
Chapter 57 : The Cloak of Invisibility



"Yes and if anyone opens it -provided they will have opened my trunk first- will find it empty." Harry was working on sigils at the moment, a part of alchemy that, as Nicholas had explained, demanded something other magic areas lacked; imagination. The alchemist had suggested Harry to do something creative as practice and when Harry had suggested potions, Nicholas had reminded him that you could only be so creative with a potion before it exploded; he had suggested cooking instead and the green eyed wizard had found himself covered in flour in no time. Truth be told, Severus had helped both at the cooking and the getting covered in flour part. "Speaking about alchemy, has Nicholas appeared a little agitated to you during the past month or am I imagining things?" Harry asked worriedly. Severus sighed.

"He has been worrying over something, Harry, I can tell you as much. But I have given my word to him that I won't reveal the reason why." Harry started to protest. "He didn't tell me either; I found out from a different source -who has also sworn me to secrecy but I'll digress- and Nicholas asked me not to tell you so I wouldn't worry you."

"And not knowing won't worry me?" Harry asked cocking an eyebrow. "And what other source?" The boy asked confused. Severus chuckled.

"I believe you'll figure it out on your own soon enough; this way I'll get to keep my word and you'll be able to ease your worries." Severus stated. "Besides, I don't know the actual reason behind his worry myself." The potions master added.


"But nothing, kid. You'd better make sure you have fun at Hogwarts and that's an order!" Severus stated imperiously.

"I will." Harry added laughing. "Sev?"


"You really won't mind it if I end up in Gryffindor?" The boy's question was casual but his eyes betrayed how deep his worry ran.

"Of course I won't!" Severus reassured him. "I want you to enjoy staying in whatever House you get sorted at and that's an order too. Wolf's honor." Severus swore on his animagus form. Both of them had taken the potion to find out their forms the day after Harry's birthday. The potions master was a bit shocked when they both ended up being wolves -a bit too close to being a dog he thought- but figured it was to be expected with all their research on the Wolfsbane. Harry just smiled and reminded him your animagus form is supposed to tell something about your character and Severus send them both into peals of laughter when he suggested a deep part of them both wanted to throw back its head and howl at the moon, creating a rather interesting mental picture. Harry had sworn to work on his transformation every night and show Severus his progress over the Christmas holidays if no other opportunity arose.

"Okay, Sev." Harry stated in a much lighter tone.

"And now on to more important matters." Severus stated standing up. "I have asked Minnie to make that chocolate cake…"

"Yay!" Harry exclaimed and made a beeline for the kitchen, leaving a chuckling Severus behind him. The next morning, Harry was awakened not by his mother, as he had expected, but by his father who ushered him and Adrian in the living room and gave them one last gift before they departed for Hogwarts.

"Is that…" Adrian began, touching the silvery cloth reverently.

"You invisibility cloak?" Harry asked, his voice just as awed as Adrian's; every good story his father had ever told them had began with this cloak of at least included it at some point.

"Yep! And I want you guys to have it; I would give you the map too but Filtch confiscated it on our last year and we never got it back so…" James explained, clearly still pained by the loss.

"The cloak will be great, Dad." Adrian stated and Harry nodded.

"Just don't get into too much trouble wearing it, or your mom will kill me." The boys laughed but readily agreed and the cloak was soon tucked into Adrian's trunk. They went to pack the rest of their personal belongings, or rather Adrian did as Harry fed Hedwig and placed her in her cage with a promise to let her fly to Hogwarts once they boarded the train.

The ride to the station was rather amusing with the car being magically enlarged on the inside to accommodate the entire Potter family, Ron who had slept over, Sirius, Moony, three trunks and two owl cages. Sirius had been trying to convince the three almost students that this year the sorting would include a troll; Ron almost believed him, as Fred and George had told him something similar, even if Adrian had let it slip about the Sorting Hat a month ago.

