
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
114 Chs

Chapter 28: Burned

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If he wanted to get a jump on it, he'd have to time this just right.

50 feet… 40 feet…

The werewolf had reached the spot of ground where Harry would land and was on two feet, snapping and snarling at its falling prey.

30 feet…

The snarls were growing louder by the second as Harry pooled almost a thousand points worth of mana into his hands.

20 feet…

He could almost feel the jaws ready to bite him to shreds.

10 feet… 9… 8… 7…


"Bad doggy!" Harry snarled, as he let loose a torrential stream of fire from both his hands downwards, right into the werewolf's face, repeating his attack inside the tunnel once again.

The blast was so strong that it pushed Harry back into the air, tossing him back up and towards the left, where he landed with a painful thump on his back.

Sure that he must have done at least some damage, Harry quickly got to his feet and turned towards the werewolf.

It was lying on the ground, with its facial bones visible. Harry had burned its snout off and the remaining flesh on its face was charred and bloody.

Harry froze.

But it wasn't the grotesque and horrifying scene struck terror into Harry's heart.

It was how that very bloody snout and exposed muscles were bubbling and writhing on the werewolf's exposed bones.

Harry watched with shock as the bones whitened, the muscles and sinew reknit itself around it, and the skin grew back over it.

"Observe," he said, his voice shaking, and the result shook him even more.

Beta wolf Lv-17

HP-2000… 2050… 2100… 2150… 2200/3000

MP-500… 450… 400… 350… 300/600








A human that upon the complete rising of the full moon, becomes a fearsome and deadly near-wolf. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. Appears in the form of a wolf but, there are distinctions between them and regular wolves. They are bloodthirsty, strong and will hunt any human it senses.

Kill to gain- 1000 Exp.

The beast's HP was going back up at the cost of its MP. Soon enough, the only physical evidence that remained of Harry's attack was the light scar on the skin that covered the wolf's snout.

Steeling himself after that revelation, Harry lit up his fists on fire and ran closer towards the wolf while it struggled to its feet.

The only way he could see winning this fight was if could bring down the werewolf's mana to 0 so it couldn't regenerate, and he would need at least two more fire blasts to take the beast down for good.

What Harry needed to do was regenerate his mana, and until then, the only choice he had left was low-mana-using physical combat.

Harry knew of the legends and stories that spoke of werewolves having venom in their teeth and claws. He would have to avoid getting struck by those.

Luckily for him, as smart and strong as the werewolf was, it was still a beast above all. With Gamer's Mind, it was easy enough to read its movements and dodge its first few angry swipes and snaps of his jaw. It helped him focus and profile the patterns and style of the wolf's movements.

There was no restraint there. There was no defense. This animal was at the top of the food chain, the strongest and deadliest in its kingdom. It went in one direction, always forward, toward the prey. All offense. No holding back.

Thus, during the first few punches he landed, Harry focused heavily on his defense and let his muscles settle into the rhythm of the ducking, dodging and then punching.

Slipping under its lanky arms, Harry put his weight behind his fiery fist and drove it full force into the wolf's flank. He then ducked under the next swing and snapped his head downwards, barely missing the biting jaws of the wolf.

Tensing his muscles, he then launched a continuous barrage of strikes at the wolf's abdomen, before finally ducking back out, spinning around the wolf and driving one last punch into its spine.

The wolf howled in pain and swiped its front claws at Harry's left arm, only managing to tear away the cloth and scratch the skin on his bicep. But the scratch had enough of the venom in it to leave Harry's nerves burning with pain.

He wanted to stop. He needed to stop. But he couldn't.

Pushing the pain to the back of his mind, Harry pushed a fair amount of mana into his hand, turning the blazing fire blue with heat.

Simultaneously, he struck out with his other forearm at the wolf's face to distract it and plunged his fiery hand straight in with the heel of his palm, pushing with all his strength.

The wolf fell to the ground with the force behind the flaming shot. Pressing the advantage decisively, Harry struck its neck and dug his fingers in, grabbing at its windpipe and pulling in one powerful move, lacerating its throat and leaving its jaw hanging free.

The attack would have killed a human. But this wasn't human. Empowered by the power of the moon, the wolf's neck healed, but in the process, it ended up draining up the last of its mana, rendering it killable.

Harry relaxed a bit, sighing as he watched the mana drop to zero on the Observe screen and that little moment was all the werewolf needed. A normal wolf wouldn't have had the joints in its front legs to allow it to use them as its hands. This wasn't a normal wolf.

Out of nowhere, a double blow hit Harry on both sides of his head, jarring him completely. Harry stumbled back and fell down to the ground, giving the wolf a chance to get up.

Looking at the incoming beast, Harry knew that he wouldn't be getting out of this one alive. His mana wasn't fully recharged. His stamina was waning. There wasn't much left in him. Covering his eyes with a hand, he tensed, anticipating the pain.

It never came.


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