
Hunter's Moon ( by humaira)

Hunter's Moon is about a curious girl called princess safia, who lives in black moon kingdom, and her father king Travis da'neer, a well known professional wolf hunter and a heartless king that rules with an iron fist, whose only goal is to Wipeout the shapeshifter werewolves that resides outside the kingdom walls, he holds a dark secret that if brought to light, could change the people's beliefs about the werewolves, and his daughters belief that they could talk their way from war to harmony with the werewolves, how can king travis keep his secret hidden and his curious daughter away from the werewolves path  Hunter March, leader of the werewolves, good looking and dangerous, whose goals are to protect his people from king Travis ( kong as they call him ) to take back his kingdom and exact his revenge on kong ( king travis) for what he did to his family and people years ago, so when news come to him, that the princess, king travis very own daughter seek to bring peace and harmony between the werewolves and humans, he saw a way to finally take his kingdom back and exact his revenge on the king   To what extent can king Travis go to keep his secret hidden, protect his daughter and also remain king of black moon kingdom, with a dangerous hungry for revenge alpha after him and everything he's got.  Read to find out.

Humaira_4599 · แฟนตาซี
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47 Chs

chapter 22



  his thoughts took us back to the time when the king first ordered the errand boy to tell Thomas to deliver messages to the neighboring kingdoms about the ball

     *you tellThomas to send a message to all our neighboring kingdoms and cities, that it'll be an honor if all eligible royals and lords can attend the happening of a ball within the next week in black moon kingdom, to win the hand of the one and only princess safia of black moon kingdom * the king's words.

    After hearing the message Anthony went back to his chambers all tensed up and angry, he kept yelling to no one in particular since its only him in his chambers * How could he do this to me? After all the sacrifices I made, I could have been a farmer or a forger but instead I choose to be a soldier just so that I can help him!! I worked hard and reached the position I'm in!, but he didn't notice any of that. He wants some lazy brat to be the king in the future, No! My father did not sacrifice his life for nothing.

  I will take my revenge on the werewolves, and become the king to black moon kingdom, no matter what I have to do, I will be king* Then he started laughing like a mad villain.


      after a while, he was sitting in his rocking chair, sipping a drink, then a knock was heard at his door, he shouted * Come in! * and a mail boy entered, he bowed and said * Thomas sent me here to deliver a request sir * Anthony nodded and the boy continue * he is requesting if you could assign him a few soldiers to escort him to iron city and deliver the ball news, considering that the last messenger sent there never came back, and the king also said to send the message to all neighboring kingdoms, or otherwise Thomas will exclude iron city * 

 Anthony thought, " iron city is indeed a very dangerous kingdom, and that too black moons only enemy, and the closest kingdom to us" he reply to the boy * tell Thomas I'll deliver the message myself* the boy nods and left, Anthony smiles creepily and spoke to himself, * now I know what I have to do to become king, you just wait and see your majesty*.

      Anthony went to Thomas, he said to him * I got this Thomas, I'll deliver the letter myself, iron city is our enemy so its dangerous to take anyone with me* He took the letter and left on a horse, leaving Thomas and the rest in awe of his bravery.

       At sundown Anthony reached a pretty big kingdom, not as big as black moon but could be considered close. The kingdom has long iron walls and tall buildings, snow was covering everywhere, it truly is beautiful, like the city they called it, the modern kingdom, Iron city.

  As Anthony approached the tall iron walls he was immediately surrounded by guards pointing some pointy metal at him, then he was escorted to the dungeon, after awhile, he was brought to the throne room, and he could see the prince sitting on the throne, with a weird looking weapon in his hand.

  (  prince Liam white is a very tall young man, dark skin, " as he likes to say, chocolate brown" dark brown eyes, long lashes and eyebrows, quite muscular too with a cool haircut, the only downside to this handsome prince is his super duper annoying voice,  currently he's acting as king, because his father, king white, is very ill at the moment, so the prince handles the responsibility of taking care of the kingdom, that is, till the king gets better.... or dies.)

      Prince Liam spoke in his annoying voice * well well well, who do we have here, another spy from black moon kingdom*  Anthony spoke * your highness, I'm not a spy, I'm a messenger, and I'm here to deliver a message*   Liam nods, and the guards keeping Anthony down let go of him, so he stands and continue * it is a message from the king of black moon kingdom, King Travis* 

 Laim instruct * read it * frowning due to the prince blant oder, Anthony read out

          'Greetings my fellow neighboring kingdoms, I king Travis, I'm inviting you eligible Royal princes and lords with open arms to attend a formal ball happening in my kingdom within the next week, in order to win the hand of my one and only daughter, princess safia of black moon kingdom'.

       Liam thought out loud * hmm, a ball to win the princess hand in marriage* curiously he ask Anthony * Is she pretty? * Anthony reply * very pretty your highness* liam smiles, enthusiasm dancing in his eyes, Anthony ask * if i may continue with the message your highness?* *oh there's more...okay then go on * liam gave permission

 * I am sir Anthony green, I'm no delivery boy but a respected high ranking general in black moon kingdom* immediately the words left his mouth Anthony was yet again, surrounded by guards pointing that funny looking pointy metal at him, showing no signs of being worried liam waves his hand, and the guards retreat to the side again, he nods at Anthony to continue

 * The dislike you have for my kingdom is great  and everyone knows of it, but they think of it as merely rivalism but I recognize hatred when I see one, I..* liam cuts Anthony with a * just get to the point * Anthony scoffs quietly that liam or the guards didn't hear him, he continued * I want us to become partners, you can help me take the throne of black moon while I can help your kingdom and people * 

 Liam chuckles out * and what makes you think my kingdom and people needs your help*   Anthony then smiles as he reply * your people are suffering from cold and are in need of medicine..which you don't have, and in black moon we have a very effective medicine for cold, of you help me become king I will provide you with the medicine *

 Liam shook his head and reply *my people are not suffering and neither do they need your medicine, what I need is a solution as you can see, my kingdom is a cold one* without a missing beat Anthony reply * then I shall help you find the solution* thinking for awhile liam then ask * alright....tell me about those creatures that are making your lives difficult *

 Anthony replied *they are werewolves and they are not making our lives difficult, we are at war with them* curiously liam asks * what do they look like?* with a sigh Anthony reply * they look like giant dogs, but faster and stronger, a thousand times more annoying and slippery...and they have fur * seeming interesting Liam mutters to himself *fur...fur huh..* 

 Stepping down from the throne he ordered as he makes his way to the exits *give him a warm place to stay for the night, his our guest treat him right * and he disappears behind the large double doors.

 Hours later Anthony was escorted to a small lavish living room that has 3 fireplace making the room very warm and comfortable, as snow fell upon the kingdom silently.

 In that room prince Liam and sir Anthony discuss their partnership, liam demands a werewolf for experiment, if the result is to his liking and expectations then he'll agree to the partnership, Anthony agreed to the demand without caring to ask what experiments he needs the werewolfs for.

 So as Anthony provided Liam with the two young werewolves Greg and Becket whose fate has been unfortunate, it seals his partnership with Prince liam. If Anthony becomes king with the help of the prince then he will give him free access to hunt all the werewolves in black moon kingdom using whatever means he sees fit.

 ( liam wants not the werewolves but their skin, their furry heavy skin that is tested and proven to be cold proof, he aims to make coats, jackets, sweaters and blankets, even curtains with the skin, due to its heaviness and thick fur its almost impenetrable by cold or any other type of chill...it is also very comfortable) cruel? I know (╥_╥)