
HP: The Necromancer

One ordinary day at the supermarket, a cashier was surprised when a peculiarly dressed man appeared at his door. The man inquired about why he hadn't responded to a letter from the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. ------- Note: Other than translation, everything belongs to the original author

keep_smiling29 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
125 Chs

Muggles & Wizards

Anthony erased the writing on the blackboard and wrote two words again: Muggle, wizard.

"I have some Muggle gadgets here, and here are the price tags. Let's discuss it and try to rank the prices of these Muggle items." He poured the contents of the bag with the Seamless Stretching Charm into the podium, "Come on, come up and take a look."

It took him a lot of effort to prepare these things.

Thanks to his pen pal Arthur Weasley, who worked in the Office for the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts - on the same floor as the Office for the Misuse of Magical Artifacts that caught him - Mr. Weasley readily approved his purchase and modification report. , provided him with a lot of help in preparing these teaching aids.

Professor Flitwick broadened his ideas for magical modification. "Add a triggering spell," he suggested. "That way you don't have to recite the spell, just tap it with your wand. It's very enjoyable to watch."

In short, these things took him at least half a month, just for this first lesson.

Students who choose this course are mostly interested in Muggles, and as Hogwarts is an ancient magical castle, Muggle items are rarely seen. Anthony didn't believe they weren't curious.

The students immediately stood up from their seats. One student touched his wand: "Professor, can we use magic?"

Anthony nodded: "Of course."

"Great!" He rushed to the podium and chanted a spell into the flashlight that Anthony had never heard before.

The classmates next to him looked at him expectantly. The spell began to transform into a strange khaki color, and the student's expression changed from excitement to confusion, and finally from confusion to disappointment.

Anthony couldn't help but become curious: "What is your spell, Thomas? I heard a prefix that means detection and a suffix that means qualification."

"Value Test Charm," Thomas said dejectedly. "My uncle works in a pawn shop."

Anthony nodded understandingly: "I suspect that this spell will not work on Muggle items. Muggle items - in the definition of Gringotts goblins - are worthless. Some people use Muggle currency to find goblins to exchange."

"I believe so, Professor," Thomas said.

Anthony smiled and said: "So try to use your other senses. Most of the problems that wizards encounter in life will also be encountered by Muggles. For these little troubles that everyone has, Muggles have developed their own solutions. Scheme. Try to identify them and see if you can guess their purpose."

"Car engine." The Weasley brothers recognized it at a glance. "It is a Muggle alchemy product, equivalent to a five-star propulsion rune."

"How expensive is it?" asked a girl who was attending class with a friend.

"Uh... I don't know, about fifty galleons?" 

"This is a Muggle camera." A boy pointed at the camera with certainty and said, "About sixty Galleons." He placed the camera in front of the engine, and the lens cover of the camera suddenly opened and spat out a slug at him. .

"Hey! Fred!" He angrily poked the camera with the tip of his wand, and the slug disappeared. Anthony didn't even react. The Weasley brothers' classmates apparently knew their fair share of counter-spells to mischief spells.

"George," said one of the brothers. "Believe me, engines are much more expensive than Muggle cameras. I'll bet you a paper on Transfiguration."

"Then let's bet." The other party immediately agreed, "I'll bet on a paper on herbal medicine."

Anthony listened to their conversation in silence. He might know why Professor Sprout complained about the Weasley brothers' homework.

Angelina looked at what was in front of her: "I can't see what this is for. It looks like a plate, but it has a leaky bottom."

"Records!" shouted the boy who played Muggle Christmas songs at home. "Muggles use these things to record music so that they can listen to it whenever they want!"

"It's impossible!" Angelina retorted. "Not even a wizard can do it - I mean, we have magic that can transmit sound directly, but I haven't heard of recording sound."

Thomas prompted her: "Patronus Charm?"

"Oh, okay, that's true." Angelina thought for a moment, "But the patron saints can't listen at any time."

The Christmas song lover nodded: "Muggles have some very convenient things. I really hope to record the voice of the Sorting Hat shouting 'Gryffindor' to me, so that I can listen to it for the rest of my life!"

Anthony leaned against the wall, not interrupting the students' conversation.

He found that wizards were not only unable to understand electronic products but were also very poor at mechanical structures.

Today's display included a water gun—he even took the risk of filling it with water—but the students didn't figure out what it was for. They concluded that it was a drinking cup that Muggles used to drink from. George questioned why the Muggles didn't drink directly from a glass, but put the water in this strangely shaped cup, but Angelina said that maybe the Muggles just suddenly decided to do that.

"It's like you decided to give an apple pie legs and let it go to your mouth. I have to say, that's really perverted," she said. The Weasley brothers stopped raising objections.

The students argued over the flashlights until Fred happened to turn on the switch.

"Oh, it's light!" They flipped the switch back and forth curiously, and the flashlight bulb flashed crazily.

They quickly concluded: "We can't let Filch know about this. He's going to love it."

Near the end of class, Anthony walked to the edge of the podium and looked at the order of the students.

Through the joint efforts of Muggle lovers and whimsical people - Mr. Thomas seems to have found a little trick to cheat, but Anthony is not going to care - the Muggle items on the podium have been perfectly arranged in order of price.

He nodded appreciatively: "Very good, absolutely correct, ten points for Gryffindor!"

(As Hagrid and everyone else told him, there were no Slytherins in this class.)

"But I have listened to your discussion, and there are still some slight deviations in some understandings of their uses. Muggles do not have magic, so they have developed many technological means to achieve magical effects. In order to demonstrate, the ones you have in your hands now Electronic products are all magically modified - and for the record, it is forbidden to use magic on Muggle-made items without the approval of the Ministry of Magic. I have written several reports, children."

He picked up the items on the podium and explained them one by one.

"This is a calculator. People input numbers and it outputs results. It never makes mistakes. It's a perfect machine." Anthony, the former cashier, said affectionately. "It can help people solve algebra problems easily. I haven't found anything that corresponds to the wizarding world yet. , maybe arithmetic fortune tellers have their own methods."

"Flashlight." He pressed the button, and a spot of light appeared on the ceiling of the classroom. "It is Muggle fluorescent flash."

"A manual can opener," he said, opening a can of tomatoes in front of his students, "can open solid cans. One can open cans without kitchen magic. Of course, it takes a little skill and practice."

"Engine." The wand clicked on the engine, and the pistons began to move, the crankshaft rotated, and the cylinder made a rhythmic gurgling sound. "It can make the car move. The car is a very common Muggle means of transportation. Muggles cannot apparate. , so if they're going somewhere farther away - say, from Edinburgh to Glasgow to visit their grandmother - they usually choose a car."

"Records." Anthony walked to the corner of the classroom, and the students followed him curiously until they saw a record player there that they had not noticed before. "It can record music. Magic can make the instrument play itself, as long as you know With the corresponding spell, you can make the instrument play according to the score you want. But the human voice... is difficult to reproduce with magic."

Soothing music floats in the classroom. In one of the many Muggle record shops outside the Leaky Cauldron, Anthony chose a Glee club record.

"Lighter." With a soft click, a small flame popped out. "It can be used to ignite...anything you can think of that can be ignited. It is relatively gentle, and some wizards may use blazing flames, But if you just want to light one candle, a candle spell or a lighter might be more practical."

"Water gun." He poured water on the blackboard, turning the word "Muggle" into a ball of white chalk water, dripping down the blackboard.

"And wizards have clear water like a spring." A stream of water surged from the top of the wand, and the "wizard" on the blackboard was washed away into a pool of chalk water, which merged with the "Muggle" water.

Anthony waved his wand and the chalk water flew back to the blackboard, forming the word "human".

"Water guns can make humans happy." Anthony looked at the eager expressions of the students in the audience, put the water gun back into the bag, and said with a smile, "get out, the class is over."