked his father with a nervous look. Sean sitting on his work desk, starts to scratch his chin with a thoughtful look.

"I'll look into it but there are no promises, these things are extremely rare and it could take months to find a seller. But if there is one then I'll get Cheeves to get it from the black market." Sean responds with a hint of delight in his tone. Hearing this James' ears perk up in delight knowing that Growlie could still improve.

"Also I've chosen which Pokemon I want already father, the Pokemon that will be joining me in the future will be a Deino." James says dropping the info right then and there.