
Chapter 0023 - R

Tuesday, November 15, 1994

Conference Room 23

Percival Ebonwood's POV

"Next, Miss Weintraub took the stage."

Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde received a half-hearted applause as she sat down. Miss Weintraub then stood up and walked towards the podium, glancing around the room before she began to speak.

"Good afternoon, all. I am here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the ministry has finished its recruitment drive for this year in the summer before the Quidditch World Cup. Today, I am going to be discussing our newly formed initiatives to boost international relations and then some positions that have opened up recently.

We have seven spots available for the first initiative. In this one, the ones selected will study for their mastery in another country, with all expenses paid by the ministry. You would be representing all of Britain, and you would also be working with muggles. We have two spots for healers, three for artificers, one for a potioniers, and one for a rune expert. If this tickles your fancy, please come see me afterwards.

The second initiative is for the ministry and your parents to host children from other countries for two to three years while they attend Hogwarts. We would usually discuss this with your parents, but given how some of them are quite... unpleasant towards people from somewhere else, we turned to you. If you decide to take part in this programme, the Ministry of Magic will give you a grant that is worth about 30% of the value of the house you are planning to buy. This is open to all of you; however, there is a minimum requirement. We require a minimum standard of living check, for you to have a stable income, and for you to pass a random surprise inspection. This means that you can't rely on an inheritance or a trust fund as your income. You have to enter the world of work. If you successfully complete this initiative, the ministry will give you another grant worth the same value as the first.

And for our final initiative, we have partnered with some minor schools throughout Asia and Africa, and we have secured places in these schools for anyone who is willing to become a professor. You will be taught how to teach alongside your mastery. This programme lasts for just under three years, and you would teach at three different schools before receiving your teaching licence. The ministry would fund your mastery course and give you a monthly stipend to help you enjoy your time outside of Britain. If you are interested in any one of these, please come and see me.

Although our recruitment drive for this year is over, we have some key members of the ministry retiring after this tax year. The Minister of International Affairs will be leaving alongside the Minister of Internal Affairs. Both departments are looking to recruit fresh blood and bolster their numbers. Due to opening our borders again and the influx of visitors for 'medical' purposes, you will mostly be constrained to paperwork in the Department of International Affairs; however, they are also looking to increase the number of field agents. You could get lucky and be one of the chosen few, and this in turn could launch your political career. Due to the recent scandals, the Department of Internal Affairs is getting a reshuffle, and there are a lot of seats open. As long as you pass the test, three students from Hogwarts will get a fast pass and directly become a field agents.

Before I forget, the Department of Law Enforcement, headed by Madam Bones, has seen its largest intake of Aurors this year compared to the last fifteen years. She hopes that this trend continues. To incentivise it, the Department of Law Enforcement has a dedicated fund you can access to develop yourself. As long as it is reasonable and will help you do your job, Madam Bones will sign off on it. The Department of Law Enforcement is also trying to hire an in-house artificer with a salary fourteen percent above the market rate. If you are interested in becoming an Auror or in the position of in-house artificer, send an owl to Madam Bones' personal assistant to get more information. Thank you for your time."

She received an applause louder than Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde but quieter than Professor Slughorn.

"Thank you all for listening," Professor McGonagall said as she stood up. "Our guests will remain here for another hour. Feel free to ask them questions, and, oh, refreshments are on the back. Take a few scones and shortbreads with you as you leave."

Most of the room stood and headed to the refreshments before leaving. There were only a handful of students left in the room. Isabel, who I did not know was here, and I were two of them. Once I saw Isabel, I headed towards her and sat down next to her. She looked at me with a surprised, but confused, expression.

"Anything catch your fancy?" I asked.

"The international host programme doesn't sound too bad. The free money to buy a house is so worth it. I could buy a mansion for 40% of its value. That is a steal," Isabel said. "And how hard is it to look after a child? It can't be more difficult than looking after the younger students."

"I don't think it'll be that hard, but it should be challenging," I said. "Why are you here? You're not the type of person this is for."

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I got a letter from the Guild saying a representative wants to talk to me after the event."

"Me too," Isabel said as she looked up to see what Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde was doing. "She's not that popular, is she? And she also gives me bad vibes."

"Unpopular, yes. Bad vibes, not really. Why did you get a letter?" I said as she shrugged. "Sharpen up. Slughorn is walking over."

"Do I look presentable?" Isabel asked as she patted herself down.

"Yes, you do," I said. "Do I look okay?"

She nodded. Slughorn walked towards us with open arms. He pulled us into uncomfortable hugs before letting us go.

"Percival! You've grown since the last time I saw you. How are you doing, my boy?"

"I am quite well, Professor Slughorn."

"What have I told you about formalities? I am no longer a professor."

"My apologies, Mr. Slughorn."

"It'll do, but I know you can do better."

"Have I introduced you to my friend? Future history maker and sadist, Isabel..."

"Fitzgerald. You have your fathers eyes."

"You know me?" Isabel asked.

"If I didn't, why would I hug you? You may be stunning, but I am a faithful man. It's my specialty to spot talents and induct them into the Slug Club. You are, after all, the talk of the Guild. The paper you submitted and how your 'pills' have helped the Longbottom couple recover a semblance of reality have become the rave in the world of academia," Slughorn said as he handed Isabel a card. "Your father was a member of my Slug Club. I hope you continue the Fitzgerald legacy and become the fourth generation to join. To sweeten the deal, your friend has also joined."

"I said I was undecided," I said.

"What is there to be 'undecided' out? You will eventually join. They always do."

Isabel raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Slug Club. "What exactly is the Slug Club?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm sure your friend will explain it to you later. Do you see that girl there?" Slughorn said as he pointed at the girl in a Durmstrang uniform who interrupted the Guild speaker. "Florentina Abramovich. She is a very talented witch, and she is potentially the newest member of the Slug Club alongside you two. I suggest you buy some formal gowns for your induction."

"By any chance, is she related to that Ramus Abramovich?" I asked

"If you are talking about up-and coming Russian businessmen and future oligarchs, then yes. She is the younger sister of Ramus."

"Wait, wait, wait. We have a..."

"Yes, you have a potentially nuclear international relations disaster waiting to happen. A lot of bookkeepers are betting on her to become one of the three Durmstrang champions. Make sure you do not hurt her too much, Hogwarts' Champion. I've heard her brother is quite vengeful. It has been a pleasure to meet you, Miss Fitzgerald. I'll send you both an owl with details about your inductions. Toodles."

We stood there, stunned, for a few moments. We didn't know what to say. Both of us were just stunned.

"Is it too late to take my name out of the goblet?" I asked.

"I'll leave flowers on your grave. Blue Moons are your favourite, right?"

"Yes. Don't forget to visit often."

"And earn the ire of the Russians, no way. Maybe once a year."

"Let's shake on it."

"Am I interrupting something?" a voice from behind us said.

"Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde, I believe this is the first time we've met in person," Isabel said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

"Yes, I believe this is the first time we've spoken in person. We've only corresponded with owls before this," Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde said. "Do you both have the letters on you? They have an authentication mark on them, just to make sure you are who you are."

We both handed the lady the letters. She drew her wand. The tip of it lit up, and a symbol of the Guild appeared on the letter. Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde then burned the letters and raised her wand, waving it in a circular motion. The area around us was distorted. The room was hard to make out, and the sounds were muffled. 

"The Muffliato Charm is quite handy. It was developed by your potions professor, Severus Prince. Originally, it transmitted a buzzing sound into the ears of anyone trying to listen in. Members of the Guild further developed it. It now also creates a barrier that distorts our lips so others can't read them.

Isabel first. Your research has been peer reviewed and will be published in the next issue of our journal. You will receive a silver Rod of Asclepius from the Healer Guild and a bronze Cauldron from the Potion Guild for your contributions. Congratulations.

Percival. Your awards have been predetermined. You will only receive them if you manage to successfully cure Astoria Greengrass, in accordance with the oath you swore. Upon a very successful conclusion, you will receive a silver Rod of Asclepius from the Healer Guild, a silver Cauldron from the Potion Guild, and a bronze Wiccan Circle from the Ritual Guild. You will also receive honorary membership from the Astronomy Guild and the Runic Guild. Upon a successful conclusion, you will receive a silver Rod of Asclepius from the Healer Guild, a bronze Cauldron from the Potion Guild, and a bronze Wiccan Circle from the Ritual Guild. And upon a failed conclusion, death."

"Death? Are you being serious? Death?" Isabel shouted.

"That was the terms of the oath you swore, wasn't it, Mr. Ebonwood?"

"Yes, it was," I said as Isabel looked at me, shocked. "It was the only way to get the attention of the Greengrass family. I don't regret it."

"For this next bit, I suggest Miss Fitzgerald not be present."

"I agree."

"No, you just can't kick me out. We're talking about life and death here."

"It doesn't really matter. Either this kills me or the family curse does. Either way, I'd probably be dead within five years," I said.

"The curse shouldn't act up. Your father lived through his forties."

"And he was also a squib."

"Sorry to bother you in this emotional affair, but could we wrap this up quickly."

Isabel looked at me for a moment before leaving the distorted area.

"You are a champion in the Triwizard Tournament, correct?" Ms. Buckthorn-Snyde asked as I nodded. "That comes with a risk. Death could be a possibility. If you were to die, where would you like to leave your research?"

"The Greengrass family will receive a copy, as will the Guild. The Guild will try their best to cure Astoria Greengrass."

"Any other group or individual?"

"I would also like to leave a copy at Hogwarts."

"Anyone else?"

"I would like it to become public one year after my passing."

"Who else?"

"You sound awfully impatient. Is there a certain group of people you would like me to leave it to?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. It is a group that I am a member of. It is called the 'Cabal'. The Cabal is determined to unveil the truth and the progress of wizardkind. The exclusive right to your notes will be extremely beneficial to our cause."

"Our cause? That sounds familiar. I'm sure I've heard of it before. You're from the terrorist group that tried to access the hidden vaults. 'R' if I remember correctly."

"We are under new management. We have safeguards in place so that doesn't happen again. And we weren't terrorists. We were pursuers of truth." 

"You unleashed a dementor at Hogwarts."

"The ministry has done worse."

"You were easily defeated by the Jacob siblings."

"We don't speak about that."

"Are you also after my money? Is that why you cast Muffliato?"

"Your fortune would help our cause. You have no one to inherit it. It would be beneficial if you left it to us."

"My fortunes will be shared equally between my four friends if I do not have an heir."

"But they're half-bloods! Your fortune would..."

"I think this is the end of our conversation. I will owl the Guild about what should happen in the event of my untimely demise. You're lucky; I'm not going to report you. The Guild would have your head for this."

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