
Hunter x Hunter - Unlimited Abilities

A young man named Leonard awakens in the world of Hunter x Hunter, learning that he is a open prison named Black Island that is controlled by Kakin Empire, he will need to get out and take his freedom and understand what is happening to himself and why he is transmigrated into the world of Hunter x Hunter

Berat_Demirci · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Otherworldly Memory - Natural Nen Ability - No Memory Overload

As night falls, the air grows cold, and Leonard waits in the darkened shack, nerves simmering beneath his calm exterior. The weight of Alie's warning lingers in his mind, but he's made his choice. 

"Ready?" She asks, her voice low and serious.

Leonard nods, bracing himself. He's not sure what to expect, but there's no turning back now.

Alie steps closer and places her hands on his shoulders.

"Close your eyes and try to feel the energy around you," she instructs, her voice softer now. Leonard does as she says, concentrating. At first, there's nothing, just the quiet of the night and the pounding of his own heartbeat.

But after a moment, something shifts. There's a strange sensation—like a current, barely perceptible, swirling in the air around him.

"Now I know how Gon and Killua felt when they were touched by Wing in his house, when they are needed to awaken to pass the Hisoka."

Then, without warning, a sharp, searing pain explodes in his back. His eyes fly open, and he gasps, but Alie holds him steady. The pain radiates through him, burning as if something deep inside him is being torn open.

Seconds later, the pain begins to subside, but he feels different.

His vision changes, and suddenly, the world around him hums with energy.

He can see it—shimmering threads of aura floating in the air. It's overwhelming, but strangely familiar, as if a part of him always knew this power existed.

In his mind's eye, the system panel flashes into view once again.


Name: Leonard

Level: 1

HP: 90/100

Nen: 150/2000 (Total Aura Volume)

Strength: 19

Agility: 14

Endurance: 8

Nen: 10.0 ()

Nen Ability: Otherworldly Memory 

"Otherworldy Memory (Memory From Another World)"


"The ability itself is natural, created from the situation of the user."

"It adds to the supreme power of not getting effected by "Memory Overload" and "Parellel Focus."

 These two abilities let the user have the ability to create new abilities according to their "nen volume."

With more aura, the user has more abilities he can create; each 10.000 aura or 10.0 nen stat point gives the user a chance to create a new ability."

"Parallel Focus gives the user the ability to use different abilities at the same time."


"User can not go back to Earth."

"User can create any abilities in any categories, but he needs to start from Enhancer and then go clockwise to keep on creating."

"User can not tell the name of Ability to anybody; the punishment is death."

"User can not search for ways to go back to his past family and friends back on Earth and should not miss or remember them; if user keeps on missing his past friends, family, and world and does not create a new life, the punishment is death."


Basic Awareness Survival Instinct (Passive)

Aura Manipulation (Level 1) (Unlocked)

Experience to next level: 0/100


Alie steps back, a faint smile on her lips. "You did it. Your aura nodes are open. That pain you felt—your Nen's been unlocked."

Leonard looks at her, still catching his breath but nodding, his gaze drifting to the system panel. The name of his ability echoes in his mind. Otherworldly Memory..

"What's this 'Otherworldly Memory' ability?" He asked within his mind that he knew that there are a number of different nen abilities, "Hatsu," but he believed that those abilities were created by the user itself.

"I should not think of myself as an individual from the world of Hunter x Hunter."

"I am not from here in the very end."

"This transmigration may have caused some differences for the "Nen"."

"From what I can see in the details of the ability, it seems great and will give me great advantage over others."

Leonard thinks for a moment and then looks at Alie.

He nods, still trying to process the rush of new sensations. "Thanks, Alie."

She waves him off. "You're part of the group now. Just remember: Nen is power. But it's also a responsibility. Now, we'll see how far you can go."