
human life when I thought I can change

The wind blow as the sea swim animal Care when they have to so why can't human be the same in this world human and animal have nothing in common human love human animal love animal but in this generation no One Love no One people hate people animal hate animal so why can't we all live in this world 🌍 without hating killing jealousy anger. As I grow older every year I realized that people never change I mean people can change but they never change really deep down inside I know that people never change why can't we all live together without racism bullying murder sometime I think about being rich wealthy but I wonder if I was rich and wealthy would I be the same think about it if you was rich wealthy you was a singer celebrity or even an actor would you be the same as you was think about it say that he was a person that who don't really like to buy fancy clothes you have the money to do that but like you don't really think about fancy clothes and all of that so why the selling change to become a richer is that the point you tell me but I think don't get me wrong but this is what I think people cannot change but they can still cannot change.

life is like a butterfly

Lotoya_Ramsaycreators' thoughts