
Wall Rose has been breached (56)

As Akira was walking out of his house after spending some much-needed rest, as he was going on about his day in his state of heightened sense, Akira remembered something.

When the colossal titan had kicked the wall and when the female titan had screamed to attract the other titans, his vision was blocked by the walls, which shouldn't be possible, he felt like there was something in the wall that stopped his vision.

Deciding to go check out his little hunch, Akira made his way toward the walls.....Once he got there, he touched the wall.

Something fell off....turning on his Byakugan he saw it...

Time skip.

Hange could be seen on top of the wall, they seem to be a survey corp member digging a small hole in the wall.

"Are you sure you saw it" Hange added looking at Akira with a questioning look.

"Yeah, I saw it, there are titans in the walls"

Hange nodded her head a bit as a scream was heard from the man digging the hole.

"Soldier are you okay" Hange added to which the kind calmed down, his breath was heavy and labored...

"There is a titan in the wall," The man said sounding scared.

Hange being the curious woman that she was decided to take a peak in the hole.

As she looked at it, she saw the eyes of a titan looking at her, and her eyes brightened up a bit.

"Hello there big guy"

Akira did not know what was wrong with her but oh well, it is what it is.

Turning on his Byakugan, Akira could see it now, now that he was looking for it he could see it, all throughout the wall there were countless titans, if he were to estimate he would guess it was somewhere in the thousand.

He wondered why there were some many Titans on the walls, he knew that the Titans were inactive because they did not receive much sunlight, however, Akira wondered why would someone need so many Titans, were they trying to trample the world and commit mass genocide or something?

Oh well, he was too bored to even care, at least his post-nut clarity had helped them find something else.

He did wonder where Eren was, probably with Mikasa or something, the two of them were kind of like the stage where to everyone else it looked like they were dating but they would never admit it, by they, he meant Eren, Mikasa would accept it in a heartbeat.

"Squad leader Hange, The walls....all of them, they are titans within each and every single one of them" Akira reported.

The woman nodded her head, she looked at her shaking hand.

How ridiculous, to think the thing that was protecting humanity against those titans was ever more titan.

Her hand shook a bit, she didnt know if it was because she was scared or if it was because she was excited.

As she sat there deep in thought, the sound of a bell ringing was heard and with that sound, Akira's dream of enjoying the rest of his break without being interrupted was shattered.

What could possibly be the news?

Using his byakugan it seemed like one lone scout was returning back to the wall, he seemed to be worried and this was what he reported to Hange, even telling her where the man went.

Well, of course, he was dragged along, turning his gaze toward where the man had come from, using the maximum range of his byakugan which had at this point reached about 10 kilometers if he pushed it to its max, he could see nothing for such a rush.

The distance between Wall Maria and Wall Rose was about 100 kilometers give or take, so he was only able to see 1/10 of the actual distance there.

It seemed like the Titan attack was farther out.

He sighs to himself.

He was summoned by Erwin, and as he entered the man's office, he showed his respect before listening to the man talk.

"Cadet Akira Hyuga, I apologize for having to call you during your time off, however, this is an emergency," The man said in the commanding voice that he was known for.

Akira just opened his mouth and said "It was fine"

"What is the emergency" He added raising one eyebrow as he looked at the commander.

"We have reason to believe that wall Rose has been breached" Akira nodded upon hearing those words.

So instead of sending a full-on battalion for the search they were going to send him.

He was able to put 2 and 2 together to understand what the man wanted of him.

And just like he expected the order came as such, he was to inspect wall Rose for any sign that it had been broken.

In order to make sure the work was too much for him, there would be squads already doing the job, however, his job was to be there to make their progress faster.....

That was a lot of work, well as long as he wasn't stuck at the top of a castle fighting for his life in the middle of the night while a giant monkey threw rocks at him, he was fine.

Yeah, he dared Mother Nature to make that happen, he made sure to be super specific this time around, there was no way a monkey titan existed.

He sure hoped this ended fast.

A/N I took a nap reason why chapter are later than usual