
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

CHAPTER 1- A New Purpose. Part 2.

(Pov- Daniel.)

"Eh?! What's happening?!" I say, scared.

Why am I inside a whirlpool?! Uwaaaah! I feel like my heart is going to come out of my mouth! I think I'm going to vomit!

And God seems pretty relaxed. Wow, he can stand as if nothing is happening. He really is a divine being.

"We have arrived," God said.


Suddenly, we appear in a forest. I try not to vomit and calm down. That was a pretty weird journey.

I still want to vomit, but vomiting in front of God would be rude of me. Besides, what would I even vomit? I have nothing in my stomach.

Will I find fruits in this forest?

"Welcome to World 1, the world of magic and adventurers."




Did I hear correctly? Yes, I definitely heard correctly... Magic and adventurers?!! What mess did I get myself into?

I thought all worlds would be similar to mine, but in this world, magic exists!

"M-magic?" I said, confused.

"In the different existing worlds, there are always different things. In this world, there is magic, in World 3, there are psychic powers, and in your world, there is technology."

Different things... Wow... So, is there a possibility that there is a world where dogs rule? The universe turned out to be more incredible than I imagined.

I look around in awe. Am I really in another world? Great... For some reason, I don't feel depressed... This is what I needed, to feel useful... My grandmother would be proud of me for helping God.

... Well... Although I have a theory that I tried to commit suicide, someone saved me, but the lack of oxygen in my brain caused me to go into a coma. I'm dreaming this... Or that's my theory... But...

I touch my hands and touch the ground... It all feels so real... I'll ignore the theory and believe that this is real.

"Incredible, I'm in another world... What should I do?"

"This world is in danger because some demons have appeared. Those demons have incredible magical powers. Magical powers more powerful than any human in this world. And that's not the worst part. According to my calculations, in about three or four years, a demon will appear so powerful that it will destroy this world. If this world disappears, so will the others."

I suppose this world is the foundation for the others to exist. If this world disappears, everyone will disappear, huh?

That sounds pretty bad... He is God, he can easily eliminate the demons. Why is he asking for help from a guy like me? It doesn't make logical sense.

"Why don't you prevent it? You're God."

"My job is to observe and not interfere. Only in emergency cases like this, I interfere as little as possible."

"But you're God, you can interfere if you want, right?"

"Living beings must solve their own problems. They must survive without depending on others. I just give them a little help, that's all."

Living beings? What a strange way to call living beings.

God's words are sincere, I can sense it... I still have too many doubts in my mind. I'm no longer depressed, but I'm confused.

But I still wonder why I was chosen for this mission. It's probably because, as it is my dream, I am the protagonist of this story. The theory that I am in a coma and dreaming this would answer that question, but I better ignore that theory and continue to believe that this is really happening.

"I understand, but... why me?"

"There are 63 existing worlds. In those worlds, I investigated people like you, pure of heart. And you were chosen. By the way, in your world, there are more people with pure hearts than in other worlds."

I was chosen... From the millions of people that exist, I was chosen... To be honest, that makes me very happy.

"Am I the purest?"

A too egocentric question, but I want to get the answer. Why did I end up being chosen?

"No, it's just that when I saw your life and saw how you were getting depressed, something inside me told me that I had to give you a reason to live... Although you also have something very special inside you. Your soul is very beautiful, so you are perfect to help me."

Beautiful? I guess that's good. I don't know what it means for my soul to be beautiful, but I guess it means that I am a good person.

Thank you, God, it's thanks to my grandmother. She taught me to be a good and empathetic person.

"Well, well... Thank you."

"Take this."

A black fingerless glove and a pink smartphone appear out of nowhere in front of me.

A glove, huh? Will it serve any purpose or is it my work uniform? I think the smartphone will serve me to communicate with God or something like that.

"The glove allows you to use all types of magic, and the smartphone will serve you as a map and other functions that you will discover later."

Wow, they turned out to be much more interesting objects than I thought.

I take the glove and put it on my right hand. It's very comfortable to wear, it's like I'm not wearing anything. Besides, I think I look great with this. It matches my style.

"It's comfortable."

"Well, that's good because you won't be able to take it off."


I can't take it off?!

I try to take off the glove, but it won't come off... It's stuck... It doesn't bother me much, but it's strange.

Why did they make me wear this glove all the time? I won't even be able to take it off when I bathe.


"It's dangerous for it to be stolen from you."

That makes sense. This object is too dangerous. If it falls into the wrong hands, I don't know what could happen. I don't want people to suffer because of my mistakes.

I must keep this glove a secret.

"Well, well... I see... Alright."

I pick up the smartphone... Wow, it's nice. And it's pink, like my favorite color. God knows me well... Should I be scared of that? No, it's God, He knows all of us... Although that sounds quite disturbing.

Putting that aside, I always wanted a smartphone like this... My first smartphone... Awesome.

I've never had a television or a smartphone. I always did my homework at Cris's house because he had a computer and internet.

"A phone without buttons... I've always wanted to have a modern smartphone... Thank you, God," I said smiling, so that He knows how grateful I am.

"Don't worry. Well, let's continue."

God touches my chest with His right hand and a light comes out of His hand. Divine light? Divine power? Whatever it is, it feels strange. It's like a tingling sensation.

"Now you have the power to revive. You will only be able to revive twice."

The power to revive... I think this world is more dangerous than I imagined. I must be careful.

I won't let my guard down.

God touches my forehead with His left hand and a light comes out of His hand.

"Now you have a great memory, perfect for learning thousands of spells."

Great, it's a big help. Although I could also write down the spells on my smartphone, but memorizing them would be even better.

I wonder if the magic God gave me allows me to easily use magic or if I'll have to train.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, see you."

Huh? Is that all? Isn't something missing? I need more information.

"Wait... What should I do now?"

"Investigate how to use magic, defeat as many demons as you can, and most importantly, defeat the demon that will destroy the world."

God disappears and I sigh... Well, my work has begun... Defeating means killing... That scares me, but I must do it... I must become a killer... It's for the sake of the world. Even a pacifist idiot like me knows it's necessary... I will be a killer... I will do it for God.

This situation terrifies me a lot, but I must do it. God trusts me, and I won't disappoint Him.

He gave me an extremely complicated and almost impossible mission, but I must try to fulfill it. I won't lie by saying that I will fulfill it, because I know I'm not sure if I can achieve it. I'm also not afraid of dying, after all, I gave up on my life when I tried to commit suicide.

I will give this new life to God and to my mission. I don't care about dying as long as I can fulfill my mission, or at least die trying.

God gave me a new purpose in life, and I will repay Him even with my life.

"Well, well... Alright... I guess now I have to... Huh?!"

Where is that sound coming from?! Ah... Oh, I see.

I received a call and it startled me.

I-It took me by surprise. I'm not used to this.

"Ah, I almost had a heart attack."

I'm in an unknown world, I don't know the dangers that exist. I must stay alert.

I look at the smartphone to see who is calling me, and the contact is named "God".

I answer and put the smartphone to my right ear.


"I forgot to tell you something very important. In that world, you can be rude, enjoy your life. Being pure of heart is good, but don't take it too seriously, have fun."

... I sense ulterior motives behind those words.

Being rude... Yes... I understand.

"Well, well... Alright... I suppose."

"And remember this, you are very good, but don't be too good. In your adventure, you will have to face demons, evil adventurers, monsters, and other evil beings. You must keep in mind that you will have to kill them. Don't let your goodness affect you."

Yes, I know... I will become a killer... Will I be able to kill? I guess I will find out soon.

I'm a pacifist, I've always avoided violence, but now it's inevitable. I won't go through life with the mentality that everything can be resolved through dialogue. If I go with that mentality, I won't last long.

I'm not naive, I won't take this lightly.

"Well, well. Alright... I suppose if you say so, I guess I have to do it."

"I appreciate it."

He hangs up and I look around nervously... Alright... I guess I should go to a city or town first. Will they ask me for documents to enter? I hope not. I don't have money or documents. Plus, I also smell bad. I look like a vagabond.

Ah... I don't know exactly what to do.

"Now... Well, I suppose I should go to a town... Huh?"

I received another call and answered. I suppose he have more information for me.

"It's the last thing I forget. The clothes you're wearing are not normal in this world, I'll give you new clothes."

Oh, just what I needed. My clothes stink.

My clothes disappear and are replaced by new and elegant ones. Now I'm wearing a black suit with a green tie... Is this really normal? I don't think so.

"Is this clothing normal here? I look like a businessman."

"It's normal for the nobles and the royalty, they are the ones who have the best control of magic. Try to get in touch with them and learn all the spells you can. Goodbye."

He hang up and I see my new clothes... Is it really normal for nobles? At least it smells good.

Nobles and royalty... A monarchy... Oh, that means I could encounter corrupt people. I must be mentally prepared to see anything, like slaves, prostitutes, deaths, blood... This world is wild, and I must be prepared for it not to affect me.

"I feel uncomfortable in these clothes..."

I look at my smartphone with a serious expression, erasing any trace of discomfort and doubt.

I must take my job seriously... This is not a game... I won't disappoint God.

"Well, the smartphone will serve as my map."

I search for the map application and open it. The places have names, which makes it easier for me to locate them. I find myself in a small forest, in the middle of nowhere. The predominant landscapes in this country are green places, like valleys and forests. A green country, huh? The paradise of environmentalists.

"Mmm... I'm in... the forest of death...? What a name."

I hope it doesn't live up to its name. I'm defenseless at the moment.

I look at the map more closely... After searching for a few seconds, I found a village near this place. It's quite big, almost a city. Almost, because it's not big enough. It's a village.

"Central Village 1. It's nearby. I'll go to the village and investigate the place."

First step: research.

Knowing the place and my enemies is crucial before taking action.


I started walking. My new life has just begun.

I'll say goodbye to my old life. Goodbye, Cris. Goodbye, Diana. Goodbye, Robert... Mmm... No, I won't miss Sonia.

I don't know what awaits me in the future, but I'm very optimistic about it.

After walking for minutes, I arrive at the village. Fortunately, they didn't ask me for any documents or anything like that to enter, I just entered. It doesn't have walls, so I don't think this village suffers monster attacks.

Oh. I see many people with armor, weapons, and several beautiful girls. Exaggeratedly beautiful and erotic. Wow. They really like showing skin. I would feel nervous at such a sight, but I'm so amazed to be in a magical world that I don't have time to feel nervous about it.

The village is huge, there are several food and fruit stalls. There are also stalls selling jewelry and weapons... A typical and cliché medieval village.

It even smells bad. Do people bathe daily? I doubt it. No offense, but this place seems quite... wild.

"Do you smell that, Daniel? Isekai story clichés... Will I be the protagonist or an important secondary character? Maybe I'll be a filler character... I'll find out my role over time."

God sent me, but I won't be egocentric. I must always be prepared for any surprises, including being a simple filler character.

The village is really cute and interesting. The people seem friendly. I thought it would be wilder or more violent, but it's very pleasant.

"Great. The place looks very nice," I said as I walk among the people.

Oh. Well, well.

I see a sign on the door of a house, the writing is very strange, they are like numbers, but a little different. It's hard to explain... One of the letters looks like a number 2, but with two small circles in the middle.

Should I learn their writing and language? Well, God gave me a great memory, I don't think I'll have any problems learning, at least the basics.

"Although I can't read, their writing is very different from mine... Will I understand their language...? God didn't tell me anything about it."

I need to get answers.

I concentrate and listen to several voices around me.

"Sandro? Did he really do that?" said a girl.

"It's amazing!" said an excited girl.

Girls talking about someone named Sandro. Yes, I understand the language.

I sigh in relief. I won't have any problems communicating with others. That will save me a lot of time and effort.

"They speak the same language as me... Well... I guess I need to find people who know how to use magic, so they can teach me."

I hope they don't charge me, and if they do, I'll have to get a job.

Hmm... Where will I find the people I need? I suppose asking would help.

I see someone walking in black armor and I approach him. He is wearing armor, so he must know what I want to find.

"Excuse me, do you know where those who know magic gather?"

"Those who know magic? I suppose you want to go to the Adventurers Guild. It's that place with the blue flag."

Oh, an Adventurers Guild. Just what I need.

He extends his index finger and points to the guild. The guild is a four-story building... It looks nice, as it is painted black. It's small, but I guess it's not the main guild of this country.

The man's voice is very deep and sounds somewhat strange. Being close to him, I can feel some heat. A true adventurer... Cool! If I wasn't busy, I would ask for an autograph.

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate it, sir."

I head towards the guild... Alright... They speak the same language as me... I won't have communication problems.

"They speak the same language as me, but their writing is different... Why?"

Maybe God has something to do with this. Maybe he gave me the ability to understand the language as if it were my own or something like that.

... Hmm... There's something bothering me.

I can tell that many people are looking at me strangely as I walk.

Have they already realized that I'm not from here? Do I look like a tourist?

I'm used to women staring at me, but this is stranger.

"Do I have something weird?"

I hope I'm not bothering the inhabitants of this town. The fewer enemies I have, the better.

Alright, I'm standing in front of the guild. Alright, Daniel, don't be afraid. I know you're in an unfamiliar place, but don't worry, you have God on your side. Don't be afraid and go in.

I took a deep breath and sighed... Alright... I'm ready.

I enter the guild and look around. More than a guild, it looks like a bar.

There are tables where adventurers eat and drink together. I suppose it's also a restaurant.

There are adventurers who look very strong because of their huge muscles... Oh... Most of the adventurers turn to look at me and observe me with expressions of hatred.

Why do they see me like that? Do I look like a bad person?

Their stares make me nervous... Why do they hate me? They barely know me.

Could they be xenophobic and hate me for being different? No, we're not different, we're similar humans. It's impossible for them to know that I'm not from this country. Could it be because of my clothes? I doubt it. God gave me the clothes, I don't think He would have given them to me if it was going to bring me problems. There must be another reason.

"Well, well. I guess they don't like me."

I better investigate as quickly as possible, I don't want to have problems with anyone.

I see a girl sitting at a desk... Oh, how beautiful she is. The girl has long red hair and red eyes. She wears a red dress and has a red ribbon around her neck. Too much red. Next to the girl are five other women sitting at desks. I think they are guild employees.

This world is very different from mine, and I don't just mean the existence of magic, but also the hair color.

Now that I realize it, the people in this world are very different from those in my world.

I look around and see people with hair of different colors. There are adventurers with white, red, green hair, and so on.

"Am I the only one with black hair?"

That would explain why they hate me. Are people with black hair looked down upon?

I better not think about that, I have a more important matter to solve.

I approach the girl, who I assumed was a guild employee at that moment.

"Excuse me, miss, I'm looking for people who know magic."

My question confused her a bit, I can tell because she stared at me silently for a few seconds, as if she was analyzing my question.

"Uh...? People who know magic?" she said, while looking at me with a confused expression.

Yes, she is definitely confused.

The girl is staring at me too much with that expression. I feel like an idiot.

I couldn't help but get nervous... Did I say something strange?

"Y-yes, people who know magic, please."

"All the adventurers here know how to use magic," she said with a small laugh.

I laugh nervously... Yes, I assumed that... I think I look like a fool.

I thought it would be a cliché world where only a few people are capable of using magic.

"Well, well... I see..."

"Do you want to register or do you want to request the services of an adventurer?"

Register... I think I need money for that... It's true... I don't have money! I need money to survive... What will I do?

I promised that I would do whatever it takes to achieve my mission, but I don't know if I'm capable of selling my body just to get money.

If the curse of not finding employment still holds in this world, I must resort to selling my body to survive.

I hope I don't reach that extreme.

"I don't have money to register, but thank you."

I smile at her, to show my gratitude. I must not behave rudely towards anyone in this place. One mistake and I'm a dead man.

...That expression on her face... That girl is observing me with a blush on her face... Ahhhhhh! I forgot about the effect I have on women!

"I-if you don't have money, we'll charge you through work, don't worry."

Oh, they offer me work to pay for the registration.

I think I can accept... Yes, I will accept. I need the money to survive in this world, and a job wouldn't hurt.

I need to feed myself in order to have enough energy to move forward.

"Then I would like to register, please. Thank you."

I hope the registration doesn't require official documents from the country, I'm an illegal immigrant in this country.

"Please, could you tell me what type of magic you have?"

Hmm... a classic question.

Oh... I don't like lying, and besides, she has magic, she can probably detect lies. If she finds out I'm lying, they won't give me the job... I have to tell the truth.

Besides, I promised my grandmother to always tell the truth, and I won't break my promise.

"I suppose I have all types of magic."


The girl stood up surprised... Did I say something so strange?

"Having all types of magic?!" she said, with a tone of surprise.

All the adventurers are staring at me... Is that rare? If so, I wonder how rare it is.

"Is it rare to have all types of magic?"

"No one can have all types of magic, it's impossible!"

No one? Well, well... God gave me something great.


"Please, put your hand on this sphere!"

There is a glass sphere on the desk... I suppose it measures my magical power.

Ah, I knew lying would be bad. Thank you for teaching me to never lie, grandma.

Anyway, they were going to discover my types of magic with this sphere.

I'm confused, but I decide to follow her instructions.

"Which hand should I use?"

"Whichever, it doesn't matter!"

I put my right hand on the sphere.

"Please, wait!"

I'm a rare existence in this world, huh?

Ah, I suspect that will bring me problems.

A minute passes and, out of nowhere, a card comes out of the sphere and the girl grabs it.

Wow, a sphere that creates cards. Does it include my personal information and my magical attributes?

"Daniel. So cute name."


"Age, 16 years old. Types of magic..."

The girl's eyes widen. Uwaaaah! That scared me!

Isn't she exaggerating?!

"All of them?!" she screamed, surprised and scared.

"All of them?!" the adventurers around me shouted afterwards.

Everyone screams and stares at me. The faces of the adventurers changed, before they looked at me with hatred, now they observe me with fear.

I don't know if it's good or bad that they fear me, but I suppose it's good. I prefer to be feared than hated.

"I suppose that's good," I said, nervously smiling.

"But it's impossible! How can you achieve that?"

"The thing is..."

I receive a call. Again, God? Did he forget something?

"What's that sound?" the girl said, confused.

"Excuse me."

I take out my smartphone and everyone looks at me weird... I guess smartphones don't exist here... I'm in a typical magical world without technology... Cliché.

... Yes. I suppose smartphones don't exist in this world.

I answer and put the smartphone to my right ear.

"Hello? Is something wrong?"

"Daniel, you... Ah... You are too innocent and good... Ah..."

H-his tone of voice sounds a little worried and he sighs a little too much, as if he is disappointed. Did I-I do something wrong?

"You are forbidden to tell anyone what is happening. Invent something, but don't say that I sent you, let alone about the demon that will destroy the world."

Well, keeping that secret will be a bit easy. I just have to avoid talking about it.

I don't want to lie, my grandmother didn't raise a liar. I will only lie when it's really necessary to lie.

"It's okay, don't worry."

I hang up and put my smartphone in my pocket.

"What did it say?" I said, while looking into the girl's eyes.

Looking into people's eyes is something my grandmother taught me, as it reflects confidence, although I feel uncomfortable when she looks at me with fear.

"What is that?" the girl said, still quite confused.

Yes, they don't exist... I have two theories.

The first: In a world with magic, technology cannot exist.

The second: It's just a coincidence.

Delving too much into the lack of technology will serve me nothing more than satisfying my curiosity, so I will only investigate when I have free time. The main thing is to research about demons and magic in general... Magic... Oh, grandmother, what mess did I get myself into?

"It's a smartphone."


"I can't say anything else, I'm sorry. Is the registration done?"

"Y-yes. Welcome to the 'Golden Dragon' guild."

Dragon... Will dragons exist?! I want to meet one already. I hope they are friendly and don't try to eat me.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

She hands me my card.

Hmmm... It has strange letters... I don't understand anything, although I admit the design is cute. It has a golden dragon drawn on it.

"M-my name is Grey, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

How kind of her, and I'll take her up on that offer in the future. I'll need a lot of help later on.

Grey... Nice name, but it doesn't match her appearance.

"Thank you very much, Grey. How do I pay for it? What do I need to do exactly?"

"W-when you finish a mission, the registration fee will be deducted from your reward."

Oh, I see, I see. I have to finish a mission to get my reward. I need money, so I must do a mission as soon as possible.

I suppose I'll start from the lowest rank and can only take low-rank missions. Easy missions that won't give me much money, but you have to start somewhere.

"Thank you."

More people are lining up behind me, so I better not waste any more of her time.

I turn around and everyone is still looking at me... I guess I'm going to be popular... That's good because it means I'll make friends easily. I need a lot of help.

The more popular I am, the more danger I'll be in, but it will also bring me benefits, like getting contacts to help me with my mission and provide me with information.

Keeping a low profile would be the easiest and least dangerous, but it would take me more time to become powerful and get the information I want. It's best to attract attention and get the information I want as quickly as possible.

"Well, well. I'll be popular here."

Ah, it reminds me of school, although I was only popular with girls, boys hated me.

I sit at an empty table and take out my smartphone... I have several doubts in my mind. What other functions does my smartphone have? Also, God didn't give me a charger. How am I going to charge it?

"How will I charge it?"

Maybe the smartphone will give me the information I need.

Hmm... Hmm... Yes, I found an application that could be useful.

As I check my smartphone, I see an app that says: "Tutorial."


I open it and a message appears on the screen.

"Welcome, I will explain how to use the smartphone. It serves as a map, allows you to take photos and videos, your smartphone also functions as a weapon with the right spells. It charges with magic, you just have to hold your smartphone in your hand and the smartphone will absorb some of your magic, the smartphone will charge in just 10 seconds. If you have any questions, open the app again."

The app closes and I sigh... Sounds easy... It didn't answer all my questions, but it's something.

"Alright... What do I do now? I think I need to learn spells."

I open the app again and a new message appears.

"What do you want to know?"

Only the message appears and I try to open the keyboard to type, but it doesn't show up.

It's not the first time I've used a smartphone, Cris used to lend me his to do my homework. This thing doesn't have a keyboard for typing.

"Eh? The keyboard won't open... I guess I have to speak."

If it's asking me something and won't let me type, I suppose it activates with my voice. How modern, although I would prefer to type, it would save me a lot of trouble.

I bring my mouth closer to the screen to whisper what I want to know.

Ah, I must look like a crazy person considering that smartphones don't exist in this world, but I need to resolve my doubts. I'll ignore that feeling of discomfort for now.

"I want to know spells, please."

The message disappears and another one appears. Wow, that was fast.

"You want to know spells, is that correct...? Yes, that's correct."

The message disappears and another one appears.

Oh, it's a long message. I think it's spells.

"The spells I know are: 'Arches Nexus', which allows you to fly. 'Muslar asio', which gives you great physical strength, great endurance, and incredible agility. And lastly, 'Sword Dex', which allows you to summon a large sword, perfect for battles. Those are all the ones I have registered."

... Well... It seems to be narrated in a simple way with no technical terms. Where are the procedures to perform the spell? Is that really all?

The app closes... Alright... I think I just have to say those words... Sounds easy.

I tried pressing the spells to see if anything else would come out, but nothing. Is that really it? Do I just have to say those words?

It's too advantageous, but considering that my enemies will possibly be very powerful, this advantage was necessary.

"Well, well... Alright, I learned them. I guess I just have to say those words. Now I need to get attention and get the help of powerful adventurers... How will I do that...? I suppose I got attention when they found out that I have all types of magic, but that won't mean anything if I don't show that I'm strong."

Yes, that's obvious. Anyone can have great magical power, but they won't be interested in me if I don't show that I know how to use it.

The next part of my plan is to get powerful friends and contacts. The more spells I acquire, the better.

I got attention by showing that I possess all magical attributes, but if I manage to impress them with something incredible, my name will spread throughout the country.

Ah, that will bring me problems too, but I really need contacts if I want to progress as quickly as possible.

Now, well... How do I get attention?

Mmm... That will also be difficult.

Ah... Mmm... What if I wait to be known as the adventurer with all magical attributes? It will take a bit longer to achieve the fame I want, but I'll end up getting it anyway.

Ah, I don't know. I really don't want to waste valuable time.

"Is that serious?"

"Fufu. Yes. Look at this."

I hear two men talking. What caught my attention is the pig's head that one of them put on the table. Disgusting.

"You defeated an Orc with a knife? That's incredible!"


"Thank you, it wasn't a big deal either."

"It's the most incredible thing I've heard!"

The most incredible...? The most incredible...

A great idea occurs to me. Thank you, gentlemen.

"If I take a very difficult mission, I will be able to attract a lot of attention. They would consider me very powerful."

Yes, it sounds like a stupid idea, and it is. But I prefer to take the risk. I really don't have much time to improve. I will take every shortcut possible.

I approach Grey, who finished attending to a girl.

"Excuse me, what is the most difficult mission available?"

"The most difficult one? Well... Currently, there is a mission to defeat the black demon that is in our town. Regardless of rank, anyone can take the mission."

A demon... Well, well... The main enemy appeared.

"Black demon?"

... Black demon... Black... Black armor... Heat... Someone comes to mind.

I don't know why, but I remembered the man with the black armor.

"Does he have black armor?"


There is no doubt, it's him.

"But I just saw him. Why doesn't anyone try to defeat him?"

"He is very powerful, no one dares."

"Well, well... I see..."

I stay thinking for a moment, I don't know how to fight, but I must try to defeat him.

Wait... I have great magical power... That means that if I use the flying spell, I can fly very fast.

An idea crossed my mind.

I can escape by flying if the demon manages to hurt me.

It's not a great idea, but I have to try something.

Fight and win. Fight and escape. Those are the two possible outcomes this could have.

I am taking a huge risk, but I feel too confident inside. Yes, I think I know the reason... God.

God is on my side. The black demon treated me well. Surely God manipulated the situation and sent me this test to show him how serious I am about this mission. This is one of his tests to confirm that I am willing to kill.

Thank you for this, God. It will serve me not only to show you that I am capable of killing if necessary, but it will also help me become famous and make money.

"I will take the mission. Thank you very much."

She is surprised by my words. I suppose she didn't expect that.

Well, I didn't even expect this. Seriously, this could be the best or worst decision of my life. Why do I feel so confident? I don't know, but I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Something inside me is telling me that, and I will believe it.

"Really?! Are you sure about your decision?"


Grey takes a paper from the mission board. The mission board is full of papers containing mission information.

There is also a crowded board... Well, well... There are too many missions... Are there few adventurers?

Being an adventurer seems like a good job, there are always missions available.

"Give me your card."

I suppose she needs it to fill out the paperwork or something like that.

I hand her the card and she writes some strange symbols on it with a pen.


She hands me the card. Why did she do that...? Well, it doesn't matter, I'll ask her later.

"Good luck."

Yes, I need a lot of luck. Ah, I hope I'm not making a mistake with this.

"Thank you."

I leave the guild and see the black demon. Well, well. I didn't have to look for him.

Ah. I thought he was good. He doesn't seem like an evil demon.

Was he acting like a good person? Well, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I must finish this and show God that I am willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill the mission He gave me.

"He seemed kind."

I approach him. Daniel, you're about to get yourself into a big problem. There will be no turning back.

I know perfectly well, but I have to do it. God is on my side, I can do it. I just have to believe in myself.

"Excuse me, sir, are you the black demon?"

"Yes, I am. Why? Do you want my autograph?"

I wanted it before, but not anymore.

"And are you evil?"


He starts laughing devilishly and I feel a bit scared. He is definitely wicked.

Well, even though that evil laugh seems very unnecessary. It must be a test from God, definitely.

"Of course I am! Why?! Are you trying to defeat me?!"

"I-I suppose I must."

The black demon draws his black sword, and everyone flees the place, frightened. Is he that dangerous? I'm starting to regret it, but unfortunately, there is no turning back.

"I accept your challenge!!"

Well... It's time to give it my all.

God trusts me, I won't disappoint Him.

I take a deep breath and sigh.

"Well, well... Alright... Um... How about we settle this outside the village?" I said, with a serious look.

Don't show doubt or fear, Daniel. Don't be afraid. You can do it, Daniel... You can do it.

"For me, it's no problem!"

We start walking, and I look around, people seem interested in our fight because some are following us.

Yes, I know. Why didn't I train first to make sure I can use my magic? Two reasons. The first one: I have a lot of confidence... I don't know why, but I feel very confident... I know that's bad, but I can't help feeling confident. The second one: I forgot... I literally forgot! I was planning to leave and train, but I made the mistake of challenging him first... There's no turning back now.

I've seen many isekai anime, the first enemies are always the easiest to defeat. If I'm right, I just have to say the spell to use it, so I'm sure I can go against him, I have a good feeling about it.

I have God on my side.

It's unfair, but oh well, life isn't fair.

... Life isn't fair... Yes, I know.

It's not fair at all.

Daniel feels too confident because he thinks that demon is a test from God, but the reality is completely different.

"What is he doing?! He didn't even train! You're supposed to be intelligent, Daniel! You made a stupid mistake!"

God was watching Daniel... And He couldn't help him... Yes, Daniel is an idiot.

Daniel is a smart boy academically, but he is quite naive and doesn't think things through clearly.

"Daniel... Ah... Why did the Supreme God force me to choose you? This boy turned out to be an idiot. I hope the Supreme God allows me to replace him."