

Huang had died from a truck then was brought back to life, now his cords are slightly damaged!

"Huang, You've been quieter than normal." He spoke.

"I normally speak very little if not at all, your majesty," Huang spoke softly.

"I see, I've heard the Noble consort has been angry again and had vented her anger out on you, hurting your voice." He replied.

"I dare not say that's it's false, but if I say truly I fear for my life," Huang spoke softly again.

"You have nothing to fear, But I feel Angered that one of my attendants was bullied due to women of mine being angry, worse of all, my attendant who's been attending to me since childhood." He spoke with a bitter attitude "Do you retain anything to assert? Huang?"

"I don't your majesty." Huang countered, "Whatever your majesty decides I do."

"Then have her punished, but you don't have the decree read, she would be angrier by this, have full hatred for you, to the point where she would want to kill you." He spoke.

"Your majesty doesn't need to worry, Huang is cable to handle getting punished again if needed to." Huang replied, "Huang has a strong body as well."

"Huang, don't do anything stupid, I don't want you to die. Besides, I'll someone else handle this." He replied.

"Okay, your majesty, The empires is here," Huang spoke softly.

"The empress arrives!" A servant shouted.

"Greetings to your majesty," Huang spoke softly.

"Huang, Your speaking less? Odd? Is there something wrong?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Nothing, Huang can—"

"Huang, Let me speak." He spoke.

Huang stayed silent, "May I ask why the empress is here when the concubines and consorts should be greeting you this early morning?"

"This empress is here, because your majesty, there has been a problem for you lacking duration in the harem, and not accompanying at all recently and overworking state affairs, as the empress this should be my concern, as well, as your wife." She spoke in a sharp but elegant tone.

"Empress? Last time I checked whatever I did was my own choice, I understand you're concerned, but you are neglecting your duties this morning and this is unacceptable by far, you dared to break the law and the imperial palace shall have you punished by under the command of the emperor, this emperor shall be slapped five times in the face hard as could be. No mercy even if she is your master I decree it, Huang, has written this down!" His bitter tone shouted loudly.

"Yes, your majesty." The servant dragged the empress to punished.

"Your majesty, you want some sweets? Huang wants sweets." Huang said.

"Huang, your the only one who dares talk to me this way, maybe I've spoiled you too much." He muttered.

"Huang doesn't know what your majesty is mumbling about, but Huang knows there's gonna be a test by a head servant in a few days and Huang hasn't studied one bit, Huang will not fail, has adequate memory." Huang rambled "Huang wonders what everyone else is doing right now?"

"Huang, there's a test for servants? Why wasn't I informed of this?" He asked.

"Huang was told not to tell your majesty, or I would fail the test, uh oh? Now I fail, that means I won't be able to play in the garden on my days off no more." Huang said, "Huang is so sad, now."

"Huang, You weren't supposed to tell me? Eh is that?" He asked.

"Huang overheard the mean old lady[Empress's old servant, who is still alive] talking to the head servant of Punishment, about making a test and all servants who fail are banned from their privileges, and they said something about framing the Noble consort, for revenge for the empress." Huang explained, "Huang doesn't Know what that means, but now Huang failed test, now Huang can't play in the garden tomorrow with the little prince."

"Huang, You play with my little prince?" He asked.

"Of course Huang plays with the little prince when little prince wants to, but now that I Failed the test, I can't play anymore." Huang explained, "This makes Huang sad."

"Huang you can still play with the little prince, now I want the name of those servants, then you can play with the little prince tomorrow as you promised." He replied.

"Huang thanks, your majesty." Huang whispered "Huang, is Sorry for troubling you again, Huang is told by the other servants that he's useless and clumsy, and stuck in a child mode forever. It's not Huang's fault, Huang doesn't mean to say such things in front of your majesty, Huang rambled too much for your majesty."

"Huang, I know it's not your fault, Those servants are old, they know nothing about you. Huang your perfect just the way you are." He replied, "Anyways who is the one who talks bad about you behind my back?"

"It's Yu and Yuna." Huang spoke "There junior servants, they serve the Noble consort, as her personal attendants, always mean to Huang, Saying things like 'Huang, the only reason your alive is cause you serve his majesty. He cares for someone as stupid as you, who is a illegitimate child. No wonder no one talks to you' Huang doesn't like them saying stuff like that, at all. They say stuff to Huang all the time, it's not Huang's fault at all."

"Huang, Your sweet like candy, your probably the only servant in this whole palace who doesn't have a second motive." He said.

"Huang likes his majesty, his majesty kind and smart like little prince, allows me to have sweets and wine, and doesn't try to feed me peppers cause they can't kill Me." Huang spoke "Huang is great full."