


pheonix_dragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

4. Journey To Exam Site 2.

After the whole talk between us the creeper who was following us showed up and from then on every thing went just like in the show, we were asked the same question and Leorio was ready to pounce on the examiner hag and we got the answer correct and got to pass the test.

The examiner hag shows the direction to the navigator of the hunter exam.

"Head in this direction for 2 hours and you will arrive at the base of the cedar tree" the examiner hag tells us.

After some time Leorio starts to complain about its taking more than two hours and that he is hungry.

And I gave him some bread 🍞 I bought with me "here have some bread 🍞 I brought it with me to eat it along the way".

Leorio took the bread 🍞 and starts to eat happily and said thanks to me.

After a while Kurapika spots the house 🏠 at the base of thr the cedar tree 🌲" I can see the house we almost arrived" Kurapika says.

As we enter the house 🏠 we saw a injured man on the floor of the house 🏡.

And a magical creature 🦊 is holding a girl in its arm and laughing"KIKIKIKIKIKIKI" the girl was unconscious.

The magical creature 🦊 saw us and escaped from the window 🪟 by breaking it.

The injured man looks upto us and says "please save my wife". with that Gon and Kurapika ran after the magical creature 🦊 named kiriko after Kurapika identified it.

"Leorio you stay here and save the injured man and Deep you stay guard here" says Kurapika "yes" I replied.

Leorio starts to dresses the wound and continued to reassure the injured man that his wife will be okey.

As I was seeing this happening was on guard knowing full well what will happen next. After some time the injured man quickly stood up and knocked out Leorio and

ran towards me to do the same but I was ready and dodged its claws that was trying to hit my face and knock me out. The Kiriko 🦊 was stunned for a second that I can anticipate its move and dodged its move.

Taking advantage of the small gap I punched its face knocking it into the wall.

" How did you know" it asked.

" I didn't know, but I was on guard because you are a stranger but wasn't fast enough to stop you from knocking out Leorio" I replied anticipating this question.

I was waiting for his next move, I didn't attack because I might be strong but not experienced in combat.

After waiting for some time Gon and Kurapika returned with other three Kiriko 🦊.

They introduced themselves as husband, wife son and daughter and gave their valuation about us. My evaluation was I was on guard in different environment and anticipated their move to a certain degree.

Afrer that we were taken to Zaban city.

The ride was awsome unlike flight ✈️ where you sit inside and do not experienc anything ans the feeling of open air flight is great.

I feel like I am more free than ever when flying.

After We arrived at Zaban city the son Kiriko 🦊 was leading us to the exam site through the Zaban market. Gon and I were marvelled at the site of the market and different culture

I may have been in this world for almost a year but I never got the chance to travel to other places than the village I was staying.

we were nearing resturant where the enterance to the exam site is.

" I think this is it" the son Kiriko 🦊 tells us from standing afar the tall building.

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio were marvelled at the big building 🏢 in front of them ant talking about the exam site and the building 🏢.

" Guys I think this is the entrance to the exam site" I caleed them as I and the Kiriko 🦊 pointing at the resturant. Leorio was asking that was he sure about the exam site.

" Around 1 million people take the hunter exam every year, if the exam site was so open everyone would be flocing here " tells the Kiriko 🦊.

As we enter the resturant the oner asked to take a seat but the navigator tells about passcode" Stake combo for 4".and the chef respond with how good the steak 🥩 must be"how do you want it to be cooked" the navigator replies by " cooked slowely on medium flame" and the chef tells to take room in the back.

At our arrival at the room Gon tells " I can't wait for the steak 🥩 combo"

I replied to it by" There is no steak 🥩 combo that's just a password for the entrance to the exam site" Gon quickly deflated hearing this.

"1 in 10000 that is how many people that make it till here" the navigator tells us.

"Thanks" Gon replies to the navigator.

"It was fun bringing you here I hope I get the chance to meet you next year" the navigator tells us and leaves. Leorio was irritated hearing this and yells.

"once in every 3 year, that is the chance of passing huntet exam for a rookie" tells Kurapika.

After that the room starts to move down wards. and the anticipated arguement between Leorio and Kurapika takes palce and argue about being hunter is about fame and fortune but Kurapika disagree by telling how noble the hunter job is.

"What type of hunter do you want to become Gon/Deep" they both asked simultaneously.

"I don't know, that's what I am here to find out" I replied.

just before Gon was going tho answer the enlevator arrives at the destination of B100 floor.

The door opens and we exited the elevator.

We were immideately hit by the tense atmosphere.

" Is it just me or the atmosphere here is tense" Leorio speaks out loud.

As we enter the secretary Mr.Beans gives us our number badge.

Just like in the show Leorio is 403, Kurapika 404, Gon 405 and me 406.

we were the badge on our clothes.

I even thought about hiding my badge now as I know the 4th phase of the exam but seeing as everyone was looking at us when we entered and it's not a big deal to find my number by connecting the dots using Gon as we entered together and all. so, I dropped that idea.