
Chapter 4 It’s Called Fear

[Electro Mage's POV]

"So tell me girl, exactly why should I have mercy on you?"

Never have I ever been so afraid in my life! We were just on a mission to scout out Mondstat for The Fair Lady, and then we ended taking a rest to go over what we gathered. I told them that our mission was secret and we couldn't be this careless as to camp in the middle of no where! The Fatui aren't necessarily popular, what with all of the immoral acts we do. Yes, even I'm aware our actions don't appeal to the general populace. But I don't really care. So long as The Tsaritsa's will be done, I didn't care what happened.

Until now that is.

Who even is this monster?! The Fair Lady couldn't hope to warn us about this threat sooner, and what's with his whole 'I'm broke' none sense?! He very much looks like he's in a very high level of society! I guess it's true when they say don't judge a book by it's cover.

"I'm still waiting for my answer girl. After what all you and the others have done, I find no logical reasoning as to why I should spare you as well."


"I-I-I can give you anything you want! Name your price and it'll be yours! You said you needed Mora right?! I know where to get you a good amount!" I said hoping to appeal to him at least somewhat.

"I heard you say that already, but I doubt if you specifically, can really give me 'anything I want'." he says impassively.

Damnit! If I don't hurry and think of something, I'm going to end up like the rest of them! Wait I know!

"You don't really want to kill me do you?"

He raised his eyebrow at me in confusion.

"No, I don't."

I smile inwardly.


"However, I wouldn't really feel anything from your death should you do die. So I wouldn't do anything stupid that would force me to kill you."

Damnit again! What do I do now?! Suddenly, I see a familiar hood with red accents creeping up slowly behind him. Yes, go go go! The Pyro Fatui Agent then tries to do swift sneak attack. Key word, tries.

Another one of his Geo cubes spawns right before his knife hits his neck. Then, that same Geo cube launched itself at the Fatui Agent, smacked him square in the face (even with the mask on, I'm pretty sure his face got messed up by that attack), and sent him flying away from us.

After that, I begin to lose all hope. I'm never going to get out of this.

"*Sigh* That was the third one who didn't learn from previous failures. That attack didn't work on me then, why would it work on me now?" he said in minor disappointment.

"Now where was I? Ah yes. You were going to fufil what you said you would do: tell me everything I want to know."

I look in acceptance as his eyes emanate a bright, yellow glow, reminiscent of the Geo element, while mine shed tears of regret.

*Timeskip 1 hour later* [Amil's POV]

The information I obtained from that Cicin Mage was quite valueable. She was also not entirely lying when she spoke about money. Somehow, the pouches of Mora they had on themselves didn't get damaged at all during our fight. One might wonder as to how I got the Mora from the Fatui. The answer would be me using my Geo powers to bring up their pouches. Convinent, if I do say so myself.

With the dimensional pouch of Mora in my possession, I have now solved the currency problem. Now onto the next step: Mondstat.

Thanks to the map gifted to me by the oh so generous Cicin Mage, I was able to pinpoint where it was and fly over there using my Anemo powers. Heh, I just realized the humor in using the power of Anemo to reach the city blessed by the Anemo Archon. I wonder if I should continue to use the Geo element or switch up and use the Anemo element simply for this city? Hmm, no. I'll stick with the 'Pick one element to use and don't change that unless necessary' plan. Yes, I'll do that.

As I close in on Mondstat, I lower myself to ground level before I reach their proximity. I have a feeling a random person flying in through the castle walls without permission or warning whatsoever will garner unwanted attention and unnecessary tension.

After I reach the ground, I continue my trek towards the City of Freedom when I suddenly hear a furious roar. I immediately check my surroundings for any would-be wild beast when I then see a turquoise dragon soaring into the sky. I also noticed that the big dragon has purple spikes growing from the his top. It's eyes are of the same color. Something tells me that those purple spikes aren't part of his natural physiology.

In spite of the potential threat looming above me, I still intended to make my way towards Mondstat. After less than 10 minutes, I arrived at the bridge of over the lake and in front of the castle-like structure that is Mondstat. I walk over on the bridge and head in towards the front entrance. The guards near the edges of the entrance turn to look at me. One of them said unto me

"Hello, and welcome to Mondstat traveler. I hope that whatever you came here for, Mondstat will be able provide for you."

At that, I couldn't help but smile as I respond with,

"Thank you for having me in your care."