
Hyde's Vampire Academy

I never thought in my lifetime that monsters were real. That every scary story told had truth to it. I never thought I'd ever stare down death and somehow find out I wasn't living at all.

Darknesslove2023 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter Seven

Matthew POV

I walked into Hyde's office as he's sitting at his desk reading paper work I let out a huff. "So, no punishment was given to Athena for her actions this morning?" I asked Hyde. "It's her first day Matthew, I decided on to be so hard on her" Hyde informed me. "Oh great, so the lunch lady gets to come here everyday in fear while Athena remains unpunished?" I questioned, shaking my head. He arched his brow, looking at me. "Are you questioning my decisions?" He asked. "No..." I shook my head. "Of course not Hyde, but Athena is unpredictable and impatient and really stubborn" I pointed out. "As were you went you first were turn brother" Hyde reminded me. "Give the girl some time to adjust, I'm sure you will see she's just fine" Hyde informed me. Is he ignoring the fact she looks identical to Ember? "Hyde, Are you not at all worried about the fact that this girl looks identical to Ember?" I asked him. The moment the words left my lips I had regretted them. He let out a sigh "I worry...but it shall not change what has happened nor shall it change what will happen. I have people looking into Athena's past" Hyde tells me. "Let me help, maybe we can figure out what's going on--" he cut me off. "No, I need you here in this school" He shook his head. "Why?" I questioned. "Because, the things I have other Vampires doing are...." He paused. I knit my brows together "What is going on Hyde?" I asked him. There was something he wanted to tell me but something he couldn't say. "I have it taken care of, for now keep an eye on Athena" He says to me. "Alright, if that's what you wish" I nodded. I walked over the door and grabbed the handle. "Oh and Matthew..." He spoke causing me to stop to a halt. "Do you mind speaking with Mr. Turner after Athena class. I want to know what powers she possess as a Vampire" Hyde tasked me. "Yes, Sir" I nodded before heading out of his office.

Athena POV

"Now, today class we're going to practice learning what your gifts are and honing them" Mr Turner spoke. "In this class you will learn not to just use them but to control them" He explained. "Remember, using one's powers to harm another Vampire is against the law and will result in unspeakable punishment by our council" He reminded us. "Everyone up, stand in a single line so we can practice" He instructed us. We all stood to our feet but Bethany was the first one in line, flipping her hair as she smiled. I got in line behind Bliss and let out a sigh. "Bethany, you're up first" Mr. Turner tells her. She nodded and stuck out her hands and just like that fire shot from them, hitting the other side of the room where the target sat. "Holy...shit" I heard someone whisper. "Good job as always Bethany" Mr.Turner tells her. I seen some cool powers, from moving things across the room, turning invisible and reading minds I thought I had seen it all. Bliss was up next, she took her spot and took a deep breathe. She then release it a gust of wind entered the room, causing everyone to duck down as a chair flew across the room. "Okay! Good job, a little more control next time. But that was good Bliss" Mr. Turner tells her. "Athena, you're next" Mr. Turner says to me as Bliss makes her way over to her desk. I shifted uncomfortably "What's your gift?" He asked me. "I-I don't know" I shook my head. I heard a scuffle of laughter among the classroom. "No, none of that" Mr.Turner says. "That's alright Athena, it's perfectly fine" He nodded. "How about you try to focus and see what comes natural to you?" He suggested. I take a deep breath before I begin to focus, a long moment but nothing happened. I opened my eyes only to hear Bethany and her friends giggling to one another. "Hey, stop" Mr. Turner tells them as they are whispering to one another. "It's alright, sometimes it takes other vampires longer to know their gifts and how to tune into them" He informed me. "Right..." I sighed. "Take a seat though" He suggested. I sit down at my desk, looking over towards Bethany and her friends who are whispering and giggling to one another as they stared at me. In this moment I wanted to hide from everyone right now.

Later that day I'm sitting in the lunch room with Bliss. "You look down..." Bliss pointed out. "No, I just...." I paused, thinking about how I wanted to word it. "It's not normal...Is it?" I questioned. "What?" Bliss asked. "For a vampire not to show any sort of gifts or abilities?" I asked her. 'From what my creator has told me, it's not unheard of" She shrugged her shoulders. "Your gifts will grow as you grow. My powers didn't come until a year after I was turned" She explained. My eyes went wide "A year?!" I scoffed, knowing that there went any chance that I could have my powers by tomorrow. "Really, Athena. Don't stress too much" She shook her head before taking a drink from her blood bag. I let out a sigh before standing to my feet "Where are you going? Bliss asked me. "I need to get out of here" I shook my head before walking out of the lunch room and turning the corner. I walked down the stairs and found myself standing at the schools large wooden doors. I thought for a moment about what my life could be like right now. My eyes stared at the sun as it's beginning to set behind the trees in the distance and I knew then I would never be able to walk outside in the daylight and feel the warm sun on my face, get a tan and go swimming on hot summer days. I'd never be able to do things I used to as a human and that only felt like it torn me a part. I shoved my feelings down deep in the pit of my stomach before turning and walking towards the dorm room where I began my homework for the night.