
Meeting Wukong

It had been 9 years since Mihawk found me, he taught me how to read Japanese, write Japanese and sword fighting at a young age. In those years I tried to use Haki but It seems that due to the pressence of Nen, I can't use Haki. Anyways back to the story.

"Yoru, your guard is lacking and your sword is positioned disadvantageously"Mihawk scolded Yoru again, Yoru wanted to talk back to him and say that he is just a child and that his strength is insufficient. He wanted to but he can't. If he complain, then Mihawk would beat him again till he is half dead while explaining that people lacking in determination are better off dead and that without determination, fate is against them.

Yoru frowned at Mihawk before he used hus rapier to thrust at him again. Dissapointed, Mihawk stepped forward and used his rapier to slap Yoru's blade aside before kicking him in the guts making Yoru lurched forward.

"Perhaps I've been raising you incorrectly Yoru"Mihawk talked before he used his freehand to drag Yoru's head to the ground.

"And perhaps you need to experience the life in the battlefield so that you can get rid of that lazy attitude of yours" Mihawk whispered to Yoru's ears before Mihawk stood up and left.

Yoru's eyesight is blurry and the blood that came out of his head is flowing towards his eyes, covering his vision before darkness take over and Yoru fainted.

"Stop that Dad"Yoru complained before he stopped his breath, clearly taken aback by what he saw. He was slapped awake by a baboon and that he is now in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by baboons holding a sheathed sword in their hands. Startled, Yoru tried to grab his sword but unfortunately It was not there. Yoru widened his eyes before seeing that his sword was not with him but was with the baboon in front of him. Yoru took a step back so that he would be out of arm's range. Yoru not knowing what to do in this situation, attempted to communicate to the baboons. Sadly, It failed miserably.

"Don't bother talking to them, they cant understand human language"A harsh voice echoed in the seemingly silent forest and what emerge was a glasses-wearing baboon standing as upright as man while wearing a doctor's clothing.

'Monkey King?' Yoru thought when he saw that the doctor like baboon is holding a staff.


[For discovering the baboon species called Humandrill, you are awarded with 20 Nen points]

[For discovering an anomaly of the baboon species called Humandrill, you are awarded with 50 Nen points]