
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

CHAPTER 3- Companions. Part 2.

Ah... Well... This is disappointing.

Are they afraid of us? Why isn't anyone coming?! I'm Daniel, the adventurer with all types of magic! Am I not interesting enough for you?! Well, well. You're more demanding than I thought.

Although it's most likely that they are afraid of me. I'm a rare existence in this world, so it's obvious that they would be afraid and keep their distance from me.

I'm sorry, Sara, my presence drives away adventurers.

"🎶 Ta... Ta... Tatatata.... Nanana... Nenanana... Sapan... Cheese... Beans... Rice... Death to NTR.🎶"

Ah... Why isn't anyone coming?

Singing nonsensical things relaxes me and helps me not to stress... Ah, this is disappointing.

Hey, adventurers, I know you probably think I'm a monster, but I'm actually quite friendly. Please don't be afraid of me. I can even bake some cookies for you.

"🎶 After being born, people live in fear. How will I survive in this world without opportunities? Unemployment, poverty, corruption, and violence. World peace will never be achieved. The third world war ruined what little good was left in our country. The United States disappeared and Japan conquered us. Russia and Japan now own Mexico and our lives changed. Education improved, but poverty increased...🎶"

Ah, why did I start singing something so depressing? I'm really bored.

"Eh? You sing beautifully, but... What are Mexico, Japan, and Russia?"

Oh, right, those countries don't exist in this world. I have to change the story a bit to avoid raising any suspicion.

"They are... They are... Mmm... How do I explain it to you...? They are small villages. There was a village called "United States". An AI... I mean, an artificial intelligence... Uhm... I mean... An evil monster took over the United States."

Actually, a mad scientist created a powerful artificial intelligence and took over the United States.

"That monster attacked Russia and Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of people."

"So many?!"

"I was exaggerating... It only killed 40 people, maybe more, I don't remember the exact number."

I think it was millions... The exact number was never given. According to what I heard and researched, about 87% of the population died, although some say that actually 94% of humanity disappeared. But, to be honest, personally, I believe it was more, like 97%, because most countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia became ghost countries, as the AI controlled the bombs those countries had in their possession and detonated them, and in the process, it also detonated the nuclear bombs they had before they could use them against it.

The explosions and nuclear radiation ended up killing most humans on those continents. The American continent was saved only because the AI was located in the United States.

"The monster replaced the leader of the United States with a... monster."

The President of the United States and many important politicians were replaced by robots.

"And the leader declared war on Japan and Russia... Why? The monster wanted to know more about human behavior during a real war... Hundreds of people died in that war."

Millions of humans died in the war... Including my great-grandparents. My paternal grandparents were orphans and fell in love at the orphanage.

My grandmother told me that story and told me that not everything is always bad, that there will always be good things in life, it's just a matter of having hope.

"Mexico was an ally of the United States."

In fact, Mexico was not on any side at first, but the president was also replaced by a robot and forced Mexicans to participate in the war, and Mexico became an ally of the United States.

"Japan, along with Russia, created a powerful nu... A very powerful magic bomb."

A nuclear bomb... The most powerful one that has ever existed.

"It was launched at the United States... And the United States disappeared forever."

Literally, the entire country disappeared, killing all the humans who were in that country, including the innocent... And almost half of Mexico.

They managed to eliminate that artificial intelligence, but at a great cost. The environmental damage almost finished off the humans, but fortunately, Japan and Russia managed to clean the air before more humans died.

The northern part of Mexico and the southern part of Canada were also affected. Mexico had already lost half of its territory when the United States stole it, and now half of Mexico was no longer inhabitable.

Mexico quickly surrendered to avoid another bomb, and Russia and Japan conquered us. Basically, they stole our territories because their countries were heavily affected by the nuclear bombs that were detonated in other countries. Only they were able to prevent their own bombs from exploding, but that only gave them time to plan their attack against the United States, but it didn't mean that their countries were habitable for much longer.

When the war ended, the survivors from other continents traveled to America while their countries were being cleansed, although it would take many years and resources, both natural and economic.

There were enormous changes in the country... A large number of foreigners started living in Mexico.

Russia and Japan cleaned up the nuclear waste and began improving the country. Obviously, none of that was for free. Russia and Japan kept all the minerals, oil, raw materials, and gave Mexico the leftovers, despite knowing that we were forced to participate in the war.

The war left us even poorer than we already were.

I admit that, after the Japanese and Russians conquered us, the country began to improve... Well, it had been over 50 years since the war, and it wasn't our fault. An artificial intelligence planned the entire war. That was discovered a year before the disappearance of the United States, thanks to a recording that the artificial intelligence sent to the President of Russia.

Millions of Mexicans were victims of the war, and Japan and Russia helped us move forward.

There were many changes... First, Mexicans adopted the customs of the Japanese and Russians because over 89% of Mexicans had died, and Japan and Russia sent citizens from their countries to ensure Mexico's existence.

Basically, we became a mix of Japanese and Russian due to intermarriage. Mexicans marrying Japanese and Russians, Russians marrying Japanese, blah blah blah. Mexico became a strange mix of traditions and customs from three different countries.

My grandparents were orphaned and adopted by Japanese people.

Since I am 100% Mexican, despite having only one last name, everyone calls me by my first name and not my last name.

So many customs and traditions... So many deaths... All because of an artificial intelligence... Ah... Technology can be a blessing, but also a curse.

Hmm... Now that I remember, Cris and her sister, whose name I don't even want to mention, have Russian blood running through their veins. No wonder they are blond. Well, since I have never cared about appearances, I never paid attention to that.

And I think Diana, a classmate, is 100% Japanese. That girl was quite kind and intelligent, I always wanted to be her friend... Well, it's not worth remembering the past.

Just keep waiting... Ah, I'll buy more food while I wait.

I finished my fifth plate of food in a row and rubbed my abdomen. Despite eating so much, I haven't gained any weight, it doesn't even look like I ate 7 plates of food. Could it be some extra ability that my body has? Well, I'm not complaining, I quite like it.

I would eat more, taking advantage of this new ability, but I could be wrong and end up gaining weight. I have nothing against overweight people, but I need to stay slim to move faster and without any problems. If I gain weight, my body will weigh me down and I'll get tired more quickly. I prefer to avoid that.

"Will you order more?" Sara asked me, with a judging look.

S-sorry, I know it seems very gluttonous on my part to eat so much, but it's not my fault. It's been a long time since I ate so much, and I must take advantage of it.

"N-no, I'm already full."

I'm embarrassed to order more.

I'll finish my orange juice and keep waiting.

"Hehe. Hello, Daniel! What a pleasant surprise."

"Hello. Good morning, Sandro," I said out of politeness, although I don't really like seeing him.

Sandro hates me, so Sandro equals trouble for me.

After waiting for almost an hour for someone to come, the first person who approaches us is someone who hates me and possibly intends to bother me.

Sandro sits at our table... Did he come to annoy me again?

"I heard you're looking for teammates. I'll give you the privilege of joining my team."

Don't think you're so important. Don't call it a privilege.

"Thanks for the offer, but no. Goodbye."

"Are you sure? Look over there."

He points with his index finger at some girls, his girlfriends. The girls are very beautiful, but I'm not interested... Do you think that will convince me? Pathetic.

Besides, what kind of man offers his own girlfriends? Disgusting. Why are they with him?

"Those are my teammates. If you join my team, I'll share all those beauties with you. We'll have some fun later, I'll let you participate if you join my team."

... Seriously, you're the second man I hate the most. The first one is the idiot who stole my girlfriend.

Sonia, why did you cheat on me with him? I don't understand it. Damn it.

"They're pretty, but I can't stand being around you. Goodbye."

"Come on, won't you let this unique opportunity pass? Kimber knows how to move quite well, and Yesein's mouth will make you see stars."

... Huh? One of his girlfriends is making a gesture with her hand and mouth, as if she's sucking on something... How uncomfortable.

The others wink at me, and one of them shows me her bare buttocks by pulling down her skirt.

... I don't understand this world. Do people really have so much sexual freedom? They barely know me, they shouldn't be offering their bodies to me!

"No. Stay away from me, you disgust me. You should respect your girlfriends more, idiot."

"As you wish, more for me. Goodbye."

Sandro gets up and leaves... That was easy.

Sandro doesn't seem strong... But I can't judge someone by their appearance, that would be a big mistake. Novels and anime have taught me to never judge someone by their appearance, that's a big mistake.

Sandro is powerful, I will never let my guard down with him.

"Is he really strong?" I asked Sara, just to be sure.

"He doesn't seem like it, but he is."

Ah... God, why do you give so much power to people like him? Although I suppose it's random and you have nothing to do with it. Or maybe the environment turns them into that? Maybe power corrupts them.

... Will I ever become like him? Will I let myself be corrupted by having so much power? Will I become someone who has sex with any girl? I'm afraid that will happen. I won't change... I don't want to change.

"Oh, honey!"


Sandro is kissing two of his girlfriends, while caressing their butts... Ahhhhhhhh! How uncomfortable! I better leave! I can't stand being here any longer!

I get up from the table, ready to leave, but the presence of a girl prevents me from going.

"Hello, hello, hello!"


A girl who seems younger than us sits at our table without asking for permission. It's a bit rude, but I can let it slide.

The girl is blonde with long hair, blue eyes, and she's small. I would estimate she's around 140 or 145 centimeters tall. She's wearing a green dress with an image of an apple on it. She looks like a 12-year-old girl, but knowing how strange this world is, I can't judge people by their appearance. Maybe she's a 100-year-old elderly woman or a little prodigy girl.

"What can we do for you, miss?"

"Hello, my name is Alex and I just saw that you're looking for companions. I would like to join your team, please!"

Ah... I have a feeling she will be the team's loli. It's quite common in fantasy stories, but in real life, it's too uncomfortable.

I must make it clear that the team rules are unbreakable, although I still don't know if she has what it takes to join.

I won't put the life of a little girl at risk.

"Are you an adventurer? How old are you?" Sara asked.

"I'm 16, just turned. Here's my card."

She looks much younger. Is she lying?

Alex hands her card to Sara and she reads it.


Huh? Sara seems quite surprised. What did she see on the card?

"You have three types of magic. It's quite surprising, considering your small appearance."

"Thank you...! Hey, I'm not small, I'm still developing!" she said after realizing that Sara called her small.

She pouts... She has a childish personality. How adorable, but also a bit uncomfortable.

"Even though you're older than me, you look like a little girl, you have no breasts."

Alex gets a little angry, but she looks cute when she's angry... It's quite adorable, I must admit.

"Yes, I'm flat, but I'm very powerful!"

While Sara talks to Alex, doubts about the types of magic arise in my mind.

I know I have all the types of magic, but I don't know about them. How many are there?

"I don't understand the types of magic, can you explain?" I said to Sara, seeking answers to my doubts.

"You... You don't know the types of magic?" Alex said, confused by my words.

Ah, yes, I know, I sound like an idiot, but I'm new to this magic and adventurer stuff. I'm basically still in the tutorial of this game called "new life".

"I don't know anything about magic, I'm ignorant about the subject," I said nervously, embarrassed to be considered an idiot.

Even Sara looks at me incredulously, surprised by what I said.

"T-there are 10 types of magic: Light, darkness, water, fire, earth, wind, summoning, fairy, demon, and angel," Sara said.

"Fairy, demon, and angel?"

Fairies exist? Demons and angels exist, for obvious reasons, but do fairies exist? Awesome!

Although I'm worried that they might consider me a demon for having that type of magic. Why didn't anyone make a fuss about having demonic magic?

Cristal interrogated me during the journey, but she never asked if I was a demon. Are there people who have demonic magic? But even I have angel-type magic. Why didn't anyone make a fuss about that?

"Fairy, demon, and angel... Well, well."

"They are the most powerful types of magic, which you also have. If you learn to control your magic perfectly, you will be the most powerful adventurer in the world."

Most powerful... I need to be. I need to learn to better control my magic. I shouldn't just try, I should do it. The future of this world is in my hands.

"Well, well... By the way, Sara, why didn't anyone call me a demon or an angel because of my types of magic?"

"Mainly out of fear. Would you call someone like you a demon?"

I see. Well, well. You're right. Fear... They probably didn't dare call me a demon out of fear of insulting me, and they didn't call me an angel out of fear that I might actually be a demon and find it offensive.

Fear, huh? No wonder so many people keep their distance from me.

I'm too strange for them, I understand.

But why haven't I met the guild master, the country's commanders, or someone like that? Why don't they investigate or talk to me directly?

Cristal treated me with respect after confirming my power... Do they fear me that much?

Fear... They don't want to bother me out of fear of my power... Well, well.

Yes, this world needs my help. If someone like me is terrifying to them, I can't even imagine how they would react to meeting demons much more powerful than the black demon.

"Daniel is amazing!" Alex said, surprising me.

I remained silent for a while, thinking about my current situation.

I'm sorry, Alex, but I couldn't help it. I've been having very strange days lately.

Huh? Alex got down on her knees. It makes me feel bad, I don't want her to do that.

"Please, let me join your team!"

"W-well, well..."

Well... I can't judge adventurers. I would like to reject you, but judging you based on your appearance would be wrong of me. I'll leave that decision to Sara, the smart one on my team.

"Sara, you decide, please. I can't judge people."

"Mmm... She has three types of magic, which is incredibly rare, and she's available. We should let her join."

"Is it that rare?"


It may seem insignificant, but I suppose it's not normal for adventurers to have more than two types of magic.

Well, well. The humans in this world are really weak.

Every passing minute confirms that I definitely have to leave the team in a year and continue my journey alone.

"Well, welcome."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alex said, smiling and full of excitement.

I have to make one very important thing clear to her.

"But there's one rule that can never, ever be broken."

"And what is it? I promise I'll never break it! I give you my word!"

"Team members can't date each other. That means you and I will never be boyfriend and girlfriend or anything like that. And we certainly can't kiss or have sex. Do you agree?"


Her excitement and happiness disappeared from her face. I'm sorry for crushing your hopes of getting something with me, but it will never happen.


"My reasons are personal. Do you accept or not? It's your decision."

"W-well... Uh... It can never be broken?"

"Never, without exceptions."

Alex looked at Sara and she nodded.

"He's not joking, it seems he really doesn't want a girlfriend."


Alex sighed, disappointed, and nodded slowly.

"I-it's fine, with all the pain in my heart, I accept joining and will respect the rules."

"Thank you very much for your understanding."

I broke a girl's heart. Nothing new in my life.

It's cruel, but necessary. I won't give false hope to a girl.

She's very adorable... Please, don't fall in love with me, it would be too uncomfortable. I prefer you to consider me a good friend only.

I don't want women around me who are only after my body, I want true friends.

By the way, what kind of magic does Sara have? If it's quite popular and powerful, I'm sure she also has three types of magic, maybe more.

"Sara, what kind of magic do you have?"

"I also have three types of magic: Water, fire, and earth."

Great, she also has three types of magic. It will be very useful... Although I was hoping she had more.

Water, fire, and earth... Quite common, but considering that those elements are everywhere, it's quite useful.

"And you, Alex?"

"I have wind, fire, and earth magic."

Almost the same as Sara, except for the wind magic. They will be quite compatible.

"What are the most common types of magic?"

"Water, fire, and earth are the most common," said Sara.

"One last question. Do fairies exist?"

"Huh? Of course they do, some live with the royalty."

Great... Are they small or large?

I hope they're small, they're much more adorable.

With the royalty... Could Cristal be a fairy and that's why she can fly? I highly doubt it, she didn't have wings. I wonder when I'll meet a fairy, I want to learn fairy spells. Can I become a little fairy myself? That would help me infiltrate the Demon King's castle or something like that.

"Amazing... I can't wait to see one," I said excitedly, imagining the possibilities that fairy magic will bring me.

And as I got lost in my thoughts, Alex slammed the table with her hands, bringing me back to reality.

Alex stands up excitedly from the table and raises both arms.

"Let's go on an adventure!"

"An adventure?"

It's too early for that. Besides, we need to find more companions. I want male companions!

"Maybe later, for now we need to look for... huh?"

Alex looks directly into my eyes with those beautiful and adorable eyes. Is she... psychologically attacking me? Damn it, it's a powerful attack. I've let my guard down with her!

I-I can't say no to those eyes. Maybe a quick mission would be enough to cheer her up and satisfy her. Plus, I need money to create my own orphanage and village. I've discovered that there are many orphans in this world, due to constant attacks from bandits, monsters, and mainly because people die trying to make a living as adventurers. This world is very dangerous, I can't allow those poor children to beg on the streets. I want to give them a home, and I also want to create safe jobs for people.

That mission is secondary. My main mission will be to become more powerful to fight against the Demon King or the final boss this world has. I'll only give time to my secondary mission when I have some free time, but for now, I need the money to fulfill that mission.

Building the orphanage is easy, the expensive part will be getting them food, clothing, toys, and teachers to educate them. I need to obtain those resources so they have enough.

"Well, well... Alright, I guess we could go out and do a quick mission."

"Really?! Yay! Thank you so much! I want to see you in action, leader!"

"It's just Daniel, Alex, nobody here is the leader... Well, and if it's mandatory to have a leader, I propose Sara."

"I decline, I'm not fit to be a leader. Shouldn't we look for more companions?" Sara said.

"We'll do that later. Come on, let's see if there's an interesting mission."

We get up and head to the mission board... I want to do an easy mission, as we still need to find companions.

Hmm... Oh, interesting... Who am I kidding? I can't read.

"Sara, is there anything interesting?"

"Let's see... Well, I think I found one, but it's an A-rank mission. There's a job to explore a cave, they say that everyone who has entered has disappeared."

"That sounds dangerous."

Too dangerous, honestly. It's a definite no.

"Wow. The reward is 20,000 gold coins. 40,000 if we find the missing people alive."

Oh... That's a lot of money just for exploring, it doesn't specify that we have to fight.

Hmm... It sounds like a dangerous mission, but I'm sure it's some demon or animal. I'm confident, but I don't know why.

I know that feeling too confident is very bad, but I trust in my abilities. If it's some demon, I'll use the spell that enhances my reflexes and strength, and I'll escape with the girls from there.

I repeat, this could be the biggest stupidity of my life, but I trust in my abilities. Plus, Sara and Alex have three types of magic, they are powerful. I have to trust.

"What do you think, Sara, Alex?"

Before making a decision, I'll talk to them. I won't put them in danger just because of my own decision.

"It's an A-rank mission, but I think we can finish that mission without too many problems as long as we stick together and don't separate," Sara said.

"A mission with a great reward will always be dangerous, but considering that you defeated an S-rank monster, an A-rank monster won't be a match for you, Daniel!" Alex said.

The demon was S-rank? And that demon was one of the weakest... Yes, this world is doomed. If I fail, goodbye world.

"What ranks are you two?"

"I'm B-rank, I haven't applied for A-rank yet due to lack of time," Sara said.

"I'm D-rank, I just started gaining more experience," Alex said.

"And I don't know what rank I am... F?"

"You're immediately A-rank for defeating the black demon," Sara said.

Ah... That was faster than I imagined.

"And what rank is Sandro?"


"Well, well."

I see... Well, I have to admit that I'm surprised by how powerful Sandro is, at least compared to the others.

"We'll take that mission."

If there's any monster that I think I can't defeat, I'll escape. I won't put them in danger.

Neither Sara nor Alex seem nervous or scared. I don't know if that's good or bad.

Alright, Daniel, remember, the weak demon you defeated was S-class. An A-class monster is much weaker. I know you can do it. Just don't be scared and think carefully about your moves.

I take a deep breath... Alright... Have confidence... Let's go.

"Let's go."

I hope I'm not making a stupid mistake by being so confident.

Daniel, don't be nervous, you're powerful, just focus on dodging and attacking with your powerful sword, it's simple. Don't get nervous... Ah... Alright... Let's go.

And while Daniel and his companions were preparing for the mission, a certain God was observing him through a magic mirror, while devouring a bag of chips.

"Hmph. You took the mission, huh? I want to see if you're capable of killing a dog, the animal you love the most."

The smile of a little boy.

A very dangerous and important boy.

The most important being in the universe.

He is watching Daniel through a magic mirror, while a long smile rests upon his face.

"Reikme. Daniel. Kei... I am not satisfied with them... Daniel, I hope you don't disappoint me. I have been waiting for this for a long time."

The supreme God, the God of Gods.