
Hyper-World Demon King

Saneko Sarakana attends a magic school only to realize she has no powers at all. That is, until she realizes she the one destined to be the host of the Demon King's soul. No one can defeat the Demon King!

Sker_8041 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Cathedral of Heavens

Pikku looked up at Saneko and asked, "Can we go outside of the city to find more evil magic users to stop?"

Saneko thought for a moment before responding, "I already know where the source of evil on the second layer is. We don't need to waste time looking elsewhere."

Pikku looked surprised, "Really? Where is it?"

Saneko didn't answer Pikku's question. Instead, she grabbed her by the arm and teleported both of them to the top of a far away mountain.

Saneko pointed to a grand cathedral-like building in the distance and said, "That's where the source is." Pikku looked at the building, noticing countless guards surrounding it. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Pikku asked.

Saneko responded, "I couldn't. I felt like someone was watching us, but they seem to have stopped now."

Saneko reached out her hand. Suddenly, a massive explosion shook the air. Pikku's eyes widened in shock and fear as she watched the guards of the cathedral-like building being blown away in the explosion. The force of the blast was so strong that it could be seen for miles around, and the ground shook beneath their feet.

Saneko quickly grabbed Pikku's hand and teleported them both to the entrance of the building, which was now completely unguarded. Pikku looked up at Saneko, her face pale with fear.

"What was that?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Saneko's gazed at the now-destroyed entrance. "I wanted to get in as quickly as possible."

Saneko and Pikku walked into the grand, cathedral-like building and looked around in awe. The interior was vast and spacious, with high ceilings and elegant arches that gave the impression of being in a holy place.

As Saneko and Pikku were exploring the cathedral-like building, Pikku suddenly stopped in her tracks and pointed to a doorway.

"Saneko, look over there! I found a strange entrance," said Pikku.

Saneko walked over to where Pikku was standing and examined the entrance. It was a small and narrow doorway.

"What do you think is behind it?" asked Saneko, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm not sure, but I think we should find out," replied Pikku.

Saneko nodded in agreement, and they both stepped closer to the doorway. Pikku placed her hand on the door and pushed gently, but the doorway did not budge.

"It won't open," said Pikku, disappointed.

"Let me try," Saneko said as she suddenly burst through the door with a giant fireball.

The intensity of the heat made Pikku step back in surprise.

"Let's go." Saneko told Pikku.

Pikku nodded and they both headed down the dark hallway behind the door.

Saneko and Pikku looked around the dark space, their eyes adjusting to the dim light. The space stretched on for longer than the building should.

"This space inside the Cathedral must be a pocket dimension that is bigger than the actual building," Saneko said, her voice echoing in the darkness.

Pikku nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "It is indeed strange that this space is so large. But how do we find our way through it?"

Saneko was about to summon a fireball to light the way when Pikku stepped forward and held out her hand. Suddenly, a small flame appeared in her palm, growing bigger and brighter until it illuminated the area around them.

Saneko was shocked at the sight. She knew Pikku was practicing her magic, but she had no idea that she had practiced her abilities to the point of being able to summon fire at will.

"I had no idea you could do that now." Saneko said as she smiled in amazement.

Pikku was beaming with pride as Saneko praised her. "I've been practicing a lot," she said. "I wanted to surprise you." Saneko smiled at her companion's enthusiasm and was impressed by her dedication.

As they continued down the dark path, Pikku happily shared that her magic value had increased to 15. Saneko was once again surprised by her companion's progress, as Pikku's abilities had increased significantly since they first met.

Saneko and Pikku continued on, their path now illuminated by the flickering flame in Pikku's hand.

Saneko and Pikku continued walking through the dark space that seemed to stretch on for much longer than the building should allow. Saneko's eyes scanned the area for any signs of danger, but all she saw was the darkness.

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the space, causing Saneko and Pikku to jump in surprise. "Welcome, Demon King," the voice said. "You have entered the realm of the Lord of Heavens. Know that you will certainly die on your journey."

Saneko frowned and crossed her arms. "I don't have time for this," she muttered. With a wave of her hand, the projection of the voice disappeared.

Pikku looked up at Saneko with wide eyes. "Wow, you can erase even the Lord of Heavens' projection ability?" she asked, impressed.

Saneko shrugged. "It's just a cheap trick. Let's keep going," she said, letting out a small yawn.

Pikku nodded and followed Saneko as they continued through the darkness, the light from the fire she had summoned casting flickering shadows on the walls around them.

The Lord of Heavens realized that his power had been erased by Saneko, and he chuckled at her arrogance. "You are quite bold to erase my projection, Demon King," he said. "But I will give you a chance. My perspective on reality shapes it, but I will allow you to continue on your journey."

Pikku looked up at Saneko, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Do you think we should be worried?" she asked.

Saneko just shook her head. "Don't worry about it," she said. "I can face whatever comes our way and come out on top, just like always."