
Hunter x Hunter: Gen's Adventure! [ HxH ]

Gen is a smart boy that always liked novels.Gen's dream is to become the strongest with his brother Gon. It only means that great adventure is coming. Gen will get an amazing gold finger. Prepare for the upcoming chapters! Op Gen/ All the Respect For Yoshihiro Togashi For Writing This Awesome Story. Everything expect Gen and couple others is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Anime name Hunter x Hunter Normal 2-4 Chapters a week. If not I may Be sick Or something. I will try hit Fanfic N.1, so please support me during this journey. There will be improvised arc's.

chefs4 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

First test #2

"Yeah! I won." Gon said.

"What are you talking about?" Killua asked.

"I won clearly." Gen said.

"Mr. Satotz did you see who won?" Gon asked.

"I believe that you all three crossed the line simultaneously." Satotz said.

"Oh." Gon said.

"Then I will buy Gen a dinner, Gen will buy Killua a dinner and Killua will buy me a dinner." Gon said.

"That does not make sense." Gen said.

"Why don't we all just buy our own dinner?" Killua asked.

"But all three of us won, right?" Gon said.

"Just be it." Gen said.

"Killua you don't want to argue with Gon." Gen said.

"Yeah.." Killua said.

"Hey, Mr. Satotz. Is this where the second exam will take place?" Gon asked.

"No we still have quite a way to go." Satotz said.

"Oh..." Gon said.

"So Satotz, why there isn't more exciting tests?" Gen asked.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way." Satotz answered politely.

"No problem." Gen said.

'Analyze.' Gen thought.

[Name: Satotz ]

[Power levels]

[1800/ 5000]

[Potential analysis]

[Good potential]



[Nen abilities]

[Self healing]

[Ghostly steps]

(Author here.)

(I improvised to Satotz nen because there weren't any clues to his nen.)


[High dread]




[125 IQ]

"Its so foggy here." Killua said.

"Yeah it is really foggy." Gon said.

"Yeah." Gen said.

"Hey Kurapika!" Gen said.

"Is this our destination." Kurapika asked.

"No it isn't." Gon said.

"I see." Kurapika said.

"The fog is fading." Kurapika said.

"Yeah it is." Gon said.

" The Numere wetlands. Also know as Swindlers swamp. We must cross these wetlands to reach the second test. This place is home to many bizarre animals, many of them being cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans and also prey upon them." Satotz said.

"Be very careful" Satotz said.

If you let them fool you, you are dead. Satotz said.

The door behind the applicants started closing.

¤Bam¤ The door closed.

"The wetland creatures will use every trick in their book to fool the prey." Satotz said.

"An ecosystem which creatures obtain food through deceit. Hence the name Swindlers Swamp." Satotz said.

"Stay very close to me so you don't be deceived." Satotz said.

"What a joke." Leorio said.

"How can they fool us when they are expecting it." Leorio said.

"Don't let them fool you." A man yelled.

"I just said they can't." Leorio said.

"Don't fall for it." The man said.

"He is lying to you." The man said.

"He is an impostor." The man said.

"He isn't the examiner. I'm the real examiner." The man said.

"An impostor?" Leorio said.

'That's just funny.' Gen thought.

'How can anyone believe it.' Gen thought.

"Look at this." The man said.

"He looks just like Mr. Satotz." Gon said.

"Its a man-faced ape, one of the creatures that dwell on the wetlands." The man said.

"A man-faced ape?" Leorio asked.

"They love the taste of fresh human flesh. However, their limbs are long and thin, so they are quite weak." The man said.

"That's why they disguise them selves as humans." The man said.

"They trick humans into following them to the wetlands." The man said.

"He intends to trap every single applicant." The man said.

"Bastard." Leorio said while looking at Satotz.

"He certainly doesn't walk like human." A man in ninja costume said.

Three cards hit the man and three cards are flying towards Satotz.

Satotz catches them with ease.

"Huh?" Leorio asked.

"I see I see." Hisoka said.

"That settles it." Hisoka said.

"You are the real one." Hisoka said while looking at Satotz.

"What he is the real examiner?" The ninja said.

"Examiners are hunters selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay." Hisoka said.

"Any hunter, bearing this title we seek, would be able to block that attack." Hisoka said.

'That was all unnecessary, if Hisoka didn't do it over half of the applicants would have followed that man. So boring.' Gen thought.

"I shall take that as an compliment. However, should you attack me again for any reason, I shall report you for turning on an examiner and you will be disqualified immediately. " Satotz said.

"Are we clear?" Satotz asked.

"Sure." Hisoka said.

"He was attempting to confuse the applicants, to lure some of them away." Satotz said.

"We can't relax our guard." Killua said.

"Yeah." Gen and Gon said.

"Okay, if you all are ready we shall continue follow me." Satotz said.


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