
Chapter Two

During lunch I find myself walking throughout the cafeteria. A lot of the students seem to decide that the schools lunch is easier access then anywhere else they can go to eat. Suddenly I see two kids waving in my direction. I look around me then walk over to them. I tilt my head questioningly.

"Wow, he really does look like a loser," I heard one of the kids joke to one of the other.

"Wow Jaime," I sign to them. "Really nice going you make us sound like the gang losers go to."

"Welcome to the loser squad," I looked over to the female speaking. "We love to eat mac and cheese."

People started laughing at her joke. I smile slightly and then walk over and sit next to Jaime.

"So, it was true. You are going to this school now," they smile.

"Yeah," I sign. "Though I need to talk to you about the Game."

They nod softly and then stand up from their seat. Jaime walks out.

"We'll be right back!" Jaime smiles at the others and leaves, towards the bathroom.

I nod and quickly follow them. As soon as we reach the bathroom and enter, they turn around to face me. They shake their head softly and sigh.

"I got hunter, and because I don't want it to be anyone I know I need to show my mark," they sigh softly.

My eyes widen as I hear that they got the hunter role. What if they are hunting me? I sigh in relief as I remember that if they were my hunter they would look like a monster to me. I nod and wait for them to reveal their mark. They take off their shirt and turn around. Their mark was on their back. It was a large lion, roaring at something. I feel my jaw drop in amazement and I quickly close my mouth.

"I know, this is terrible. What role did you get?" Jamie asks me.

"Hunted," I sign quickly to him. "But don't worry, you're not my hunter."

"Oh good! I was really hoping it wouldn't be me hunting you," they smile at me.

I smile back, nodding. I'm glad that it isn't me and my best friend that are going against each other in this game. I turn towards the door and jerk my head towards it.

"Yeah they probably are gonna start worrying soon," they sigh softly.

I start walking out while they were talking.

"Hey! You know it's rude to walk away while someone's talking right?" they joke around with me.

I roll my eyes, smiling. I quickly run out of the males bathroom and they follow quickly. I was wondering why they were in the males bathroom when they were nonbinary. I then realize it wouldn't really matter if they were in either.

"Hey get back here!" I hear Jamie yell after me as I continue running away from him.

I reach the table and quickly sit down. I laugh airily, as it's hard to laugh as a mute person.

"Rude! You didn't warn me!" they laugh.

"That's the point!" I sign quickly, laughing silently.

Jamie scoffs and then laughs. They roll their eyes and sit next to me, wrapping their arm around my shoulders, giving me a noogie while they are at it.

"Hey!" I frown, but smile a bit after.

Me and Jamie have been friends since we were little kids and that's why we are so familiar with each other.

"Whaaat? Can't do this anymore? But your hair was just begging for a noogie," he teases, laughing.

I just roll my eyes. He may be my best friend but he's not that good with teasing me. I suddenly feel a sharp pain shooting through my mark. I wince and look around.

"Nononononono!! NOT NOW!" I think to myself frantically. "I-I can't be- no they can't be here! Why is it acting up now? Maybe.. oh no don't tell me.."

"Jamie is there a new student here?" I sign, asking the one question I was hoping they don't say yes to.

"Oh, yeah! They are supposed to be arriving today. In fact, I think they've decided to be late, why?" they ask curiously.

I freeze, shuddering at the thought of my hunter being in the same school as me. I'll have to act that they're not my hunter, that I don't see them as a monster. I look fearfully at Jamie and they understand.

"I'll write what they look like for you so if they ask they can think that you aren't it," Jamie says protectively.

"Thank you so, so much," I sign, happy that my friend is protecting me like this.

"No problem," they smile.

And that's when I spot them. My hunter.