
Hunters moon 3: Aniwaya

The third instalment of my Hunters moon series (Remade) its new name is Aniwaya and not Great wolves and dragons. This story follows Blair Blackmoon, a girl adopted by the Apache clan that was destined to be an Aniwaya but due to her special abilities was sacrificed by her clan, so the Great wolf Maikah came to her on an early stage in her life to save her, as she was the last of her bloodline. Blair being only 15 years old set off to stop creatures that breach the wall of the so called Astral plains, at her age she was never ready for this task but was the only one who could do it. On her path she meets creatures like the werewolf, sirens, hellhounds and the Ravenmocker, an evil witch in Cherokee folklore, but all of them had their own challenges and she nearly loses her life many times. Deciding she needed help she set off to create more Great wolves like herself, but her plan backfires as some of the humans she resurrected for these tasks are evil at heart and had anterior motives of their own, and set off to blind Blair from the truth. Blair being too young to first notice continued her journey and met a man named Skoll, falling in love with him at a bad time as the other wolves she made were trying to turn the tides on man kind in order ordered to become the dominant species. Blair has no choice but to return to the astral plains to learn more of herself, become better at the task she is given, and ultimately attempt to correct her mistakes. Note: This is the third book of the series, but it can be read as the first. For those who have read my first books; Hunters moon and Hunters moon 2 Black and white, thanks a million for the support, the remake of those two books are available on Ringdom, also an app available for download. please go support me there if you don't mind, I have taken Hunters moon 1 and 2 off Webnovel because it got contracted on Ringdom. Its a path I took into my dream to become an author. Once again, thank you for the support, it means a lot to me.

SaberTrueno86 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


Blair remained quiet through the time they traveled out of the woods, to her right the man who was concerned about her wound walked, she figured out his name was Wolfe, maybe a nickname.

"I'm sorry girl" He said making the men around him laugh.

"She can't understand you nimwit!" Boone called down from the carriage at him, he only glared at the man, then looked back at Blair.

'As you can see Blair, not all men are bloodthirsty, I hope you understand this' Maikah said.

"I realised, he's a young... Uh..."

'Handsome man?' Maikah helped her with the phrase.

"Handsome? It means?"

'You find him attractive'

Blair felt that was it, he was a looker no doubt. The carriage crawled into another town, it was still active, people walking around, men at bars drinking, some socialising next to the streets.

"Behold all! We have captured the werewolf!" Boone yelled at the people around.

They all gathered mumbling to eachother, standing in awe at her, Blair remained as still as she could, she knew this 'werewolf' is a mindless beast, it would have roared and snarled, she made not a peep.

"It's so, calm" A woman finally said.

"She's been shot, it's in pain" Wolfe said.

The people around her looked at each other then cheered.

"It's finally been caught! The werewolf is caged!" One man yelled.

Boone snapped the reigns and the horses set off again, they went down the street for a while then brought the carriage into a lit up shed, now all the men who was there during the hunt surrounded the cage, Blair's wound already healed up, she knew they would notice this.

"See that kid, werewolf!" Boone spat at Wolfe then left the barn, only the young man remained.

"Come Wolfe! Tomorrow we put a drape over that cage! And people will pay us to see it" Boone yelled and Wolfe left the shed.

Blair looked around, this should be a good time to escape, but the streets where still noisy, she might be seen, so she remained, lied down and waited.

When she estimated that enough time has passed she got to her feet, but another noise stopped her decision to shift, Wolfe came in and looked around.

"Hey girl" He said smiling.

"Is he going to do? What I think he's going to do?" Blair asked herself.

'It seems he wants to set you free?'

"I am going to set you free, if thats what you're thinking?" He said coming around the cage and looking at the lock "Shit! Boone has the key"

Blair's ears sagged "Ok, don't worry then, I'll get out, but you have to leave here first"

Wolfe looked at her "How? Can you break the locks?"

"No, I... Wait!? You understood me!?"

"You figured that out now?" He smiled.


"I'm the werewolf these idiots be lookin for" He said chuckling "They had no clue!"

Blair's ear tipped "But... I thought werewolves are these mindless beasts!?"

He hung his head "I, am, under the moon I go deep into the forest, very deep, I always wonder if I'll ever wake up from that rage the next morning, because Boone and his men are always hunting me"

Blair hung her ears "I came here to put a stop to you Wolfe, I was also here to hunt you"

'He has a good heart, you can give him sanity Blair, at the cost he must remain with you for the remainder if his life' Maikah said.


'Your special abilities as a wolf spirit gives you control over wolves, you need to give him some of your blood'

Blair focused and a cloud of smoke enveloped her, the smoke came out of the cage, Wolfe backed away looking in awe at the smoke reform into her human body, clothed and all.

"My name is Blair, It's good to meet you Wolfe"

He was astounded "You!? You You're a werewolf as well!?"

"No, I'm a great wolf, my job was to hunt creatures like you, but I've found out I can help you gain sanity, in return you must stay with me, for as long as needed"

"You can do that!?" He said excited.

"Yes..." She stepped forward and sprung her claws, then cut her hand open, allowing blood to pool in her palm "You must drink my blood"

He stood watching the blood, then up at her "I, I don't like drinking human blood, it makes me feel like a monster"

"I'm not human Wolfe"

He licked the inside of his cheeks, then stepped forward, Blair held her hand high, he opened his mouth and she dripped the blood in, Wolfe stepped back swallowing the blood.

"And? How do you feel?"

"Uh, not that different?"

'Only on the moon' Maikah said.

"The moon will tell" Blair said looking around "For now, we must leave this place, you cannot be seen here again"

"Follow me" He said leaving the shed from a hole in the back, she ran with him through the dark corners of the town, it felt like a game of hide and seek, then on the outskirts he stopped.



"You're free"

"Wolfe, you have to come with me, if you don't come, you will lose control during the moon again"

He hesitated looking back at the town "But, I'm only sixteen, I'm staying with Boone, he will find it strange if I'm gone and you're gone"

"I'm telling you now Wolfe, either come with me, or I have to kill you"

"How? You saw yourself get shot! You fell for that trap! We're not invincible!"

Blair stood back and shifted into her great wolf form, Wolfe stood back gasping at this huge wolf appearing from the smoke, he almost screamed.

"I'll keep us safe" Blair said smiling down at him.