
Chapter 24 : Legacy's Haven



"A better setting?" Harry asked curiously. "Where?"

"That's a surprise Harry." Severus offered assuming an equally mock superior air. "You shall soon see."

"Will I like it?" The boy asked mischievously.

"You will love it, you cheeky brat!" The potions' master exclaimed affectionately, ruffling Harry's hair further, eliciting another half-hearted complain from the boy. And true to his word, Severus left early in the morning to visit his solicitors and further survey his estate, making sure it would be ready to welcome Harry. He even did a bit of remodeling upon glancing at the -admittedly extended, due to the collective efforts of his ancestors over the years- library to model a room quite close to a familiar setting of a few days ago. Harry would get a kick out of it, he was certain.

The house elves were delighted with the forthcoming arrival and Severus himself felt the closure taking leave of Spinner's End brought. Spinner's End was the house where he grew up in and most of the memories made there where painful. The Prince estate however, even if it carried the sting of his mother's family rejection, offered a fresh start, a chance to make new memories for himself and the boy he had come to care for as a son. Maybe this would turn out for the best. For Harry and for himself. All that was left, the potions master thought as he returned to Spinner's End at the evening of the second day, was to tell the boy.

"Harry?" Severus asked on the third morning after the declaration of him finding some place to practice.

"Yes, Sev?" The boy spoke over his pancakes.

"Remember the place I told you about, the one I would find for your training?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes?" The boy asked back expectantly, his pancakes close to forgotten.

"I found it."

"You did?"

"I did. And I'm considering, I'm planning actually, to move there permanently." Severus offered with a smile. "If you approve of course."

"If I approve?" Harry asked confused. "Sev it's your house." The boy said solemnly.

"It's your house too; you'll be spending more time there than the Potter manor Harry. And besides, your opinion matters to me." Severus stated truthfully. He was enveloped in a hug so forceful, he almost flew off his chair.

"I love you, Dad." Harry whispered in a tight voice, causing Severus' heart to race. His honorary title felt better every time.

"I love you too, son; that's why I'm asking." How right the title suited the boy, Severus marveled.

"So, where is this place?" Harry asked after a short pause.

"It's some good miles further to the north from Hogwarts, in the closer to the Highlands. I have told you about it; it's my mother's ancestral house." Severus said.

"You want to go back there?" Harry asked softly, showing an understanding older than his years. Severus met his concern with a soft smile.

"It will do me good, I think. And it will help with your training." The potions master reassured the boy.

"So, when can I see it?"

"Eager, aren't we?" Severus chuckled at the sparkle in Harry's green eyes. "I thought we could apparate there after breakfast."

"What are we waiting for then?" Harry asked and moved to get his travel cloak. Severus chuckled again and caught the boy from the collar of his shirt.

"I said after breakfast, Harry." He said pointing to his still untouched pancakes. Harry dug into his breakfast with renewed fervor, wolfing the pancakes down in a few short minutes.

"Now can we go?" He asked after washing the pancakes down with his milk.

"Since you managed to not choke on your breakfast, I believe we can." And Harry bolted out of the room in haste, returning faster than Severus had ever thought possible. In a few seconds Harry had grabbed hold of Severus' hand and they had apparated in what appeared to be a forest of some sorts. The first thing Harry noticed was the chill in the air; it was definitely colder than what he had been used to in the summer, even at the Potter manor that was up in the north too. The boy looked around, but all he could see was trees on the left and right of what appeared to be a private road.

"Sev, I don't see…"

"Turn around Harry." Severus offered with mirth. Harry did as advised and froze in place, as he tried to comprehend what he saw. He blinked owlishly a couple of times.

"Ehm, Sev?" His green eyes were wide in wonder and, even though he was addressing the potions master, stuck at the building in the distance. "Is this where we'll be staying from now on?" The boy's voice came out squeaky, making Severus laugh and feel for the first time the warmth of having his house considered their home openly from the boy.

