
The first Hyuga (65)

Pov change.

Akira felt like he was touching a tree, this tree felt familiar, Hamura came here very often, he would walk around the tree and sometimes even water it.

He would come here to relax and stuff, Akira was getting annoyed.

Krista needed him for Christ's sake, he could feel her wanting him to come back.

But instead, he was here, forced to be blind and experience the life of a man, who was around roughly 2000 years ago.

He estimated that because the man still used a bow and arrow and from what he heard, the house was still somewhat made of wood, only the chief house seemed to be made of stone.

So he estimated they were roughly in the medieval-ish era, early medieval era to be a bit more exact, around 1000 years before Christ give or take.

Apart from that, he had no other clue really...apart from the fact that the people here seem to speak, mandarin or Japanese, he wasn't sure, it sounded so old that even if he had read some Japanese book or Chinese book, he wouldn't get it.

Language evolves over time, Tldr, he just wanted to say he didn't get shit.

He had to live through this man's life for roughly about 2 years now.....

As Akira was getting annoyed, he suddenly felt his heartbeat quicken, and the sound of footsteps could be heard, alongside running.

"Hamura run.....The eldian empire is attacking, Run"

The sound of a titan roar could be heard, it was powerful, and Akira could tell.

"What about you brother!" Hamura's voice could be heard saying clearly worried.

"I will be fine, don't worry...just run and don't look back!" The man shouted.

Tears fell down Hamura's eyes, the man shouted at him to run, and thus Hamura began to run.

The sound of arrows could be heard.

"We not doing any damage!"

"What is that monster?"

"She is not taking any damage?"

"So this was the reason why the eldian empire was undefeated"


"Mommy...I am scared"

"It's going to be okay sweety...everything will be fine" The mom's voice sounded more like she was trying to reassure herself than her child.

Hamura ran and ran...he never looked back, like the blind man he was, he ran, somehow managing to dodge everything coming at him.

His sense had been enhanced in every sense he lost his sense of sight.

Hamura ran like its life depended on it...

Akira felt pain...like something metallic had made contact with his skin, he wanted to scream, however, Hamura did not stop running, even if what seemed to be an arrow had pierced his shoulder.

"He is running away...get him!" A man's voice could be heard saying.

"Let him go," Another man said bored.

"Why, he is getting away!"

"It's just one man...plus I heard he is blind, what can someone as pitiful as him possibly do to us"

"You are right" The other man added.

"However, he can be great dog food," The man said with what seemed to be a demonic smile on his face.

The other man also smiled a bit, they walked toward where the dogs were and let them loose.

Hamura ran life his life depended on it...because well it did, not even daring to look behind him.

He ran and ran, He could hear the sound of the dogs getting closer and closer to him.

He was scared.....The pain of a dog biting his leg was felt...

Hamura's face contorted, he seemed to be restricting a scream from coming out.

Hamura fell to the floor, as the dog began to maul him, feeling his life being drained from his body, Hamura screamed out, pushing the dog away from his body, and with the final ounce of his energy he came to the tree...his blood staining the dirt beneath his foot.

As the dogs reached the tree....they stopped, it was as if they could smell something very dangerous beneath that tree, and they just began to circle around Akira/Hamura...

Hamura however had no clue and just tried to escape...He felt a hollow spot in the tree, his eyes filled with hope, he walked into that hollow point however, as he stepped inside, instead of feeling solid grown, he fell.

Akira fell for a solid 5 seconds before he fell into some water.....

As the water kissed his skin, he could feel the cold water all around him, his blood staining the water red, Hamura began to fall deeper into the water, his body sinking deeper and deeper into the water.

He could feel the light drained from his eyes.

Something else was in the water with him, a weird glowing centipede could be seen, a being who just like another somewhere on the planet had refused to evolve.

The centipede circles around the man.

Hamura felt something was off, opening his eyes, he could somewhat see the strange created....as he was dying, he couldn't help but admire it.

The being, noticing the man's blank eyes, could tell that the man's vision was deformed.....the centipede crawled closer to the man before....entering his eyes...

A lightning strike was felt outside of the tree.....

Hamura could be seen standing outside...

He opened his eyes.....

The first Hyuga...was born.

A/N...So...on a scale of 1 to 10, how believable was that, I try to use from the attack on Titan World to say how the byakugan was made....

At first, I thought, well I could say the tree that Ymir found was a chakra fruit tree or some shit like that, but then I thought, I am not introducing Otsusuki to that world, so then I thought, wait, if one of them refused to evolve, what if another also refused to do that, what would happen if they connect with a blind man eyes....and bam, everything clicked, so yes, both the titan power and the byakugan came from the same power source, so they share a lot in common, if something could buff one of them chances are, it could buff the other.