
I gave in (55)

Currently inside his house, Akira could be seen playing cards with someone, well he was bored and he had roughly a whole week off, so he decided to spend that time with the person he cared most about.

With the female titan taken care of, their next titan expedition should be way easier, he wondered what the world had to offer them this time around.

He was just a bit excited to see the world outside of the wall, he had no real idea about how everything was, or how Annie gained her titan ability.

He wonder if people were just born with it like his byakugan, it wasn't something he thought someone could just randomly train for, after all, comparing Annie with Eren and even the colossal titan.

Their source of power seemed to come from a weird blue tree, and even if everyone he had met was connected to this tree, with Krista looking like she was connected to the roots of that tree, he could not find anything more.

He wondered how titan shifters were born, Were they like hollows in bleach, as they devour more and more humans they eventually evolve into a human, or was it when they ignored their hunger that they could evolve into a human shape?

The possibilities were endless...not like his current position where there was only one route for everything to end.

And would you look at that, she had gotten a week off due to her working so hard, she was doing her best and he could tell.

She truly wanted to be able to stand by his side and be his equal, looking at her from up close he noticed that her hair had grown longer.

She was wearing a simple white shirt and a pink skirt, her hair was let loose a bit, she seemed to be having fun, and that was always a good thing.

Playing cards was nice, plus he won.

"That's not fair, you cheated," She said not believing she lost so fast.

"Not my fault you suck at playing cards," He said giving her a teasing smile which she just looked annoyed.

Gosh, she was fun to tease.

She glared at him but he just smiled, she had no way of proving that he cheated, she had not seen any veins around his eyes.

The couple just spoke about their day afterward, with Akira winning most of the matches, and she looked annoyed.

He gave the girl a massage to calm her down, but you see in the middle of massing her, he accidentally slipped inside of her.

I know, crazy. When he tried to get out, he was somehow pulled back in.

It was so crazy in fact that it went on for about 30 or so minutes, oh the perks of being a soldier, that stamina was great.

Anyway enough about that, he wasn't wrong now was he, he did nothing wrong, it's just that he so happened to slip in there... a lot.

Yeah, he swore it on the Uchiha clan soul it was just an accident....either way, the majority of that clan was going to hell so there was no way they could fall further.

It was also an accident that she became a horse rider, truly, an accident that could happen to anyone.

He did nothing wrong, granted there was no actual horse involved, she was riding something though.

Yeah, this was definitely how he should spend his break, doing what he was doing right now.

If he really looked at it, he was really training, yeah, he was improving his stamina.

That is, yeah that's how he would call it, training.

He would also consider pulling on her hair also training to when he was riding a horse without any leash and he had to grab the horse mane instead.

Yeah, this was one hundred percent training, and not him trying to justify his horny decision.

As they lay in the bed, their clothes scattered around the bed, Akira did not even bother doing what he usually did by shutting off her womb.

This should take care of that random ass voice in his mind for a while, it should at least be content with this.

He held Krista close as the girl snuggled herself closer to him.

Akira gazed at the ceiling of his cabin, he had done an amazing job making his cabin soundproof or else he wouldn't be able to do what he had just done.

He did not regret it one bit, after all, he did nothing wrong really.

Akira sighed a bit, knowing that as soon as next week started, he would be sent on a lot of missions, he didn't think Erwin would risk the chance of him being killed so he would probably work from a distance away from the Titans, something like the guy who does the resonance and sensing of the crew and assist the other scouts but never really get into the titan slaying act himself.

Until then, he would make sure to thoroughly enjoy his breaks.