

The bored Li Feng unexpectedly activated the Infinite Movie System, thus commencing his journey of crossing into movies. One by one, movies like "Train to Busan," "Mr. Vampire," and "Mojin: The Lost Legend" began his unique path to becoming stronger. From that point on, he came, he saw, and he conquered... (REWRITEN)

kai_w20 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Upgrade Gift Package

"World Mark? What is that?"

Just as Li Feng was puzzled, the system responded.

[Ding, World Mark allows you to leave a mark in the current world, and the next time the host gains the ability to travel between worlds, they can return to the marked world!]

"Will time remain unchanged?"

Li Feng quickly inquired in his mind. This was his most concerning question. It would be disappointing if, when he returned to the Busan Travel world, everything had changed.

[No, time will stay frozen at the moment the host leaves the World Mark!]


Upon hearing this, Li Feng couldn't help but cheer in his mind. This way, when the time is right, he can directly take Yu Dulin with him.


Looking at Yu Dulin quietly following him, Li Feng opened his mouth intending to share this information with her. However, in the end, he chose to remain silent. Even if he told her now, he couldn't take her back to the real world. It would be better to surprise her when the time comes.

At that moment, the system in his mind rang out again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing all tasks. This crossing will end soon, countdown five minutes, please prepare... 300, 299, 298...]

Is it really time to leave?

Even though he had seen this scene countless times in his mind, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Never mind, don't think about it."

Shaking his head, Li Feng dismissed these thoughts. After all, he could see them again in the future. There was no use in being sentimental now.

Just at that moment, the system in his mind rang out once again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the conditions for level upgrade have been met. Would you like to upgrade?]

The sudden appearance of the system's voice made him pause for a moment, but he quickly understood.

It turned out that the three tasks required for the initial upgrade had unknowingly been completed.


Li Feng silently spoke in his mind. He was curious about the privileges he would gain after the upgrade.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, current level LV2. Please continue to work hard!]

[LV2 level privileges unlocked, System Space, where items outside the system can be placed (excluding living things).]

[LV2 upgrade gift package has been issued. Please check it, host!]


Seeing the approximately ten square meters of System Space in the system, Li Feng couldn't help but feel delighted. He had been envious of the System Space that could only store system items before, and now he finally had it.

"Oh right, there's also the upgrade gift package!"

Instantly remembering, Li Feng quickly opened the gift package he had just received in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining ten million yuan.]

Hearing this, Li Feng's eyes lit up. He had been contemplating whether to go to work after getting the system. Now, this provided him with a good decision.

"Well, I'll quit my job tomorrow!"

Rubbing his chin, Li Feng made up his mind. He was a person who started and finished things. Even though his one-month salary and ten million yuan weren't much different, he had earned the one-month salary through his hard work. Why should he let his boss benefit so easily?

Moreover, thinking about that rich second-generation guy in the company, he felt a wave of disgust. He not only bullied others arrogantly but also wanted to pursue Li Feng's good friend and confidante, Qian Xiaojia.

It was said that many people in the company had been forced into bed and got pregnant by him, and Li Feng couldn't let him succeed.

Thinking about this, Li Feng shook his head. He began to tidy up his messy room.

Now it was August, and after everything was packed, Li Feng was drenched in sweat.

Wiping the sweat off his face, he was about to take a shower when he paused.

As he moved his right hand, a glass tube resembling a test tube appeared, containing an unknown pale yellow liquid.

This was the gene-enhancing potion Li Feng had obtained earlier. He had refrained from using it during the Busan Travel world, fearing he might run out of time and something unexpected might happen.

Now, it was finally time.

Removing the bottle stopper, Li Feng tilted his head back and drank it.

The potion was sweet and had no unpleasant smell. However, as the liquid flowed down his throat, it transformed into an unknown energy circulating throughout his body.

A layer of black impurities instantly surged to the surface of his body, emitting a stench he had never smelled before.

Frowning, Li Feng quickly ran to the bathroom to wash it off. Surprisingly, the oily sweat was particularly difficult to wash off. It took him over a dozen washes with shower gel to clean himself.

When Li Feng, now clean, stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself, even he found it hard to believe this was him.

Not to mention that his pores had become even smaller than before, even the slight acne scars from his teenage years were completely gone, and his facial features had become more three-dimensional.

If he used to score eighty, now he felt he could easily score ninety. His body also seemed more slender.

Before, Li Feng was only 180 cm tall, but now he felt like he was at least 188 cm.

"I need to buy new clothes!"

Looking at his seven-eighths pants that had become cropped pants, Li Feng couldn't help but feel a bit funny. This was the first time he was troubled by his height.

After finding a set of loose clothes in the wardrobe and putting them on, Li Feng walked out of the door toward the largest shopping plaza nearby.