
Hunter X Hunter: The adventures of Silver

Strange beasts and monsters... secret treasure hoards, undiscovered wealth, mystical places, unexplored frontiers. "The mysterious unknowns" ... there's magic in such words for those captivated by its spell. They are called "Hunters." ------------- Silver Curtis a young truck driver died on his birthday and was given the chance to live a new life in the world of hunters. Let us follow him on his adventures as he explore this new exciting world. ------------- New characters will be added from different books, comics and manga but will be adopted/downgraded/altered to the Nen system. If you are a die hard fan of HxH, then this story is not for you. It is a fanfic for a reason. For the rest of you, Enjoy! :) ------------- I do have work on weekdays so will be updating weekly (or semi weekly). ------------- I do not own HunterXHunter or any other chameo characters that will be added in this fanfiction. The HunterXHunter is created and owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story.

asdbsa · แฟนตาซี
116 Chs

013 ShingenXRyu

"I swear I've seen a lot of stuff in my life. But. That. Was. Awesome!" Silver said while still looking at the the only-wearing-boxer-Grey and Uvogin exit the stage. He was so excited his shari-, scarlet eyes were activated.

"Nen is so magical, if mastered enough can look like the manga next door. Never thought that would be possible." Silver wondered. "Well to be fair, the story was never completed nor expanded upon. Maybe at one point it became like this. Hmmm. This- this put things in a different level. Good thing I didn't rush things."

There is only 1 fight per day in the 200s so Silver left the arena and wondered around. "Uvogin is clearly still an enhancer here, said to be by many fans to be strongest nen type other than the specialist. But with what I've seen earlier it might not be the case in this world. Maybe, it is how you train them that defines your strength. What was Bruce Lee famous quote again?I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 punches once, but I fear the man who has practiced one punch 10,000 times, daily... for two years. Eh, close enough."

"Insert img. Bruce Lee with Enero's shocked face looking at prime Netero "That thing, that thing scares me.""

"Grey Halfbuster, is clearly not from the original works. But what I've seen so far, he can either be a conjurer or a transmutation type nen user. Maybe even both? I read  about hybrid/half nen type users in the internet. It's from the internet so it must be true. No one has ever disproven it afterall."

<Half/Hybrid nen users have 100% on two nen categories but with added penalties on other types.>

"But. First and foremost, I need to learn how to be a nen user." Silver continued his round until he found a Shingen-ryu school of kung fu. If he remembers correctly this descipline is the one the current Chairman of the Hunter Association, Isaac Netero, has founded and has trained strong Nen users such as Biscuit Krueger, Wing and others.

"What better place to begin Nen training than under the current president himself." Silver smiled as he entered the dojo.

Inside has a feel of a traditional japanese dojo with tatami mat flooring and sections divided by sliding doors. The largest open space is currently occupied by 8 students as they practice martial arts. Leading the students is an older master standing straight with his arms behind his bent back equiped fully with the iconic long white beard and mustache that reaches his chest. He is just there staring at them with menacing eyes as if declaring "I may be old, but i can still beat you up old."

There also others sitting in a smaller room what he could only imply that they were meditating.

All in all, there is just about 20 in the current line of sight. And then...

"What is a kid like you doing in a place like this?" A girl about the age of 12-15 suddenly asked from his side.

"Whaa- don't scare me like that! And where did you come from all of a suddenly?" Asked silver.

"But I'm always been by your side the moment you entered the dojo. And you haven't answered my question!" The girl pouted.

Silver looked at the girl who almost gave him a heart attack with a shocked eyes. "It's you!" Silver shouted while pointing.

The old master from the training room looked at the source of the voice and saw Silver and the girl. He then looked back to his students as if what's happening at the entrance has nothing to do with him.

What he really thinking is 'Please don't do anything stupid, please don't do anything stupid. The grand master always takes it on me if thing's don't go her way. *cry*'

One of the students saw the change in his demeanor and asked. "Master is there something wrong? Should we stop training?" Other students heard this and stopped as well.

Master: "Why are you beeing lazy? 10 more sets for each of you for stopping! Those that do not finish will have another 10 more sets on them!"

Students: "Ehhhh!? Whyyyyyy?"

Master: "Just do it!"

"Back at the entrance"

"Do you know of me?" The girl asked innocently.

"Uhmmm... errr. No. But I've seen you before. I'm silver." 'Bisky is here! What  great timing, I need to study under her like Wing, Gon and Killua.'

Biscuit Krueger is wearing a short sleeved dress and a bloomer with a mantle and skirt donned over it, along with gloves and plain leather shoes. She has her blonde hair tied up neatly like a ponytail.

'He's not lying. He is also genuinely shocked to see me here, which means he wasn't expecting me here.' "My name's Biscuit, but you can call me Bisky. And the third time, why are you here?" Asked further by Bisky while clinching her fist as if irritated.

'I don't want to be hit by that!' Thought Silver while staring at the clenched fist. "I- I'm here to learn. Osu!" Answered Silver while bowing 90 degrees to Bisky's direction.