
HP: work in progress

This is work that just popped into my mind after reading unknown number of fanfics. The story will start at end triwizard tournament when harry is fighting voldemort. obviously the copyrights for harry potter and related characters belongs to J. K. Rowling. Cover art doesn't belong to me. If it's yours and want me to take it down contact me.

Blaze_98 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Return of the prodigal mother

23 June 1995

Lily's  POV

Lily opened her eyes, She sat up straight as she remembered the events of last night. She found her self in room unknown to her besides her was her husband still breathing a little relief to her mind. that only lasted for a moment though as she couldn't see her son Harry any where in the room. Tears welled up in her eyes at the possibilities. she cried.

  After five minutes the door open and a man walked in.

"hello Lily, It's nice seeing you again" said Matthew.

It took Lily few seconds to process the face of the man as she wasn't expecting to see him here.

"Matt, what is going on? Where is this place? and where is Harry?" asked Lily almost breaking into tears again towards the end.

"Let's start with the simplest question which is where we are. This is my house pretty close to the diagon alley. now about what is going on? well I got you out of Voldemort's clutches at the very last moment. As for Harry I am sorry I only had enough time for you two. It was already so tense that you almost didn't make it." explained Matt.

"That means..... He is...." Lily tried forming a sentence as tears once again made their way out of her eyes.

"Don't go around making assumptions. A lot happened since then but I don't have time to explain everything. I need to ask for something. Everything else will be explained by my son Mattias, yes I know he is also called Matt. as for what I wanted to ask was related to him. I request you to please help him in the future if he is in need of it. As I won't be here to help him anymore. Matthew Blaze's time in this world is coming to an end. I hope you enjoy a happy and full life, also say Hi to Sev for me. It is about time you bury the hatchet and don't le this fool tell you otherwise." Matt said pointing to unconscious James.

Lily chuckled. "I think so too, but he is said to be the most loyal servant of Voldemort" She was still worried about Harry but from Matt's words she derived that he is at least alive. but what was going on with matt talking like he was about to die and his? how could he explain anything to me. after all Matt was only a year older than her. 

"Again a lot has changed since the attack on your house and he is the first person you should contact, close second would be Sirius. He also suffered a lot. I hate to cut this reunion short but I've ran out of time. Goodbye Lily Evans", said matt turning into light particles.

Lily was shocked she didn't know what to do except keep watching and process the fact that she had lost a true friend and a savior.


Matt opened his eyes found himself standing in front of James and Lily holding Lily's wand, his wand was in the holster. He was in the body of teenager around fourteen or fifteen year old. He started assimilating memories of this body.

After Matthew disappeared in 1981. a year old baby appeared on his door steps. Sweety the house elf took care of the baby and raised him as her young master Mattias Blaze. He started Hogwarts same year as Harry. What surprised him was that he was in Ravenclaw. His personality was similar to Matthew silent, minding his own business stopping bullying here and there. He was very glad that personality wasn't polar opposite. He realized he had chosen a hell of a time to come back as tomorrow was the third task and the Voldy is resurrected. This matt had sneaked out of Hogwarts through one of the many secret passage ways out to Hogsmede and apparated from there. He was laughing on his luck, as it wasn't all bad as he could save Cedric from dying and it was easiest thing he had to do since coming to this world.

  While he was in his thoughts Lily was waking up he quickly left the room and started thinking how best to deal with situation at hand. He couldn't directly introduce himself as a teenage son of a former friend and that wouldn't explain why they were here. She probably won't believe me and leave this place, It might even cause Voldemort's resurrection to fail, Matt couldn't let that happen. He came up with the idea to have Matthew make a final appearance. He cast a illusion of Matthew. As the illusion entered the room. Mattias called Sweety. She instantly apparated in front of him.

"Young Master, How are you here? You should be at school? Sweety failed in one job Master gave her to teach young master well. Sweety should be punished" her expressions went from joy to shock to crying in matter of seconds. As she was about to smash her head against the wall Matt stopped her.

"Stop, father asked me to come home" said Matt hurriedly.

"Master did? Is he coming back?" sweety said stopping.

"Yes he did and no he is not coming back. He called me home because we have guests over. So prepare some dinner for three. " Matt told Sweety.

"Guests? When did they arrive? I didn't hear them come in" asked Sweety.

"Father sent them directly to the guest room."

"Okay, young master. but you must go back to school after welcoming and taking care of tasks master gave you" she looked at Matt sternly.

"Yes, I will. Also bring out all the newspapers related to Potters and Sirius Black. We didn't throw them out right?" asked Matt.

"Yes Young master, Master told me before he went away to keep all the news papers related to Potters and Blacks." replied Sweety and disapparated.

Matt walked toward the guest room door and saw that conversation between Matthew and Lily was over and James was already awake Lily was explaining him what happened while he was unconscious, as her explanation was coming to an end he walked into the room.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Potter, welcome to my house I am Mattias Blaze son of Matthew Blaze. Whom I guess you knew. Sorry I wasn't here to welcome you. I left from hogwarts as soon as I received father's letter. I've aske my house elf to prepare dinner for us so you might like talking over dinner. To be honest I was shocked to see that you were the guests he was talking about. Harry would be happy to see you back." said Matt introducing himself.

Lily and James were looking at Matt with wide eyes as they tried to figure out how could Matthew have a son 14-15 years old when they themselves weren't more than 22 years of age, but James lost all reason when he heard the mention of Harry he approached Matt got hold of his shoulders.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here with us?" asked James but he felt as if all the strength leaving his body. He fell to his knees.

Matt sighed and said "This is why I said you would prefer to talk over a meal as your bodies are in a weakened state due to the travel, so shall we head to dining room?"

Lily was also experiencing weakness since she woke up but she ignored due to worries about her son. Neither Lily nor James replied instead just looked at Matt.

"Harry is fine where he is I won't tell because I have been warned about your reckless behavior by father. of course you will know where he is after we had our little talk so stay calm a little" said Matt a little annoyed.

Lily felt Mattias was very similar to Matthew so she said "Sure, lead the way to the dining room."

"thank you for understanding and here is your wand Mrs. potter" said Matt "As for your wand Mr. Potter I don't have it as father were unable to retrieve it during the attack."

James Potter looked sullen as he didn't like to be without a wand. They followed him to the dining room. They noticed table beside the dining table stacked with newspapers. Sweety had already set up the dining table food was ready and piping hot their stomachs grumbled. Matt decided to let them get some food in their system before starting the talk