
Humanity's Deadliest Villian Returns!

In a dystopian future where caped superheroes and villains fight for supremacy, there was me, Nightmare, the world’s deadliest man. Nyx Blackthorn, code name: Nightmare, was forced to become humanity’s greatest bane after witnessing his father murdered before him and his little sister held hostage by the same people who claimed to be heroes. In his quest for vengeance, Nightmare died in the battle against humanity’s strongest hero, Torrin Blackstar! Upon his return a century after his death, he found himself at the prestigious Hero Academy as a student and the wielder of the Villain Evolution System. Armed with a God-grade system that rewards him for doing wicked deeds, Nyx vowed to annihilate all the heroes and finally free his little sister from captivity!

MidnightWolfe · สมัยใหม่
188 Chs

A Long Eventful Night Part [6]

With the help of the super item that can enable one to fly for a limited period of time, Camila, the vice principal, was hovering around the academy, trying to spot anything unusual.

After leaving Hall 5c, the first thing the blue-haired woman had done was to check the surveillance monitors of the academy. That way, it would be much easier to find the location of the intruder.

However, to her dismay, she found out that all the cameras were switched off, and the surveillance guards were all unconscious. From their pulse, the vice principal vaguely guessed it was poison.

It was then she realized that the villain had planned this for a long time; this wasn't something one person could do. Camila had a strong hunch that someone from the academy was working with the villain.

"If I were a villain and infiltrated the Hero Academy, where would I go?" Camila absentmindedly thought to herself as she continued to hover in the air. The most important place in the academy was, without a doubt, the museum where precious super items and other artifacts were kept.

However, Miss Camila wasn't worried about someone infiltrating this place because not only was the museum constantly changing every 10 seconds, but it was also invisible and protected by the tier 1 Master Khrome, someone who was as strong as the principal and Dalton Daze.

"The second most important place would be…" It was at that moment her eyes fell on the administrative building. There were lots of management documents kept there, and then there were also one prisoner there, the red-haired kid.

'If the villain kills that red-haired boy, the federal court and the Heroes Bureau wouldn't take it lightly with us,' Camila thought as she flew over towards the administrative building.

Landing outside the building, she proceeded to walk in. That was when someone appeared out of nowhere. Looking at the person, the vice principal could see that it was Momo.

"Miss Vice Principal, sorry for interrupting you, but I think we've spotted the villain," Momo said, adjusting his glasses, which were like hidden x-ray glasses.

Most people didn't know it, but Momo's glasses enabled him to have x-ray-like vision and see things through with just one simple command from his mind. And because of this, he had already detected the presence of Professor Isaac, who was staring at Nyx's empty prison cell in shock.

'Allowing her to go inside there is no good,' Momo thought. 'That Isaac could just blame all the deaths today on the kid.'

What Momo didn't know was that it was the 'kid' who was responsible for all the killings tonight, and they were just going on a wild goose chase for someone who didn't even exist.

"Where is the place? Take me there!" The vice principal didn't waste a second in giving a reply. Her brain was already calculating how to torture the villain and his/her accomplice.


'What is this pain? Why do I feel suffocated?' Nyx thought, feeling a burning pain all around his body. He couldn't even move a finger; it was similar to how he'd felt at the entrance exam when Ikor had used his ability on him.

Behind him, Ikor was staggeringly approaching the intruder, blood dripping from his mouth and nose. With each step he took, his already shattered bones seemed to break more.

Despite the pain, there was a determined glint in Ikor's eyes, and he didn't seem like someone who would stop anytime soon.

"After my father, you are the second person to leave me in such a disgraceful state," Ikor spat out. "For that, I respect you. If you weren't a villain, I'd have made you one of my 'people.' But since you chose to walk the path of evil, I shall do the world by eliminating you!"

Hearing Ikor's words, Nyx wanted to scoff, but the pain was just too intense for scoffing.

'I have come a long way, kid. I have finally gotten my hands on something that can aid me in freeing my sister. Do you think I'll let you trample over me just like that? Never, not in this life or the other life to come!' Nyx's eyes burned with determination as he started to crawl.

Ikor, who was witnessing this, was left speechless.

'How is this possible?'

Usually, when he gives someone a death command, they die that instant. But this... this person, to think he'll not only be alive but even try to escape.

'Is he perhaps Stronger than me? No, I can feel it from his aura that he's below me, so why isn't my super speech working?' Ikor thought. 'Although the punishment for using my life essence is severe, wasn't it supposed to have higher power compared to tapping from my energy cells?'

Ikor could only watch in disbelief because the pace at which the thief was crawling with the box was gradually accelerating.

At a young age, Ikor discovered that he possessed the unique ability called super speech. It was an omnipotent ability that made him a practical demigod. With a simple command from him, he could practically control anything or anyone. The catch of the ability was that he could use it only a limited number of times as the energy cells needed to use this ability was very high.

That was why most of the time, he depended on martial arts.

However, a few years ago, Ikor discovered a stronger and more potent energy; it was his life force! He discovered that he could give stronger commands to people who were several times stronger than him at the cost of losing a little bit of his lifespan.

Knowing that his parents wouldn't let him use his life force, Ikor had kept it a secret. Armed with this ability, Ikor swore to use this skill only when it was absolutely necessary, and that he'd done.

He had sacrificed some months of his life, but the damn thief was still alive and crawling. How was this possible!

Little did he know that Nyx was actually on death's door, but it was because of his determination to right all his wrongs in this lifetime, to free his sister, and to give her a better childhood.

Just then, Ikor started to feel dizzy, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious; this was one of the drawbacks of depleting all his natural energy and tapping into his life force.

A bit of time later, Nyx staggered under the night sky. He was alone because everyone had gone to the place Momo had 'seen' the villain.

'Water, I need water. My body hurts so badly.' There were myriad thoughts going through Nyx's mind as he continued to walk unsteadily. His cap had long fallen off along with his makeshift disguise scarf. His vision was now very blurry, and everything appeared distorted and in pairs.

[Health: [0/100]

Reaching his limits, the red-haired boy collapsed in front of the Red House dormitory building with the package carelessly laying beside him and lost consciousness.

"Huh? Isn't that Nyx?" said a pink-haired girl who was staring outside of her window when she saw a familiar figure collapsed before her dormitory building.

'It's truly him,' Violet thought as she finally saw the features of the red-haired boy she'd been sitting with all these days.