A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
"If you feel that way." Severus resigned after a thoughtful pause. Who was he to forbid Harry from finding out what had really happened the night that changed his life forever? "How are we doing this?" He asked Merlin with a sigh.
"It's your mind Severus. Just cast the spell you normally would cast to retract a memory and let things take their course." Severus nodded once and turned towards Harry.
"Just think of the memory you want to remember Harry. If at any time you want to stop seeing it, tell me and I will end the spell at once. Understand?" He asked holding Harry's shoulder as they both stood from their seats. Merlin followed suit and Severus brought his wand to Harry's temple. Trying to be as gentle as possible, he said the incantation and softly extracted the silvery essence that was Harry's memory. Instead of seeking a vessel, it spread like liquefied silk, creating a large screen of twirling lights before it stabilized to the image of a nursery. Two cribs were clearly visible in the room as the three walked in through the open door.
They didn't have to wait for long before the black clad figure of Lord Voldemort entered the room. Harry and Severus cringed -Harry never having seen the face of the Dark Lord moved closer to Severus holding onto him as strongly as he could- while Merlin watched with disdain. They watched as Voldemort pointed his wand at the two past Potter boys and Harry and Severus gasped in shock as he decided to firstly attack Harry, mistaking him for the firstborn. By the time the golden shield covered the room and Voldemort fled, Harry was sobbing and Severus wasn't faring any better. They stood long enough to see the debris fall through the shield onto Adrian's hand creating the famous jagged scar on his palm before the memory went blank and the found themselves back at the library. This time it was raining behind the stained glass.
"And now you know." Merlin stated as Severus did his best to comfort a distressed Harry.
"But all those years… How come nobody realized? How didn't Albus?" The young man asked stroking Harry's hair.
"The scar was there, infused with strong magic and Voldemort had vanished. Harry on the other hand, didn't bear any signs of being the one who had defeated the Dark Lord and was unconscious when his parents arrived home." Merlin explained. "Nobody saw anything beyond what they expected to see."
"But the prophecy…" Severus said swallowing hard. The mere thought that he had almost caused Harry's death was driving him insane. He still couldn't believe the scene he had just witnessed.
"The thing about prophecies," The old wizard said "is that they can be very tricky to decipher."
"What prophecy?" Harry suddenly asked, drying his tears without letting go of Severus's now wet shirt.
"Before you were born," Severus said, stopping Merlin from talking, feeling he had to do this himself "there was a prophecy made by one Sybila Trelawney, the now divination professor in Hogwarts. In the prophecy… it was stated that the one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord would be born when the seventh month died." Severus closed his eyes in pain. "I heard that part of the prophecy and it was me…" he swallowed hard trying to find his courage; he knew Harry would hate him after that but he had to tell him. "It was me that gave Voldemort that information Harry. It's my fault that you almost died!"
Harry stood absolutely still and regarded Severus carefully; he kept his eyes shut which did nothing to prevent a few tears from escaping them. Severus had told him of his part in the war, not hiding a thing from how he got involved or why, a few months ago, when Harry had seen the faded Dark Mark on his hand. Harry had hugged him and told him that it didn't matter and that he had turned out fine in the end, making the man chuckle despite himself. But he had never mentioned the prophecy; he had believed it to refer to his brother after all. But now, after having seen what almost happened, the burden in his heart was far too heavy; Harry had almost died and it was his fault and nothing could ever…
"Haven't we had this conversation before?" Harry spoke softly and Severus looked at him guardedly. The boy was smiling at him and he couldn't help but hate himself more for it. Did he deserve such kindness, he wondered.
"Harry you don't understand! You almost died and I…"
"But I didn't! I'm fine, look!" He said coming closer and hugging Severus tight, "I'm fine, Dad." He whispered making Severus break down to uncontrolled tears, completely forgetting the third party of their company. It wasn't for another good fifteen minutes and a hundred more apologies that they both remembered of the man that had brought them there.
"I'm… you didn't have to see…" Severus muttered as he sat back in his armchair, never letting go of Harry. Showing his emotions openly was something he didn't often allow himself and showing them to a complete stranger? Severus felt completely mortified of his reaction.
"It is more than understandable." Merlin said smiling. "But Harry is right; no matter the mistakes you made in the past, you can't stop living. You have been given a second chance Severus and I suggest you use it." Severus nodded once. "You seem to have done a great job up to now."
"He was born like that." He said motioning at Harry. "I'm just along for the ride."
"You'd be surprised, Severus, at how much you have affected him." Merlin said as both wizards watched him carefully. "As much as he has affected you, I imagine."
"So, am I really the Boy Who Lived?" Harry asked in wonder, unable to withhold his questions for another second.
"Yes. And I believe you should both hear the complete prophecy before you draw any more conclusions."
"There is more to it?" Severus asked shocked. "And how can you know there is?"
"Yes, there is more." Merlin nodded with a smile. "And as for how I know it… let's say that being married to my wife has its benefits."
"Wife?" Severus inquired surprised.
"You have heard of the famous which and seer Morgana Le Fay I assume." Merlin stated chuckling.
"Morgana is your wife? Morgana Le Fay? I thought you were enemies!" Severus exclaimed.
"We didn't start of on the best ground but I would advice you to not believe all of the stories you hear, especially about me. But the point here is that my wife is a seer and, due to circumstances I'll explain immediately, she did see the prophecy that was made that night."
"This is just…" Severus exclaimed, finishing his sentence with a shrug that stated his confusion.
"Let me start from the basics then." Merlin said. "There are two conditions for those who live in Avalon; one, we do not reveal the way to find it to outsiders and two, once we enter we can't leave and we don't intervene with the rest of the world."
"Then what is this if not an intervention?" Severus asked confused.
"There is a general exception to the rule; if by any chance upon entering, one has left unfinished business with the rest of the world, they are entitled to intervene, granted that they find a way to do so without leaving Avalon." Merlin elaborated.
"And your unfinished business was?" Severus asked expectantly as Harry waited in silence.
"A few years before Morgana and I passed through the gates of Avalon, she made a prophecy that involves the two of you."
"Morgana Le Fay has made a prophecy regarding us?" Harry asked in awe.
"Yes. But I'm afraid the context of that prophecy I can not yet reveal."
"What? Why can't you sir?" Severus asked annoyed. "It does concern us after all."
"It does concern you two but not only you." Merlin stated calmly. "There are other people included whose time to hear the prophecy has not yet arrived. When it does, you will hear it too." He concluded and Severus nodded; he didn't know much about prophecies and he wasn't about to question Merlin's knowledge on the subject. "But I can tell you the second prophecy made solely about Harry; Morgana saw it too as a direct consequence of her own prophecy, thus I'm in the place to extend that knowledge to you." Merlin said and removed an odd looking wand from his pocket. He moved it vertically once and an eerie voice echoed in the room.