
Chapter 21 : Journey of Discovery



"Your dominant hand Harry." He said smiling.

"Oh, I'm right handed sir." Harry said startled and proceeded to follow Mr. Ollivander's instructions as a silver measuring tape flew around him on its own, taking measures of his arm, hand and palm.

"I see!" Ollivander said clapping his hands once. "I will return shortly with…"

"Wait a second Mr. Ollivander!" Severus stopped him before he managed to go behind the counter to fetch a wand.

"Yes, Mr. Snape?" The wandmaker asked surprised.

"Harry will require a custom made wand." Ollivander's eyebrows were lost inside his hairline as he regarded Severus.

"I can understand why you would want a custom wand Mr. Snape but let me assure you that, besides the rumors circulating about such wands, not everybody can use them!" Ollivander said, picking one of the boxes behind the counter. "It is a rare occurrence for such a wand to be made and trust me when I say, most wizards, almost everyone I have even met, have their magic identifying perfectly with that of the creature from which their wand core is derived."

"I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job Mr. Ollivander, I'm just stating that…"

"Try this wand Mr. Potter; oak with a unicorn hair for a core. Just give it a wave." The old wandmaker stated ignoring Severus. The young professor was seething but opted on not stating anything just to get the satisfaction of saying 'I told you so' later on. He nodded at Harry, who had looked at him for help, with a smirk. Harry observed the wand in the box in front of him warily; give it a wave, Mr. Ollivander had said… But maybe… he picked the wand from its box carefully and waved it as he had observed Severus do countless of times.

"Lumos." He commanded and watched in shock as a bright light erupted from the tip of the wand, getting brighter and brighter for a few seconds, before it burst into splinters in his hand. Ollivander regarded him with wild eyes while Severus smirked; so that's what happens when a wand burns out.

"As I said Mr. Ollivander, Harry will require a custom wand." He spoke calmly as he approached the startled boy to make sure no splinters had injured him in any way.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Ollivander." The boy uttered his apology with wide green eyes.

"It's quite alright my boy." Olivander stated shocked. "Follow me Mr. Potter, Mr. Snape." And he took a golden key from his office, leading the two wizards to the workshop of his store through a locked door. "It has been quite some time since I have made a custom wand." He uttered as they walked; the workshop was a large space filled with various types of wandwood and cores, ingredients inside boxes, the smell of wood and wax filling the area.

"What does a custom wand entail exactly Mr. Ollivander?" Severus asked interested.

"The main idea of a custom wand is that various core ingredients gather together to form a single core that depicts the magical trace of the wand bearer." The old wandmaker explained. "Based to arithmancy studies there are three types of assorted wand cores; a three parts, a five parts and a seven parts core. Judging from the quite violent reaction Mr. Potter elicited from his attempt at magic, I believe a seven parts core wand will be able to regulate and depict his magical signature better." Harry was just staring at the two men expectedly. Severus nodded in understanding.

"And how will that work?" He asked, trying to comprehend how Harry's wand would operate.

"There will be one core ingredient, the central part if you want, that depicts the basic character of the bearer's magic. Then, three supportive core ingredients to capture the variations of his magic will be added, followed by three binding ingredients that balance the effect of the core. Then the wandwood will be chosen, followed by a metal to bind the handle and help the magical flow. I believe that covers it all." Ollivander said motioning for Harry to come forward. The boy did as asked.

"And what will Harry have to do?" Severus asked finally. Ollivander turned to Harry who was looking at him confused and a little bit scared.

"No need to fear Mr. Potter. I want you to close your eyes for a moment." Ollivander said, causing Harry to turn to Severus for aid.

"It's okay Harry, do as Mr. Ollivander says." Harry sighed and nodded, closing his eyes.

"Now, I want you to breathe slowly in and out. In and out. Try not to think of anything specific, just focus on breathing." Harry felt a little stupid, standing there doing nothing, but kept breathing deeply as instructed. Finally, as he relaxed, he started feeling a soft buzz coming from around him, as if various pieces of the room vibrated softly.

"What's that buzzing sound?" Harry asked in soft voice, not opening his eyes.

"Your wand Mr. Potter." Ollivander answered cryptically. "Now I want you to open your eyes slowly and focus on that sound." Harry opened his eyes carefully and tried to see where the sound was coming from; it seemed to be everywhere. "Follow the sound Mr. Potter and bring me the objects that produce it." Harry walked around the room hesitating. The loudest noise was coming from a box on the far corner of the room… He traced towards it slowly and fumbled around a bit until his eyes fell on a golden feather that seemed to radiate warmth. He reached for it and, the moment he touched it, that warmth extended from it to his body and the humming stopped. He turned confused at the wandmaker. "Bring the feather here Mr. Potter and keep going."

