
Chapter 13

It didn't take long for the absence of Professor Moody to be noticed and it wasn't until they searched his quarters that they found him inside his own trunk, having been captive the entire time, with his kidnapper impersonating him.

Further searches turned up little even when the Ministry sent a few squads of aurors to help with the search of the culprit and any information around why he suddenly vanished.

Moody gave a description of his captor and after some time it was discovered that it was Barty Crouch Jr, having escaped his father's captivity after being smuggled out of Azkaban.

After that, things just didn't go well for both Barty Crouch Sr and Fudge. Crouch Sr was arrested and quickly tried under Veritaserum, his rights after all his screw ups being waved to get to the truth as soon as possible. After everything was said and done, after only a single day he was found guilty on all counts and sent straight to the worst section of Azkaban.

Fudge, after numerous embarrassments, was forced to resign due to the pressure thrown at him from worried parents and other countries ministries. Amos Diggory was selected as interim Minister until a vote could be held.

Reading about everything in the Daily Prophet during breakfast a couple days after returning from my late night adventure, my thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore as he walked up to his podium, calling for attention.

"As many of you may have heard, it was revealed that an impostor had infiltrated the school, pretending to be one of our professors." By now everyone already knew but details were scarce outside of what was printed in the papers. "Due to the injuries Professor Moody incurred during his captivity, classes have been postponed until a replacement can be found or he recovers. For those taking their Owls and Newts this year, time will be made available with multiple professors during their free time to provide assistance."

"Also." He continues on. "Due to concern resulting from this incident, the Ministry has stationed a number of Aurors at Hogwarts for the foreseeable future to provide security for both the school and the tournament." At his gesture, a few squads of aurors came in from the antechamber, one of which was Tonks who upon noticing my attention gave a hearty wave and a smile.

"If anyone has any information pertaining to the fugitive who is responsible for the detainment of Professor Moody, we encourage you to seek one of your Professors out as soon as you can and if you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this incident, times will be made available for you to speak with someone."

As he finished and moved back to his seat to eat himself, most of the aurors left to start patrolling the school, with a few staying around in the great hall.

Tonks of course, made a bee line for me, pushing another student out of the way to sit next to me, on the other side of Luna.

"Hey there stranger!" She greets with a huge grin.

I give her a smirk in return. "Hello there, future mother of my children."

My response trips her up, taking a few seconds for her to get what I'm referring to before a blush rises to her cheeks and she groans. "Damn it mother.." She whispers to herself before turning back to me. "Don't take anything she says seriously, she was just trying to embarrass me."

Putting on an affronted look I hold a hand to my chest. "And what is that supposed to mean. Am I not good enough for you or something?"

She just gives me a blank stare as I bat my growing lashes at her.

Giving my shoulder a push as I laugh at her she ignores my antics. "So aside from the obvious, how's the school year treating you." Deciding to grab some food herself, she starts to load up the plate in front of her.

Thinking of my time spent with both Rose and Hermione, and my 'time' spent with Diana, I give her a vague response. "It's been okay I suppose. It is school after all, but my time spent with Rose and Hermione are good and most of my free time is spent training."

She gives me a side eye as she shovels some eggs into her mouth, talking between bites. "You really need to find something else to do in your free time aside from training."

I give a chuckle. "There's nothing wrong with training in your free time."

"With the amount you train, there certainly is. What are you even training for anyways, you've never really spoken about what your plans are for after Hogwarts." She gives me a considering look. "You thinking of becoming an auror as well or something?"

I snort at the thought. "Hell no."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" My vehement answer obviously annoying her.

"No offense, but even if I had no other options I wouldn't become an auror."

"Why not? There's nothing wrong with the job."

Giving her a blank look, I hold up my hand and start counting out one finger at a time. "Almost constant paperwork."

"Okay, well yeah I'll give you th-" Holding up another finger I don't even let her finish. "Severely underfunded department."

She reluctantly nods before trying to defend herself and her job, but I just continue on. "Blatant favoritism working for the Ministry in general for purebloods."

Her eyes light up at a possible defense. "Ah ha, but as you know I'm a half blood, not that it matters anyways, but they.."

I counter her immediately. "Only because you are a metamorph."

Her face contorts back into a glare and a pout as I open my mouth to continue, holding up a fourth finger.

However she decides to stop me before I can continue by standing up and walking away.

As she passes behind me however, I lean back and give her a swat on the ass.

{fetish, younger men}

As my hand connects I give her a parting shot. "Don't be upset that you can't take the truth."

My actions of course cause the nearby conversations to halt as they see and hear my slap, Tonks herself coming instantly to a stop a foot away, though she doesn't immediately turn around.

"Oh no you didn't…" She growls out, her wand dropping into her hand.

I swing one of my legs out from under the table, siting in her direction as I prepare my retort.


A second slap rings out, drawing a lot more attention as people start to whisper and point out to others around them.

{fetish, incest play}

At the second slap, she draws taut as her fury builds. "Oh yes I did." The challenge in my voice just begging for it.

With a rage filled scream, that cause a few nearby men to flinch from previous instances of hearing similar, she whirls around and aims her wand in my direction. Anticipating this however, I quickly throw myself backwards, my remaining leg under the table going somewhat limp as I roll off the bench and with both hands I push myself back to my feet a couple steps away from my previous location, in one single motion.

A few people nearby give some appreciative ooh's and ahh's at the stunt.

Her wand follows my motion and as it is directed at me I just can't help but throw some salt in that wound. "That's why I train. Right there."

She takes a second to take a deep, quick inhale before asking for clarification. "You train to slap my ass…"

Holding a finger out I pause for dramatic tension. "Yes. Though to be fair, that is one fine ass and it deserves to be appreciated." I respond after a moment, tone as serious as possible.

"I'll be sure to write that on your grave." She grounds out past her teeth, a blush rising to her cheeks.

With a flick of my wrist I scoff. "That implies you'll actually be able to hit me."

By now the entire room is watching the two of us as she once again screams, spellfire spitting from her wand. Thankfully she is still being conscious enough to keep her 'attacks' somewhat tame, and making sure anything that doesn't hit misses hitting anyone else, which is every spell, since I am retreating towards the doors and no one else in my way.

Twisting around her spells I quote the master himself.

"Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" As the strange words come out of my mouth I throw in some slight crab walks while I'm at it.

As she chases after me, the entire hall erupts in laughter, watching along as I escape out the doors to the left, Tonks following a dozen feet behind me.

The laughter grows as a few seconds later, I walk back in from the right acting as if nothing had just happened, though I give the Weasley Twins a high five as I pass them on the way back to my seat.

Rose has fallen out of her seat, and is wheezing on the floor, while Hermione is just holding her head in her hands while shaking it. Though I do see her shoulders shaking slightly.

Sitting back down, I continue to eat as the laughter dies down.

A few moments later however, a cough behind me has me turning around to see Professor Flitwick grinning back up at me.

Pointing back to the entrance of the hall with my thumb I am quick to defend myself. "You can't prove anything."

'Perfect.' I pat myself on the back in my mind.

Shaking his head and his grin growing, Flitwick is quick to correct my assumption. "The headmaster has asked for you to see him after breakfast before your first class."

Reorienting my hand forwards to give a thumbs up, I just nod before going back to my meal.


"Thank you for coming to see me my boy." Dumbledore greets me, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk as I close the door to his office, Snape standing broodily to the side. "Would you care for a lemon drop?"

I shake my head. "No thank you professor."

Unbothered by my negative response, he grabs one for himself. "I won't keep you long, I merely wished to see if you happened to have the two damaged items you showed me during the summer. I had hoped to check on something and have need of them."

"Of course." I reach into my left pants pocket, as seems to be the norm, pulling out the small bag from my ring before pulling the diadem and ring and setting both on his desk.

"Is there anything I can do to help further?"

Dumbledore seems to take my offer under consideration before turning to Severus. "Is the mark still fading?"

Snape seems to give Dumbledore an incredulous look before simply shaking his head. "Yes, it is now almost completely gone, sensation no longer dulled."

"Hmm." At the expected response, his focus returns to the two items placed on his desk, before looking back at myself.

"Would you be so kind as to cast that one spell again please."

Shrugging my shoulders, I pull out my wand and give it a wave over the two objects.

However, the expected lines that had previously appeared seem to instantly fizzle out, with no further indication of anything happening.

I am slightly puzzled, casting once more, but receiving the same result.

Dumbledore however just seems to nod, as if the outcome is as he believes it should be.

"If I may, could I hold onto both items for the next few days, to run some further tests."

Coming to some conclusions of my own, I just nod to his request. At this point, they were merely trophies with little value beyond such.

As far as I could tell, with Voldemort now fully dead, the link between the objects is truly gone, and will never again link each other together.

This is good to know.

Standing up, I bid both a good day, heading off to class.

Though I pause for a moment, an odd whisper I couldn't quite catch on the wind causing my shoulders to tense, before hearing nothing further.

Looking around the hallway in front of the gargoyle, nothing seems amiss, the few paintings around acting as they normally would, no reaction to anything out of place at all.

Shrugging my shoulders, I continue on my way. Though I'll certainly be keeping a closer eye on things for awhile longer, just in case.


The next few days are spent as they usually are, with my afternoons before lunch spent in my commandeered room training with Rose and Hermione.

By this point both are down to sports bras and yoga pants.

Dear god, bless whomever invented yoga pants, they are doing your divine work and should forever be praised.

Both have grown more confidant as their figures have filled out beautifully, toned stomachs and tight rears on display.

After the usual run and cool down walk, the three of us talk about our days and other things of note.

"How are things going with Ron?"

Both girls just share a look as Hermione shakes her head. "Admittedly not good." She pauses a moment before continuing.

"His attitude continues to be a problem, and he constantly complains about how we're not spending as much time with him anymore."

"He complains about how I'm not helping him as much with his schoolwork and that my time spent with you is distracting me." She huffs as her head turns to the side. "The nerve." She mutters.

Rose nods her head before taking over. "He's constantly demanding I spend less time studying and training, and more time hanging out and playing chess."

This time its Rose who huffs. "Just what is it with him and chess. It's all he talks about lately besides Quidditch."

"I never really understood Quidditch." Hermione mutters as she grabs a towel, wiping her arms and face.

Rose nods along. "I really only play for the flying, the game itself is just a byproduct. Though I do enjoy watching games."

"What do you plan to do if Ron keeps acting up." I ask the two, throwing on a clean shirt after using a towel myself.

The two take a moment to stare at my chest and arms before shaking their heads.

"Ron will always be my first friend, but he needs to learn that I have other friends besides him, and that I won't always have time to hang out."

Hermione nods along. "I'm really only friends with him because of Rose, and I never really forgave him for his hurtful words first year."

Turning to Rose she remarks about a certain incident. "I'm still uncertain how we lost the troll that night after you came to tell me."

Rose herself pauses before shrugging and giving Hermione a hug. "Me neither, I'm just glad the two of us got away."

"I remember that, did they ever find out who killed the troll?"

At my question, the two look at me given the tone of my voice and the coy smirk I have on my face.

After looking back and forth between each other and myself, Hermione seems to get it.

"It was you!" She shrieks, raising her finger to point at me.

Rose's eyes widen as she stares at me.

"Guilty." I chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

Due to the differences of this world, mainly Rose being a girl and connecting more with Hermione, Ron didn't join her when she went looking for Hermione in the bathroom. Knowing of the coming danger, I kept an eye on the situation from a distance, distracting the troll long enough for the two girls to leave the bathroom.

Sadly the troll wasn't distracted for long and would have quickly caught up to the two, forcing me to act, killing it before it could catch sight of them.

By now, the three of us are done for the morning and usually we would head to our dorms to freshen up before heading to lunch, however now, with the recent revelation Hermione comes to a stop just before we leave the room, Rose stopping behind her.

Turning back to the girls, I watch as Hermione seems to just stare at me, a considering look in her eyes, before she seems to come to some kind of decision.

Squaring her shoulders she struts forward, before grabbing the front of my shirt.

"Wha-" The words die in my throat as she pulls me towards her, mashing her lips against mine.

As I stand there mind somewhat frozen, I come to the conclusion that she has no idea what she is doing, as she stand there with her eyes closed and just moves her lips up and down slightly.

Deciding to just roll with it, because honestly, I have zero problems with this situation, I bring both hands to her face as I gently cup her head in my hands and show her how it's properly done.

{fetish, sharing}

Her arms wrap around my back as we spend the next minute snogging, lost to the world.

It's only when we hear the heavy breathing of Rose behind her, that Hermione and I pull apart to look at her.

As our gazes focus on her, we see Rose biting on her thumb, as her other hand rubs her stomach slowly side to side. When she notices our attention she jumps slightly before turning almost completely around, embarrassed at herself for her reaction.

Turning back to me, Hermione reaches up and pulls my gaze back to her.

"I like you Jacob." She finally comments after taking a moment to settle her nerves. "Both of us do.." She shrinks into herself slightly as she half turns back to Rose.

Rose herself continues to avoid her gaze, but gives no argument to Hermiones words.

"I kinda noticed." I say as I smirk at the two girls.

Hermione lightly slaps my chest and huffs, as Rose fidgets, taking a few steps closer to the two of us.

"Stop it." Hermione scolds. "We're being serious."

"No, that would be my-" I halt my joke as they both just glare at me.

"Okay yeah." I cough, deciding to take this seriously. "I've noticed for some time now, I just didn't want to push either of you, and I certainly could never choose between you both." I give them both an honest look. "So I decided to let things be and leave it up to you."

Hermione nods. "We spent the past few months talking and after some research, found some books about old but still sometimes used laws."

"In situations like mine." Rose chimes in. "Where someone is the last of their house, there are numerous instances of the person in question having multiple spouses, though usually that happens when applying to a man."

Sharing a look Rose continues on. "We talked to each other and decided that if you were okay with it, we wouldn't be adverse to sharing you."

Her voice trails off slightly as she finishes, fully understanding the awkwardness of what they are suggesting.

Both seem to look at me, waiting for my answer.

Holding my hand out, I beckon Rose over to join us, and after a few hesitant steps, I wrap an arm around each girl.

Lowering my head, I kiss Rose as Hermione leans her head into my shoulder.

{fetish, sharing}

The two of us continue, until a minute later I pull back, Rose panting and eyes lidded.

"If you two are sure." Hermione just nods her head, still leaning it against my shoulder, while Rose does as well, staring in my eyes.

"Very well then." With a nod of my own, I lock the door we were just about to leave through, before conjuring a couch off to the side. Moving both hands down, I grip each girl under their rears, and carry the two girls over, getting dual squeaks from both.

Siting down I position both to either side of me and gently begin to rub both their backs.

"Are there any points you want to bring up in regards to how you want this to work?"

As the two settle on the couch, I hit both with a few more charms.

{Gag Removal, Flavour town, Flexible Orifices, Perky breasts, Lubed, Clean, Libido Boost I, Sensitive I, Fetish; Watching}

The two look at each other, before Hermione answers. "We would appreciate taking things slow." Rose nods along. "We're both serious about this, and don't want this to be a short term thing." Once again Rose nods.

"Understandable." I agree, rubbing their lower backs, but not straying too low just yet.

The next half an hour is spent just enjoying the new closeness and snogging.

By the time we decide to leave, we have to rush to the great hall to grab whatever food we can before heading to class.


Over the next few days, I considered how I was going to bring the topic of Diana up to the two, before I just said fuck it.

Ever since we decided we were going to do this, the new norm after our daily practice ended with the three of us snogging each other before leaving for lunch, with some light petting added on.

Surprisingly there was also some attention happening between the two towards each other, though much, MUCH less when focused on me.

As Hermione and I were coming up for some air as it were, I decided to broach the topic.

"There is something I need to tell the two of you."

Rose looks up from where she was leaning her head against my chest, as Hermione's eyes focus on mine, having previously been lidded and dazed from our kiss.

"On the train before start of term, I had a run in with Malfoy, which resulted in some things happening that might affect our new relationship."

By the end of my words, Rose has pushed herself up, to more focus on me while Hermione glares lightly at me.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Hermione questions.

Looking back and forth between the two, I just hold a hand up before giving a single loud snap.

The two give me a weird look, before the noise of the door to the room opening causes them to twist around to look at our visitor.

A.N. NSFW content starts

Diana comes in wearing barely anything at all, and as MC explains the situation she pleasure's Jacob to Rose's fascination, with Hermione questioning things before agreeing to include Diana after the suggestion of sending her away causes Diana to beg them not to.

Rose is neither for or against, but comments that they are already sharing Jacob so what's the problem with one more. Jacob suggests Diana give Rose some attention resulting in a little kissing and heavy petting between everyone.

NSFW content ends


From then on, Diana joins us in our training, the atmosphere between all three having improved due to Diana's understanding of her new position in life.

Hermione takes a bit more time to come to grips with everything, but she had little to complain about being the one to suggest sharing me in the first place.

Though the looks coming from the Beauxbatons champion have caused her some concern, as we all notice Fleur occasionally following me around, though never in any instance where it's just us, usually during times walking between classes and mostly during meals.

Not once has she actually tried to talk to me though, just looking at me as if I'm some giant puzzle that she needs to work out, though she should be spending more time trying to find out about the first task.

Having come across the dragons during one of my nights running through the woods, I confirm that things are still the same as far as the upcoming task is concerned, the Ministry being as stupid as they were in canon.

As far as the rest of the school though, things have since calmed down with Moody having recovered enough to actually come back and teach like he was supposed to, since no replacement could be found.

Most of the classes were covered by Dumbledore and when he couldn't find the time, some of the Aurors took over for a time or two.

One time Tonks gave it a shot, only to devolve into her trying to get back at my previous stunt, resulting in her chasing me around the room, and eventually through the corridors.

It was decided she would stick to regular patrols from then on.

As the weeks passed, the end of November arrived and the time for the first task had come. Hermione and Rose followed me down to the arena they had built for the task itself. Diana trailing a dozen or so feet behind us, mixed in with other students.

As the stands filled, and bets started going up between the students, I had a thought wondering if the champions had been told about what they were about to face, and if not, how the three were going to deal with their challenge.

Siting between the two girls, we lightly chatted as the first dragon was brought in, and the task explained to the crowd, before a cannon shot went off, Victor Krum walking out the tent to the start of the tournament.

If he had prior knowledge about the task he didn't show either way, though his plan appeared to be the same as he only paused a moment before running forward, shooting spells at the Swedish Short-Snout's eyes succeeding after a few tries.

Now blind, the dragon's movements became understandably crazed, it's tail flinging around wildly, occasionally spewing out flames in random directions.

Krum having achieved his distraction, raced towards the nest to grab the golden egg he was tasked with retrieving, jumping down the rocks after doing so.

Unfortunately as he ran back to the tent's entrance, the Short-Snout seemed to have heard his landing, as a moment later his form was obscured by fire as a loud scream rang out of the arena.

