
HP: The Legendary Arithmancer

A HP Fanfic, Laurent Blanc, a brilliant Mathematician, was reincarnated into his favorite childhood series: The Harry Potter series. Follow his journey as he discovers the hidden secrets within the enigma that is magic. Not a harem, MC x Fleur. MC will be OP, though after working relentlessly hard. This is a re-write of my first work, HP: The Enlightened One. Check out my other work, a video game novel called MMORPG: Transcendent. I will probably have an irregular update schedule. Disclaimer: All the characters (except my OC's) in this novel belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm simply using them to create an exciting story. Cover is also not mine. If the creator wants me to remove it, comment so on any chapter.

Stormeyy · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
31 Chs

Important Note

Let's make a few things clear. After seeing some of you guys' comments I feel like it's necessary.

{1} The last chapter was about budding feelings for Fleur. It's not a romance between an adult and a child. Adrien was clearly just happy seeing Fleur more jovial. Imagine being happy for your little sister, think of it like that.

{2} When I wrote the Beauxbatons Letter I was kinda lacking creativity so I redid it to make the story more enjoyable. I based it off of the fanon letter on the harry potter wiki. I Also added the Order of Flamel, the French equivalent of the Order of Merlin.

{3} Adrien was born in 1977 so he is 3 years older than Harry Potter. Harry was born in 1980 so by the time he starts Hogwarts, Adrien will be in his 4th year. I also changed Fleur's birthday to June 17th. The wiki says she was born pre Oct 30, 1977 so it's fine.

{4} Because this is a fanfic, do not expect me to follow the original plot because I will not. Doing that is simply too boring and there are plenty of other fics out there that do that, so go read those if you want a similar plot. Expect significant and reasonable plot deviation. There are 4 main OCs because of that.

{5} I saw a few comments about how I've 'nerfed' Adrien. Adrien has never dueled before, so it's simply unrealistic for him to beat Fleur who has been dueling for 2 years. Once he practices it continuously, he will become near unbeatable.

Also, I know I haven't shown much of Adrien's research. I plan to do so once he gets to school. You'll see a summarized and detailed report of his research over the years as well as the things he has already made.

His magic will be centered around using the power of Mathematics in magic. In the HP world, magic is a natural phenomenon and thus, like all natural phenomena, can be modeled by Mathematics, though only to an extent.

Adrien's Arithmancy magic will exploit that simple fact. Even though I already have a plan for his magic, I'm open to receiving any ideas you may have for him so feel free to drop it in the comments.

