
I’m A Rouge

Melody is a brave girl from a gang of rouge that she's struggling to accept that she's a rouge, she was dreaming to join on a pack but despised on her character, they won't accept her. But all changed when she meet her mate, she was trying to keep distance between them specially that his the alpha of all alpha, anytime he could be a threat on her life, but all of her conclusion turn into a opposite one, ever since she step on his pack she felt free yet confused. Now that she's the Luna, her life was In danger knowing she will be the target of all Rouges and wanted to claim her life, and the other one is to take her back, why? He was important part on melody's life that she have to know, and it happens to be her real father. The Black sorcerer who wants to slay all creatures that lived on the world, to rule the world along with his daughter, Melody.

JewelleAragon302 · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter 3

"I'm so excited!" Zeyne yelled, and we all grumbled "I will be happy if we skip the tie and blind fold" lucas mumble and i nodded in agreement.

"It's part on the train to you know? So we can control our sense" zeyne replied.

"I can't believe we're going on the white everett mountain.." george murmured, and slump on the grass "I already said my apologies on the church, so i won't burn on the hell if i die, how about you guys? Do you have excuses?" Lucas seat beside him and put his chin on his palm.

"My excuses is...the world is to cruel so i have to survive" zeyne punch his head lowly and laugh "you think they will believe that? Well my excuses is... Alpha titus blackmail us"

"I hope Alpha titus hear this" sean mumble, and i nodded in approved.

"Actually to be honest, I don't want to be a alpha" lucas said bluntly "same here" zeyne replied raising his hand.

"Seeing how many paper works you have to read, d*mn! I guess papers will be the cost of my death"

"Why you want to join anyways?" Sean ask and the three smirks "I want to meet your father" my eyes widen and look at sean.

"You tell them?!" I yelled and he scratch the back of his head "I can't help it" i glare at him and punch his chest lowly.

"You know if we get home alive? I will stitch that mouth of yours" i threatened and he smile "then i make sure im dead if we got home" i shook my head in disbelief and seat across him.

"I was amazed, at this time we should be nervous and crying right now, since we're about to die" said george, and lucas smirk.

"We all knows that all us five, likes trouble.." i shook my head again and raise my hand in surrender "not me..."

"nah, you even pull a prank on alpha titus, and you know you will be punished" sean sass.

"oh, i forgot about that.." i mumble, remembering he lock me down on the basement for twenty-four hours.

"Speaking of alpha, his coming.." George said pointing our left side and saw alpha titus walking with his beta and gamma, we all bow and he bow back too.

He was staring on us like we do something wrong, me and the others exchange a look and lucas let out a fake cough "Are we...late?" He ask, and alpha titus shook his head "instead you five are early.." we smile and let out a sigh. "Since your here, why don't you accompany us?" Wayne, the gamma offered.

"It be a pleasure.." sean replied, And alpha titus nodded and started to walk, me and the others pick our pack bags immediately and follow them behind.

There was heavy silent between us, me and the others changing looks. 'guys how about we ask him, why in the white everett mountain?'

We all look at zeyne and gave him a 'don't-you-dare' look, but zeyne being troublesome, he spill.

"Alpha titus, why the trials will be played at the White everett mountain?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose, and wait for alpha titus to scold us "So the trials will gonna more challenging.." i hear lucas laughing wickedly while rubbing his both palms in excitement. "challenging is my middle name.."

We take minutes to arrive at the arena and saw some people waiting while talking each other, and they stop when alpha titus step inside.

I thought this days will be more crowded, but seems like we have only twenty rouges above here.

"As I expected..." I hear alpha titus mumble "all of you get ready in position One!" We walk toward them and stand straight, keeping our chin up.

We remain froze when some warriors put a blindfold on us, we didn't remove it, knowing this is part of the trials, they remove our pack bags which made me confuse.

"There's already equipment at the mountain, you have to find it so you can survive the night" i heard alpha titus said.

I let my wrist been tied waiting for alpha titus cignal, He was talking about the trial's option, and that is.

Don't kill your fellow rouge, (and he didn't add a word 'let' so we will minding our own business, and let them do whatever their planning to do) They already put a trap on the mountain, and there's a wild animals there, specially werewolves in the other packs, so be aware, And there's only one flag and only one rouge deserve to get it, this trial is individual, not grouping, but i know sean won't let me killed on the mountain, and I won't let him killed either.

I can call this a survival game, and the price is the title of the rouge's alpha, they won't be bothered for who won on the game, and they won't bothered who can't survive the game.

"Ready for the cignal.....*Gunshot* Go!!"

We all started to run, using my ears and sense, there was a rustle, and a loud thump on it.

Maybe they're tackling now, or maybe they got bump on the tree.

'guys are you up?'

George mind link, and we all respond.

'hey sean, and all of you, follow my scent so we can meet together and remove this fucking ties and blindfold of mine' zeyne said, i sniff the air trying to caugh his fancy perfume that he use few hours ago.

And when his perfume hit my nose, i started to run and dodge the tree that blocking my way using my sense and nose.

I kept running and running until i bump someone, made us both fell on the ground.

"Ahhh! Lion! Don't kill me!" I heard zeyne yelled, i seat up and spoke "Shut up!" I hissed and he soon shut up.

"Where's everyone?" He ask, while im reaching his wrist "Their coming.." i replied and finally reach his hand.

"There's a pocket knife on my thighs, grab it.." he said and i hummed tapping his thighs.

But i felt something that I touched "what the?! What was that?!" I yelled and he cough nervously.

"That's my manhood–" maybe right now, i want to slap him but there's no time about beatings.

I groaned in frustration and finally found his thighs, i sooner hold a solid thing, maybe this is the knife "Yeah yeah!" He beamed and i grabbed the knife.

"Turn around" i said and i hear him turn around, i hold where the rope is and started to grind it carefully.

"Guys? Are you there?" I heard lucas said, and we both hummed.

When the rope finally cut, i hear zeyne let out a sigh and grab the knife and hold my wrist to cut mine to.

Seconds passed i felt my hands started to loosen, and i remove my blindfold and see zeyne was cutting lucas roped.

"Am i in right direction?" I look at george and my eyes widen, started to suppress my laughter.

"Lucas, zeyne you should see this.." when lucas finally removed his blindfold he look at george and burst into laughter, and zeyne did too when he look at him.

"My God, I-I...i hope i bring my phone!.." lucas yelled and george was looking around in confusion.

"Can you tell me what's happening?!" He yelled, before i shush the two idiots, zeyne beat me to it "There's a spider on your cheeks" george gasp and froze at his states while mouth are close, probably scared for the spider to enter his mouth.

"remove it, zeyne!" I said and push him toward george but he back away "oh no! I'm scared at spider!"

"And do yoy think I'm not?!" I sass and look at lucas he shook his head and raise his hands in surrender "when i was a kid i got bitten by a spider, and i promise to myself that–" we was cut off when sean arrived.

"Guys? You here?" He ask and i grab him by the arm "yeah, zeyne cut his roped.." i said and he walk toward sean and cut his roped easily and sean removed his blindfold.

"Hhmmpp!" Our heads turn into george who's pointing at the spider, right we forget about him.

"Sean can you remove that spider?" I ask and he smirk "I'm scared at spider" i sigh and pick a stick.

"You leave me no choice.." i mumble and wacked the stick toward the spider, toward on George face which i forgot.

When the stick make a connection with his face, it continued a loud thud and a scream "What the f*ck is that?!!" George yelled in shock, while the spider was now dead.

I shiver how creepy is that, hairy and so many legs and so many eyes, and big tummy–okay i should stop that.

Zeyne walk toward george and cut the roped, When george remove his blindfold, a bruise revealed make me gulp and sean lean into my ears to whisper "Way to go, Sis.." i push him away and glare.

"It leave me no choice!" I defense and he shrugged.

"it maybe be painful, but it leave me relief" george mumble rubbing his eyelids and i look at him sympathetically.

"let's move on about spiders, we have to find some equipments so we can defense ourselves" zeyne replied handling me the knife.

"We don't need equipments, we already have strengths and our wolfs.." george said and i shook my head "We don't know that something will happen on us, so we better need a emergency equipment, and need clothes when we shift back" i explained.

"We better get going or someone will saw us" sean said and we all nodded and began to walk.

Everytime we heard small noise we perk up, still guards was on, we found a equipments near at the lake, it's not that so many though, only we found is rope, knifes, and three pants.

The sun was starting to set, and the moon was starting to show up.

"We're aren't lost, are we?" Lucas ask and zeyne shook his head "I don't know, i was trying to catch the flag's scent but it's unexplainable, it's weird" he mumble.

"I'm hungry..." George said along with the grumble inside of his stomach.

"How about we go hunt?" I suggest "no way! What if something gonna happen us while hunting?!" George yelled and lucas smirk.

"then we go together.." a sigh escape from sean, while rubbing his arms, it's winter so it means we're already stepping on the white everett mountain, i know the pack's territory was just miles away.

"Come on guys, we have to walk still, do you want to sleep on snow?" Sean ask and the three shook their heads.

"the let's go..." We started to walk again, while whining, I don't understand why their here when they can't even handle this trial.

Hours later we stop when we heard screams and growls "what the fuck was that?!" George yelled pointing at the light "it's flames.." i mumble.

"let's go!" Lucas yelled and run toward the light, we follow his footsteps and crawl toward the bushes taking a peak.

Our eyes widen in the scene, seeing some wolves was fighting. "did we just... Appear on a war?" Zeyne ask, he can't even collect words because of shocked.

"we have to get out of here before–duck!!" I was cut off when saw a big rock flew toward us, and we all duck.

"what the freak was that?! That was going to kill us!!!" George yelled and we all run, and i was froze when the others run in opposite direction. "no you idiots! Here!" I yelled and they was about to run toward my direction when a wolf lung on lucas.

"aaahhh! Get off of me y-you wolf!" He yelled and i run toward the wolf and push him full of strength and he flew and bump his back on a tree.

"Hurry!" Sean yelled and i grab lucas hand and started to run.

"Five of you! Why your here?!" I heard someone ask and we didn't bother to look at him and continue to run.

I hold sean's hands so I won't leave him, and look at the back and saw many wolves running on our way.

"We're innocent!" Zeyne yelled.

I was about to take a step again when someone grab my leg make me stumble on the ground and face a wolf intop of me, he growled and about to bite me when i push his face away.

"Get off me! You bulldog!!" I yelled and started kicking his legs and pushing his face away so he can't eat me.

"Melody–aaahh!" I heard sean's scream, i look at him and he was been pinned on the tree by a guy.

I look at everyone who was been pinned on the ground too, I can't even do something to help them..

"you kids are rouges!" Someone yelled "we're not kids you old hag! We're teenagers!" zeyne yelled kicking him. he was about to yelled something when the guy who pinned him, heat his head make him faint.

"zeyne!!" Lucas scream, he was about to shift when someone hit the back if his head make him closed his eyes and fell his head unconsciously.

"No!!" i try to push the wolf's head, but it's no use, i growl and bite it's arm made him whimper and back away, i stand up and run toward the guy who's pinning sean and grab him by the neck and i reach my pocket for zeyne's knife and put it on the guy's neck.

"unhand my friends and i will spare this guy's life" i said sternly looking at them seriously, they we're froze maybe it's because of my eyes or this guy, this is my first time threatening someone and killing someone.

"f*ck that b*tch–ah!" i grip the guy's hair and lean on his ear "move and this knife will stuck on your neck" i whisper, I didn't remove my eyes on them, sean was beside me gripping my shirt. "melody, this is so far.." he whisper, i know it is but it's the only way to save our lives.

"w-we we're just wondering a-around, me and m-my friends wa-was in activities b-but we get l-lost" george ranted, he was sweating hardly while looking at me begging to save his life.

"joe, you should unhand them" the guy that i was holding said staring at the knife on his neck "Your eyes was turning blue!" someone yelled and i blink twice to stop it "y-your a monster!" i look away and sean cover me from them.

"please let us go, my sister didn't want to do this too" he spoke glancing at me "let him go melody.." i shook my head and my brows twitch "what if they will do something on us sean! we don't know them" i whisper.

"believe me melody, they won't" i take a deep breath and look at him once again, i loosen the grip on the guy and let him run toward them "now, let go of them" i said but their just looking at me, or behind of me.

i feel something or someone is behind of me, i turn around and fly my leg to kick who it is and suddenly he caught my leg, my eyes land on it's face and saw non other than my mate, he was looking at me with an amuse smirk, which make me annoy.