"Your majesty? Your majesty." Barrette shook the man slumped over his desk, a tired look coming on his face. "Your majesty. Please wake up."
All I did was leave him for an hour and this happened. He thought, rubbing his temples. Did his majesty not get enough rest in the past couple of days? Or … is he still tired from what happened before.
That definitely terrified me. To see the King, someone who never got hurt before, bleeding out like that … I just could not understand it to be very honest.
He was there for a while too … if he had died … what would have happened? To us and to this kingdom. Would we die with no way out? Or would it stand because he is still in there?
In the end … we really need him to remain alive if we wish to have a place to stay because, I can tell … we will die if he dies.
Thank goodness he is the Eternal King.
Knock. Knock.