
Choices (13)

Akira helped the girl up.

"You okay"

"I am fine"

She dusted herself but she weakly fell back on the floor, flat on her ass.

Akira could tell she was weakened.

Vein started appearing around his eyes once again as he looked at her leg.

Some of her life energy points seem to have been blocked by someone.

Not hesitating to jump in and help.

He lowers himself to her level before saying.

"Let me help"

After saying those words and getting her consent via her nodding her head.

He started to press her life energy points or Tenketsu points.

Using his own life energy or bootleg chakra, he slowly started to infuse his own energy into them in order to unclog them.

They seemed to have gotten clogged due to a lack of nutrition and what seemed to be repeated falls in that same position.

Once he was done, he deactivated his eyes, and upon looking at the girl....she seemed to be staring at his white pupilless eyes as if she had seen them somewhere.

Was she by any chance a noble.....her life force did look a bit more different than every other eldian, she seemed to be closer to some sort of tree than everyone else.

If every person on the island came from the same person or someone closely related then, Krista was probably the closest he had seen from everyone else.

Was it because she was a girl.....his only other reference for girls was Mikasa and she wasn't exactly normal.

She seemed to possess that same energy that Eren had but a bit more compressed into a human shape.

His eyes wasnt good enough to view the whole picture, he still needed to evolve them further.

Well, the girl was saved, so the best thing for him to do was...

Pulling out some of the dried meat that he had.

He handed it over to the girl saying "Eat up, you seem like you are starving"

"Thank you..."

She mutter before eating the food that was handed to her....for some strange reason she seem unusually trusting of him.

Well, that probably was nothing he needed to worry about.

"This should last you a week, hide it well okay," He said handing her every piece of dried-off meat he had on him.

The reason why he had them on him was because he wanted to have a snack the whole way through.

But she needed it more than him.

"T...Thank you..." She said giving him a bright smile.

She seemed happy to see him as if she knew he would come....this was weird.

He had never met her a day in his life, he wondered why she was so giddy.

As he prepared himself to leave, he felt her tug on his shirt..as he looked back, he saw the face of the girl looking at him with adorable eyes saying.

"Where are you going?"

'Jeez her grip is strong'

Was the thought going to his mind as he realized how strong that girl's grip was on him?

"I was planning on walking back home"

"Oh...." She seemed a bit distraught

He then looked at her sorry state before noticing the countless people looking at the food in her hand.

Yeah, she would not have survived the night if he left her there....should he really interfere with canon.....or should he let his conscience bite him hard because he let a little girl get assaulted?

He sighed feeling like he was going to regret saying this, however, he didnt want to do it.

"You can come with me if you want"

Did her face light up, why was her face lighting up so much?

She nodded her head in acceptance...all the people that were staring at her looked annoyed.

They had seen this kid effortlessly beat 3 grown men without breaking a sweat, he had beaten them in 3 moves, one move for each of them.

They were in no mood to attack him and figure out what was his upper limit, over 3 pieces of dried meat.

They could bite their time for now.

Krista breathed a sigh of relief, she was glad he was here...those pearly white eyes of his...they were just like the story her sister had read to her as a kid.

A warrior capable of protecting his queen, she felt safe.

For once since she had come to the concentration camps...she wouldn't be starved for days on end, she would not be bullied by people stronger than her.

She could finally be safe.

Akira on the other hand felt like this whole encounter had been planned, like someone had made sure he had met her that day.

What was the chance that the day he decided to go down the mountain for provision would be the day a little girl who was also one of the characters in the attack on Titan story was being harassed?

This felt planned....the question now was by who.

His brow furrowed a bit, this was a question he wouldn't get an answer to well until he was in his late teens.

On a side note, he now had adopted someone...