
Chapter 57

"The sixth floor, classroom 21. Don't be late," Albert muttered as he read the parchment.

Albert read the parchment he received from Professor McGonagall via Angelina early on in the week. Currently, Albert was on the sixth floor and did not know how far he walked or if he missed the room. He had gone around the sixth floor, yet he did not find the classroom where the Transfiguration Club takes place.

Albert came to the conclusion that classroom 21 was either absent or very well hidden. So, taking inspiration from the twins, he went and remove every portrait he came across to see if there was a door behind it. Or Professor McGonagall could have tricked him? No, that was the least likely scenario. Knowing Professor McGonagall's personality, she would never degrade herself to commit these types of lowly pranks, right? Or, the entrance could do with the other thing mentioned on the parchment: Gamp's Fundamental Laws of Transfiguration. Classroom 21's entrance was transfigured and the members of the club had to undo it to enter.

But after searching for ten more minutes, he only found one clue. It was a portrait of a wizard conjuring a banquet out of nothing onto a table with around fifteen people sitting around it. The why Albert thought it was a clue was because, according to Gamp's Fundamental Laws of transfiguration, you can't conjure out of nothing. There must be something of equal or similar value.

So Albert removed the portrait from its place and placed it on the floor. Behind the portrait was cold, grey cobblestone. It looks like his guess was wrong and now he can only hope that Professor McGonagall sent someone or she came herself to guide Albert herself.

A few moments later, a gorgeous redhead, Ravenclaw, entered the corridor and saw a boy slimming his back against the wall while he sat on the floor. She then slowly and gracefully walked over to the boy elegantly.

"Excuse me, are the newest member of the Transfiguration Club, Albert, if I remember correctly," the redhead said. "Professor McGonagall thought you may get lost or not be able to find the entrance, so she sent me to help and collect you. So, any clues about where the entrance could be?"

"Before you arrived, I searched the entire corridor multiple times and the only clue I could find was this stupid portrait," Albert said.

"Oomph, so close. You almost had it," the redhead said, looking surprised at the boy. "Assuming for the colour of your robes you're in Gryffindor. The entrance works similar to the Fat Lady, however you don't need the password. Instead, you just need to state your intent or purpose. Hand me the portrait."

The red-haired Ravenclaw took the portrait and walked down the corridor to place the portrait back in its proper place. She then took her wand out, tapped it on her forehead before pointing it at the portrait.

"We wish to enter Classroom 21," the girl said before the swing to the side to reveal a small door in the wall. "Next time, you can enter on your own, okay, poppet?"

"Quick Question: Why do you tap your wand on your forehead before pointing at the portrait?" Albert asked.

"It makes it easier to focus my intent. Now hurry along," the redhead said as she pushed Albert along the small passageway until they reached an Oakwood door.

Albert looked at the redhead for reassurance before walking inside. However, instead of walking into a classroom that he had imagined, it was more like a cosy office belonging to a cat lover. He looked around and saw eleven different and artistically independent chair/sofas and one really bland wooden one.

"This used to be the office of the Transfiguration Professor before Dumbledore. When Dumbledore was the Transfiguration Professor, he also became the head of Gryffindor and moved his office there. Professor McGonagall did the same and when she found out about this office, she decided to it for the Transfiguration Club," the redhead said.

"And the seats are how many members there are? So there are ten and with me, there's eleven. But why are they so different from each other?" Albert asked.

"Its sort of tradition to make the newest member transfigure a wooden chair to a comfortable one. Once they can do it, they are officially members of the Transfiguration Club and will receive benefits from Professor McGonagall once they leave Hogwarts," the Ravenclaw girl said as she pointed at the wooden chair. "Go on, have a go. You can also use those waste parchment to create cushions or blankets. I also recommend using the general purpose Transfiguration spell."

Albert nodded and then drew his wand. He pointed it at the wooden chair and started the incantation. "antikeímeno mutatio katholikís." The wooden chair became a somewhat comfortable armchair, and then Albert retrieved a handful of used parchment and cast the same spell to make a set of cushions and a blanket.

"Not bad. I get why Professor McGonagall wanted you to join, despite you being a first year," the redhead said as she placed her hand in front of Albert. "My name is Isabella McDougall. Nice to meet you, Albert."

"I'm Albert, as you already know. By any chance, are you related to Katrina because you look sort of similar and have the same surname? But you have different colour hair"

"Yes, she's my sister. I don't really know why. I don't know anyone else in my immediate family that has red hair," Isabella said.

"Good evening, Izzy," an older boy said as he walked into the office. "You must be the new kid, Albert. Nice to meet you. Decent armchair, by the way."

"Thank you," Albert said politely.

"The kid better than is when we were in first year. He's probably better than most of us compared to our standard in the third year. Good times, they were," said a lazy voice in surprise. When they heard there was a new kid invited to join the club, they didn't expect them to be that young, or that good compared to others his age.

"Sit here!" A senior Gryffindor girl said. "Us Gryffindor have to stick together. These two dunder-heads on either side are also in Gryffindor and don't hesitate to ask for help."

The two dunder-heads, as the girl called them, got up at the same time and drew their wand to cast a Levitating Charm simultaneously. One of them used it to move their chair to the left while the other placed Albert's chair in the gap. As soon as he sat down, the last member and Professor McGonagall entered the room. They swiftly sat down promptly to begin today's session.

"Good evening. It's a pleasure to see all of you again. I hope you had a lovely and productive summer. A few notices before we start our first session of the new academic year. We have a new member joining us today. Meet Mr Albert Anderson. A first year Gryffindor Transfiguration prodigy. Decent chair, by the way. Second. Today's focus will be on a section I deem interesting in 'Transfiguration Today', so if you have that on you, please get it out. If not, raise your hand." Two students and Albert raised their hand and then Professor McGonagall deviated a copy of 'Transfiguration Today' to them. "I strongly recommend your subscribe to 'Transfiguration Today. I believe it would be a wise investment given all your talents in Transfiguration. And finally, congratulations are in order for Mr Selwyn for winning 'Transfiguration Today' award for Most Promising Newcomer. Well done," Professor McGonagall said as she started a round of applause before everyone else in the room joined in.

"Now open your issue to page four. Today's topic will be on a specialised section of Transfiguration. Animagus..."

While Professor McGonagall was speaking, Albert opened his issue, but he slowly put it down after skimming the first two paragraphs. He had virtually no clue what the research article was going on about, and it looked to be a long session today.


NOTE: "antikeímeno mutatio katholikís" is a self-created spell for general purpose Transfiguration derived from 'αντικείμενο καθολικής αλλαγής' from Greek for object of universal change and 'mutatio' from Latin for change.