
Human Until The End

In a world full of dangerous supernatural creatures, Kyouya is simply a human. Except he's still Kyouya Hibari so everyone is terrified as he takes it upon himself to fight every type of supernatural creature there is.

Ourliazo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs


Kyouya grimaces at his heavy wounds and bloodied clothes. The group of noisy supernatural were stronger than he first thought, but he's more annoyed that they ran away than at his injuries.

He frowns as he tucks away his tonfas, because the grey blood is going to stick to the holsters and get inside the spikes, but he doesn't have the time to clean it.

The people around started running early on into the fight but they would soon be back with troublesome questions. Kyouya slips into a run and gets one and a half blocks before he finds the symbol for a hunter portal in spray paint on a brick wall. He ducks into the alleyway and searches until he finds a specific indent.

He presses the jagged cuts in order of where he wants to go and the ground opens up beneath him. The trips is instantaneous but leaves him feeling greasy. He sighs and steps out of the photo booth he appeared into. He glances around but nothing has changed from the last time he was here.

The mall was fully stocked when it disappeared from sight a long time ago. According to a few Hibari adults, apparently something went wrong with the warding and ended up shutting off the entire shopping centre.

It was by complete accident that Kyouya pressed the wrong sequence and showed up in the photo booth the first time as a small child. He never visited again but it was always a contingency plan if he needed to hide.

The abandoned mall holds no witnesses to his bloody appearance as Kyouya wanders around the large shopping centre, gathering clothes to change into, almost identical to what he wears now, and other first aid supplies as well as soap and a towel. He debates because it's light outside but the power isn't on so he takes a camping lantern as well.

He keeps walking until he finds a gym. The glass door opens easily so he slips inside and heads for the changing room. He places the supplies down on a bench and tries the shower tap but it doesn't work. He ends up lifting a pant leg to grab the small, finger length knife from the ankle holster there and has to carve a symbol for water onto the showerhead with the sliver of unicorn horn.

Water gushes out and he moves back to the bench. He tucks the knife away and takes off the holster for the horn and his tonfas, resting them on the bench alongside a wallet with only cash and his ripped armband. His clothes are taken off next and left in a small pile on the tiled floor, completely unusable.

He steps under the shower spray, a cool flood of holy water from the angelic symbol washing over him. The demonic symbol for water gives blood so Kyouya will make do with blessed water instead.

He grabs the soap and starts cleaning the gore off him, ignoring the pain it brings when it hits open wounds. He lets himself stand under the showerhead for a while after he's done, just to relax.

He ends up stepping out eventually and using the unicorn knife to cut a line through the symbol to stop the water flow. Kyouya dries himself and slips on underwear, before sitting on the bench with the first aid materials and taking care of his wounds.

He's worked his way up to his chest when the camping light flickers.

Kyouya pauses then, holding yet another roll of bandages, and places the material down as he turns to face the doorway leading out of the shower room and into the male toilets.

He stands when mist starts visibly rolling in, flooding the floor and making him shiver when it hits his shins because of the biting cold. The light cuts off completely then, and since the room has no windows for privacy, it's pitch black with only a faint light coming from the doorway.

"Oya," a deep, amused voice begins, coming from every direction at once. "It seems like a little human got thrown in as a sacrifice this time."

Two figures step through the threshold, the light behind them casting their features into darkness. They're adult sized males, Kyouya can tell that much, one a blond and the other wearing a woollen hat with glasses.

"Can I eat him, Mukuro?" the blond asks with a grin, sharp teeth filling his mouth and a wolf's tail lashing from side to side behind him.

Kyouya scans the room, because the werewolf wasn't taking to the one wearing a hat.

The tension abruptly breaks when the glasses wearer sighs in exasperation and elbows the other. "I'm really sorry about him," the man says to Kyouya. "Ken didn't mean it in a weird way, he's actually a werewolf and they tend to literally ingest people..."

The other meaning for 'eat' clicks and Kyouya waves off the apology.

Ken chokes when he finally realises what his words could be mistaken as, and flails. "Chikusa, of course I didn't mean it like that!"

Chikusa ignores him and continues speaking with Kyouya. "We heard the water shut off and waited until we thought you had clothes on."

"Hn," Kyouya says slowly, rather shocked at their consideration for what appears to be two murderers. "I was..." he trails off and gestures to his body that is halfway through being patched up.

"That looks really painful," Ken says, able to see through the dark thanks to his animal side. "Do you need help with your back or can you reach?"

Kyouya blinks.

"Both of you are ridiculous," comes an exasperated drawl off to the side of the room.

The light flares on and Kyouya sees another man in long boots, a leather coat and a loose tie standing in a relaxed pose with his arms crossed. His hair is a dark shade of violet and the length of his hair passes his hips. A trident stands tall by itself in arms reach of the newcomer.

"He's going to die anyway for trespassing," the man continues with a sigh.

"Sorry, Mukuro," Chikusa says, not at all sorry. "I just didn't fell comfortable leaving that sentence unexplained because...well, he's half-naked."

Kyouya raises an eyebrow at both the words and the flash of long incisors on Chikusa. It's rather odd for different creatures to mix, because they all tended to keep strict records of any slight against them and could hold grudges until they formed callouses, so for a vampire and werewolf to hunt together is rather strange.

"I understand that," Mukuro says calmly. "I just mean that is it necessary? The discussion is prolonging his death and giving him more time to panic."

"He doesn't look like he's panicking," Ken cuts in.

The other two turn to see Kyouya already having slipped into black pants and currently pulling tonfas from the holsters. The weapons need a yank to come out because of the now dried blood, a shiny grey of the fallen angels. He decides to not put on a shirt because he still hasn't dealt with some of the injuries. He turns to face them.

"Is that fallen blood?" Mukuro murmurs, eyes stuck on the weapons.

Kyouya nods easily enough. An angel's blood is gold and a demon's is black, so a fallen angel has light grey blood, still half shimmering from their angelic lives. It's rather distinct, and even higher priced than unicorn silver because there are so little fallen in any dimension, and it's significantly harder to get their blood.

With a unicorn you just let a virgin wander a forest and the animal will inevitably try to kill them and bathe in their blood to stay immortal.

"But that's not a titanium weapon," Mukuro contests. "We are not anything close to weak, so to take a fallen down must have cost dozens of lives. How are you still here?"

'We' meaning the man is a fallen.

"They were difficult," Kyouya allows. "The sword wielder is especially skilled."

"Sword wielder," Chikusa mutters, and seems to be searching his memory. "Do you mean Squalo Superbi of the Varia?"

"I don't know the fallen's name," Kyouya admits. "There was also a blond with a crown, one with a tri-coloured Mohawk and one that carries umbrellas."

"You're lying," Mukuro blurts out, actually taking a step forward. "You can't have met the Varia in a situation where blood was spilt and then simply walked away."

Kyouya rolls his eyes. "Are we fighting? I need to finish here and go back to Italy."

"Back?" Ken laughs humorlessly. "What do you mean back? You're stuck here now, the whole place is a prison just for us."

Kyouya raises an eyebrow. "So you are that same Mukuro. I had wondered why you look like Daemon."

Mukuro tenses and the trident reforms in his hand.

"Don't mention him!" Ken snaps. "That fucker shoved us in here when Mukuro turned fallen."

"I know," Kyouya hums. "Alaude found out and he was curious enough to try and get information from mother." Information that was promptly spread around the Hibari clan. Kyouya only managed to catch bits of it and it was a long time ago so he barely remembers anything.

"Alaude?" Mukuro questions. "Is he a spy? How did he get close enough to for that man to reveal it?"

"Vongola," Kyouya corrects. "You must have arrived here before he joined."

"A Vongola?" Mukuro laughs, incredulous. "Well, alright then. A new Vongola, a kid who has fallen blood, why not?" He throws his hands up and turns to leave, clearly long since given up on the world.

They all stay silent as he storms out.

"It's a touchy subject," Chikusa says. "Daemon is a bit of a douchebag."

Kyouya nods, because Alaude could be too.

"Sometimes we get people thrown in, as other prisoners," Ken says. "But they always try to kill us so we tend to strike first. None of them have any information on the supernatural, or if they do it's outdated even for us."

"I know the exit," Kyouya offers. The three seem harmless.

Chikusa sighs. "There really isn't a way out. Mukuro could beat Daemon in a fair fight even before he turned fallen, but this place has him at barely a quarter full so he can't break the wards or the boundary circle keeping us here."

"It's full lockdown, no Otherside transportation." Ken shrugs and then nods to the bench with first aid equipment. "So, you need help?"

Kyouya places his tonfas down and starts directing the two.

It goes a lot faster with an extra two pairs of hands and soon he has his shirt and jacket on with the ankle holster, armband and wallet hidden while the vampire and werewolf keep up a steady stream of idle conversation between themselves. Kyouya has gotten so used to caring for his weapons that the washing and maintenance is quick as well and soon he has the holster on with clean tonfas tucked inside.

The three of them step out of the gym and he sends them to fetch Mukuro and bring the man back to the photo booth. They come back with the fallen who looks like he's humouring Kyouya because he honestly has nothing better to do.

Kyouya shoves them all inside.

It's a tight fit and Mukuro 'accidentally' elbows the other two far too many times, but they all shut up immediately when Kyouya crouches down at the entrance and starts tapping out a sequence on the underside of the plastic stool.

"No fucking way," Ken blurts out a split second before the floor gives under the three prisoners.

Kyouya watches with mild interest as the gate absorbs them. Hunter portals aren't Otherside magic and therefore can't be cut off unless the barrier specifically targets it – they're more like incredibly advanced technology.

He waits a few seconds after so the ley line settles again before stepping in himself and tapping out a different code.