

On a road near the amazon rain forest, Astrid was driving her new car with Allison next to her. They drove for a while until Allison couldn't take the silence any more.

"Alright so question how many people are in your pack?" Allison asked.

"Well last time I was awake we were six if you include me and it's not just my pack anymore it's ours remember plus I'd say we've expanded don't you think" Astrid said.

"Right yeah, sorry kind of nerves meeting them, what if they don't like me since you know I come from a family of hunters" Allison said worried.

"Well, if you were just my girlfriend Maya may give you the cold shoulder until proven otherwise since she hates hunters well not all hunters only the guilty ones and you may have to earn the others trust which you might still have to especially Kathrin's, but you're not just my girlfriend you are my mate we're bonded for life or in our case eternity" Astrid said easing Alison's mind just a bit.

"Ok so another question have you given someone else the bite or I'm I your first?"

"You were my second actually the first person I bite was Kathrin well more like she begged me to and I couldn't say no to her" Astrid said with a fond smile, 'I wonder how my little kit cat is doing'.

"And why did she?" Allison asked snapping Astrid out of her thoughts.

"Because she's my daughter" Astrid said shocking Allison.

"You have a daughter?"

"Adopted daughter but yes I have a daughter, why?"

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"Well you never asked and it never came up" Astrid said with a smile.

"Oh my god I can't believe I'm mated to a milf"

"A milf huh i guess I kind of am but wouldn't that make me your sugar mommy" Astrid said.

"So should I start calling you mommy then" Allison said before smirking when she smelled the arousal coming from Astrid at the word, "So you have a mommy kink huh"

"If we're going to talk about kink how about you having a spanking kink" Astrid said smirking at the deep blush on Allison's face.

"That was one time" Allison said trying to avoid her girlfriend's eyes.

"So we shouldn't do it next time" Astrid asked

"I never said that"

"So we should yes or no"

"Yes mommy" Allison said smirking when she heard Astrid growl.

"Aright let's change the subject before things get out of hand" Astrid said.

"Ok so who do you think we are likely to meet out here?" Allison asked.

"I would say Maya because she the one that usually enjoys forest's like these" Astrid said.

"How did she get turned if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well Maya was one of the few rare cases" Astrid said.

"How so"

"She was born between a human mother a werejaguar father. You see what makes this rare is children born in these cases come out as human only one out of 15 kids inherit the supernatural gene from the father and its vice versa if the mother is supernatural. Her father died before she was born to hunters so she grew up not knowing who her father is. The mother not expecting her daughter to be supernatural moved on and remarried plus since the supernatural gene doesn't become active until teen years you could expect what happened next.


In a quite village a 13 year old Maya was playing with some friends on a creek in the forest until one of the local boys who is known for his bullying of kids took a doll that her mother had made for her.

"Hey give that back that's mine" Maya said irritated.

"Not anymore its not what is anyway" the kid said while looking at the jaguar doll.

"Give it back" Maya said getting angry as she tried to reach for but the boy was taller than her.

"If you want it you're gonna have to take it from me" he said as he pushed her to the ground.

That was the final straw as Maya's anger reached it's peak, something snapped in her as a low animalistic growl ripped through her throat scaring the shit out the kid and some of Maya's friends that were close to her. She stood up slowly and glared at the kid her eyes glowed bright green scaring him even more as he took a step back.

"Give. It. Back" she growled her deepening losing control rapidly.

"H-here t-t-take i-it i-it's a s-stupid to-toy a-anyway" He said as he threw the toy at her which was his first mistake since Maya wasn't in control she took that as a treat his second being turning his back on her and running and Maya took off after him. The kid didn't reach very far before Maya pounced on him she started punching him in the face her punches far stronger that what a 13 year old girl should be. In the middle of all the chaos some of Maya's friends when to Maya's mother who was happily preparing dinner for her family until her daughter's friends told her that Maya was fight with local bully, she dropped everything and told the kid to show her were her daughter was. When she reached there she saw a horrifying sight Maya was sitting on top of the kid with blood on her hands, face and dress panting heavily the kid was close to death since he lost a lot of blood she broke his nose, jaw and some of his teeth and disfigured his face badly with deep slash marks across his face and chest.

"Maya"Leah Maya's mother called out, Maya's head snapped towards were she heard hername being called with a growl when she saw the look of fear that's on hermother's face she snapped back to herself and looked down on her hands which were covered in blood before looking back at her mother scared of herself.

"Mama what's happening to me?" she asked on the verge of tears as she stood up not knowing what happened.

Leah stared at her daughter in shock as she didn't think that her real fathers genes would pass on to her since he told her that it was a very rear thing, now she was regretting not learning everything about the supernatural while they were together since she didn't know she was pregnant until after he died.

(Flashback end)

"After that they started to move every time Maya had a little 'accident' that would expose her to the people they were as discreet as possible. Maya's mother and step father did everything they can to help her control her anger and to not give in sometimes it worked other times not so much. They were safe for 3 years until a drunk villager tried to force himself on her and she shifted in front of him and his friends and killed him after she got her control back she ran off into the woods the guilt of killing a human being eating way at her leaving the man's friends to spread the word but no one believed them since they were known to always be drunk no one but a group of traveling hunters" Astrid said pausing at the end.

"What happened then" Allison asked having a bad feeling; Astrid took a deep breath and gripped the stirring wheel tightly.

"After that her and her family were captured they tortured her and her family for days before exposing her to the village so they can new hunters. Her parents were publicly executed right in front of her. I was there that day in the crowed controlling everything in not to kill everyone there but I promised to save her that night, which I did but not before one of the hunters had stabbed her with a lethal amount of yellow wolfsbane so I had no chose but to feed her my blood. At the time I had no idea what effect my blood would have on a supernatural so I took a chance and she was first hybrid." Astrid said with a small smile at the end, "After she woke up and was feed I told her what happened and what I did to save her, she took it well for someone was told they died and came back after which I helped her with her revenge and man was she ruthless with her kills. We stayed together after that teaching her how to control her thirst and shifting along the way and that's her story, that's why she hates hunters that kill for the hell of it"

"Then she's not gonna like Gerard" Allison saidmaking  Astrid chuckle.

"No she's not and I wouldn't be surprised if him and his followers are on her hit list already" Astrid said as she stopped thecar and they got out walking towards the woods.