
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs

Sorcerer Supreme...

I woke up feeling a weight on my chest. Looking down I see crimson hair blocking my view. As I look down I remember...

As we fly towards Nile we noticed that civilization around it seems to be spreading, they already had what looked like houses , and what I would guess is temples.

"Egypt seems to be growing." Lily nods at that, and I continue "Do you remember anything about Egypts magical history?"

"Well I was never that interested in history beyond what magic they were known for. That would be Necromancy, magic related to soul and there warders were extremely wicked."

"Well we will have chance to see how their society progress."

Lily looks at me and asks " You want to stay here?"

"Well yes this will be center of happening in foreseeable future. Of course we will move around, we have to finda a way and start creating a safe place for magical creatures for now, earth it self is safe at last until industrial age."

"I agree with that ,but I would like to have a place we can experience with magic and stay away from mortals. If they notice we don't age things might get complicated."

As we talked we lended far away from a city, on a small mountain, that would be extremely hard for humans to climb.

"What do you think about this place?" I asked

"Didn't you want to go further to lake Victoria?"

"Yes, but that was before we saw civilization spreading. If we stay here we will have easier access to food too."

So we started working on making a home inside of a mountain. Lilly first used her magic to make the mountain hollow. As she created blocks of stone I used my telekinesis to move them, and try to build something that looked like mix between mountain and a temple.

As we were working on our home I felt someone approaching us at a high speed. Leaving Lilly to her work I fly out to see who was coming.

As I held my self with telekinesis in the air, I could see a man flying towards me. He was dressed in what looked like combination of robes and armor with a strange hat that had what looked like a ruby on it. Oh yes, he was also wearing what I am pretty sure is Eye of Agamotto.

As he got close he started talking in what I can only guess is ancient Egyptian. "Sorry, I don't understand you" I then sent a small telepathic probe. He looked confused for a second but the he returned with his own.

*Hello mage, what brings you to this parts of the world*

*Hello, am I correct in guessing that you are current sorcerer supreme?*

It would probably be for the best to explain what we are doing, but I won't mention beings that sent as here, I will only say it was Earth spirits request.

*Yes I am sorcerers supreme Hermes Trismegistus, and you are?*

I sent what would best be described as a telekinetic package with all information he needed. As he got information his eyes widened.

*Is this true?*

*I could swear it on my magic*

He noded at that. *Maybe we can help each other then* he said.

After that I introduced him to Lily. Hermes was an interesting person to talk to ,and from him we found out how mages came to ba as well as difference between a mage and a sorcerer.

Apparently at the beginning Earth was home to beings called elder gods. They were really clusters of magic that obtained sentiants and made bodies for them self of element. They would better be described as elementals. At some point they started fighting between each other, and this wouldn't allow humans and other races to prosper.

One of their children Agamotto with help of the earth spirit banished them to their own dimensions, but before that thay had many children with human and even some animals. Those children weren't powerful enough for enchantment Agamotto used to create different dimensions for them using their power like it did for their parents. Agamotto made a deal with them, he with earth's and their help created pocket dimensions that are attached to earth for them.

That was how Asgard, Olympus and others were created. In exchange for those realms they would avoid coming to earth as much as possible ,and would never go to war between each other on earth.

Those children, while some looked human were different, they were born with souls that produce mana natural. While this meant thay wouldn't be able to use sorcery they had their own magical energy and wouldn't need to borrow from others.

Before they left the earth they had children with humans, and while this children didn't have bodies that were inherently magical. Meaning super strong, fast , durable and so on ,their soul did produce mana for them to use. That was how mages or wizards came into being.

Main thing that we got from this meeting were runes. In exchange for us explaining how we use magic and what we discovered he allowed us to study runes that order of sorcerers preserved from eras before this one.

From what he told us humans had two eras before one we live in. One was era when Atlantis existed ,and not much is known form that time. After that came Hyborean Age that was deleted form history by some means and only thing left from it were those that were in sorcerers sanctum sanctorum.

We spent around a hundred years just learning runes there were many accidents. We learned everything we could and this includes new Egypt hieroglyphs and Summerian runes.

We also learned something about our self well rather it was pointed to us. We don't seem to have any issues with time passing. When we concentrate on something we don't notice it like humans would, for us spreading one hundred years was like for humans a few months ,while we were working on the runes.

Anyway it has been long time since we travelled anywhere so today we are going to leave for Europe. We want to see it before humans start creating their kingdoms.

"Lily get up it is time to go." "Be quite, I wanna sleep." I sigh.

Over the years we spent together Lily and me have become close. We aren't a couple or anything, well I think we aren't. But we don't have anybody else and lions are social cats so with time we started sleeping together, it is just nicer when you have someone to hold on while you sleep.

Anyway time to go, Europe is waiting. We have warded our mountain, so our resource and out vibranium will be safe. Now I just need to wake up lioness that is sleeping on my chest.


AN: I hope you guys enjoy chapter.

I have speed up creating of hieroglyphs for some thousand years or so ,but this is fantasy ,and I really want to get to runes already.

I hope you guys enjoy chapter.

I have speed up creating of hieroglyphs for some thousand years or so ,but this is fantasy ,and I really want to get to runes already.

Strongicreators' thoughts