
HP : The New Addition

A 20 year old man on Earth dies and is reborn in the world of Harry Potter as the elder brother of Luna Lovegood and is in the same year as the golden trio. How will things go with this new addition? Will they change drastically or the fates of the characters will remain the same? Will Luna be bullied again? What is the secret of those purple eyes of the Lovegood family? Keep reading to find out............................

Thoughts_of_a_soul · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

The Pilot

Uptil now we have read that a 20 year old man named Adrian died a virgin while saving a little girl. ( I don't know why, but every time I write about his death, I want to highlight the part that he died a virgin. Hmmm... Very strange. )

Anyways, moving on, his soul was sucked in by a golden portal that appeared out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere ( I mean irony is laughing after reading this ). 


( Back to Business - MC POV )

After I was sucked in by the golden portal and thrown in the embrace of blinding light, it took me a while to get a hold of my bearings and realized that I have a body!! I opened my eyes only to see small spots of multicolored lights floating in the air. "What the hell??" I panicked and missed a step and fell to my death ( just kidding... but that was one nasty fall ).

"Ouch!!" "Ouch!!" "Ouch!!" "Ouch!!" 

As I completed my grand entrance, I heard a cute little squeal but I was too engrossed in completing my fall that I ignored it and just as I was going to crash and kiss the floor, I closed my eyes and braced for impact....... but it never came. I opened my eyes to find out that i was hovering in air ( freaking floating in air ) and in the emotion of astonishment got distracted and slopped to the ground. I got up only to come face to face with a cute, chubby little girl around 7 years old with hair like liquid silver and lilac eyes wearing a cute little dress. "Brother are you ok?" she said. "Huh?" was the only thing that came out of my mouth after which the long awaited migraine came ( which every reincarnated or transmigrated mc has to endure ).

I just got the memories of this 8 year old child whose name was Adonis LOVEGOOD!!! I am in freaking Harry Potter!!!!!! It took me a minute to calm down and to assimilate all the memories i just got. The little girl in front of me was Luna Lovegood my little sister.

( I have always thought that Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood were two characters in the series that were always kind to others and supported Harry unconditionally but still got bullied. Yes they were weird but the reason why was not explored clearly in the series. That is where I come in. )

"Adonis!!!" Xenophilius Lovegood, Dad, came running and picked me up by my shoulders and started laughing hysterically. "Hahahahahahahahaaha. My son has finally awakened his magic!!!" That's right this was my first magic riot in both of my lives. Even after going through all of that I went through, I couldn't help but smile just by the thought that I would be able to do magic. Dad gently let me down and the little bundle of joy came and jumped into my arms,"Umphh!! Careful, Luna" I said. She gave me kiss on the cheek and said "Congratulations brother."

"Thank you little one" I said. Then after letting her down father asked me, "Son does it hurt anywhere? Are you ok?" I assured him, "I am fine, father but there has been a change in my brain. I can now think and process things faster than other people." "Hmmm, that must be the effect of magic entering your brain and stimulating the neurons hence resulting in the increased processing speed of your mind. It is a good thing anyways" he says nonchalantly.

I wanted to mention about the little spots that I saw in the beginning but I refrained because I wanted to check it out myself and then tell them about it.

"Come I have to prepare a feast today in order to celebrate the awakening of magic for my son and we also have to visit your mother" said Xenophilius. At the mention of his mother, Adonis stiffened and a painful memory that had been buried deep into his mind resurfaced. The day his mother died, he witnessed the scene again where he was present and shouting for his mother while she was being obliterated because of the spell backfire. He gritted his teeth and a tear escaped from his eye.

I immediately clenched my fist and resolved that I would not let any harm befall upon my father and little sister as they were my only family alive and I will give them the world. 

The three of them first went to the children's mother's grave and paid respects to her and this is where Adonis took the solemn oath he will protect his family from the approaching darkness. The family returned and had a big feast prepared by Xenophilius ( yes in this story he is a good cook ). After filling up their stomachs, the three of them headed back to their rooms to rest as it had been a hectic day. 

As soon as I returned to my room, I took a look in the mirror and was stunned for a moment. I was not this handsome in my past life. I had the signature Lovegood silky silver hair and vibrant lilac eyes with a lean body and slight muscle highlights. I just got a boost in confidence just by looking into the mirror. Guess I am not going to die without getting some action. 

( https://images.app.goo.gl/Dn8ef9qxoPVQ9pox9 - link to Adonis appearance )

I closed the door and sat on the bed, took a quill and some parchment with ink and started to write the important events of the timeline that I remembered in the fear that I would not be able to recollect them later. 


The location is St. Ottery Catchpole, England.

The current year is 1987.

4 years from cannon.

Neighbors - The Weasleys and the Diggorys

Known Property of the Lovegoods -

The Quibbler - a form of mass media that is used to express opinions of Xenophilius Lovegood on creatures that other wizards and witches are not able to see hence it is not paid much importance 

The Wizard Tower - an ancient looking keep that looks like a mage tower and is not so appealing in appearance.


1st year of school - Troll, and philosopher's stone

2nd year of school - Basilisk, Gilderoy Lockhart, Chamber of Secrets

3rd year of school - Sirius Black, Dementors

4th year of school - Triwizard Tournament, resurrection of Voldemort

5th year of school - Dumbledore's Army, Dolores Umbridge ( Pink Toad )

6th year of school - Half-Blood Prince potions book, Professor Slughorn

7th year of school - Destroying hocruxes

8th year of school - Final Battle, ending Mouldy Voldy 


Cheers to completing a new episode. Hope you enjoy it.

Names for 2nd Harem member - 

Hermione Granger

Daphne Greengrass

Fleur Delacour

Ginny Weasley

Vote as you like.......

About the regularity and consistency of the publishing of Episodes, I am deciding that every Friday, one episode will be released.

Because I have weekoffs now on Thursdays and Fridays so I think Friday will be a better day to publish new episodes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thoughts_of_a_soulcreators' thoughts