
Growing feelings (29)

Akira was currently using his ODM gear at maximum speed as he was just zooming past everyone, slashing the makeshift titan nape so quickly that the damage only registered after he left.

As he got a titan, he knew that at this speed no one could see him using his byakugan, however, he refrained from doing it and just sped up even more.

At some point he had practically become a blur, using the power of the ODM gear alongside...well, his superhuman strength, his speed went far beyond what the gear could offer.

One second he may be infront of you, the next he would be behind you.

Reiner seeing this had a cold sweat dropping behind his ears, there was no other way to describe this.

Akira seemed to practically be superhuman, even if he had the same amount of fuel as them, he was using his fuel more efficiently and covering more distance.

He seemed like a beast in the flesh, and to think that this young boy was only 14, he was nowhere near his prime.

If this was the power that the Hyuga clan possessed then it was starting to make sense why 'they' wanted it so much.

The eyes of a Hyuga only work for a Hyuga as they are the only ones who have evolved to support such specialized eyes.

If this mission does not go well.....he could be their way out of not getting top from a titan...

Akira took a deep breath before, the next second, 3 titan napes had been slashed.

Akira gazed at his sword, there was no damage on the sword, and everything seemed to be normal.

It seemed like, if he could coat the sword with chakra then it would become way sharper and take way less damage.

He grinned a bit, this was fun, he was experimenting with ways he could use his abilities...

He wanted to hold back so as not to draw attention but it was just so hard when everyone else was far beneath him in terms of physical might.

It was like an adult trying to hold back against a toddler, it wasn't fun at all.

He didnt know when, but at random intervals, his truth strength would come out, however, he would restrict it.

He wanted to be in the same group as Krista, he didnt want to be separated from her.

Manually slowly himself down, he kept a relatively slow pace, though by the time his foot touched the floor.

He realized something...

All the titan dummies had been slain...He scratched his cheeks a bit...

Maybe...just maybe he went a bit overboard.

Pov shift.

Krista/Historia watched as Akira managed to move around so fast, she was amazed by his speed.

"Dr Touch a lot is probably going to be number one"Ymir added looking at the boy go.

"You think?" Krista replied in a soft voice.

"I mean, it's the goddam obvious choice"

"I thought him and Mikasa were close"

"Sure maybe they are close in some aspect but Doctor touches a lot, and is better overall, During that snowstorm, he was the only reason why no one froze to death or got lost, in all Categories he ranks first or second, him ending up as first is obvious, everyone knows it" Ymir added shrugging her shoulder.

"Really!" Krista added confused.

"Look around Krista and tell me what you think"

Krista gazed around at her fellow cadet and couldn't help but notice one emotion in their eyes as they gazed at him, some were jealousy, some were awe, some were respect...but what all of those eyes had in common was the simple fact that they seem to admit, he was better than them.

"He is probably going to the Military Police Brigade, if you don't catch up, he might leave you behind" Ymir added, Krista gripped her blade tighter.

She didnt want that, she really didnt want that.

"He wouldn't" She replied confidently, she knew that he would always be there for her.

That was their promise, after all, he wouldn't break their promise....would he?

Even if deep down she knew he would, she still wanted to work harder in order to have the chance to stand next to him.

She wanted to be helpful to him and not become a burden.

Gripping her blade tightly, she rushed at a nearby titan dummy and used the full speed of the ODM gear.

She managed to slash a mark in one of the titan's necks.

The slash however seems to be a bit shallow.

She was somewhat annoyed, she wanted to be by his side...

No matter what, she wanted to be by the side of the person she treasured the most....the person she loved...

As that thought flashed to her mind, her grip on her sword temporarily loosened.

So this was what she was feeling....love.

She loved him and wanted to be by his side no matter what.

Ymir in the background, just watched as Krista went through a variety of emotions, it did not take a genius to figure out that the girl had a crush on him.