
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Magic

 Chapter 8: Magic


Shelby Mansion, London

Leo stared at the book, "Introduction to Magic for Youngbloods," it was the moment; he had been waiting for since he came to know about the world, he eagerly opened the book. His curiosity to learn about magic was at all time high.

 The first few lines caught his attention immediately: "Magic is a type of supernatural energy, which can be woven by a wizard or witch's intent, willpower, and emotion. It complies with the user's wishes within the boundaries of its natural laws."

Leo's mind raced. 'If it is based on simple intent, willpower, and emotion, doesn't that mean anyone could do any spell regardless of magical power or age?' He pondered this intriguing possibility. As he continued reading, he discovered how various witches and wizards had uncovered the laws that governed magic, the limitations it imposed, and the differences among beings.

"It doesn't mention anything about a magic core in humans or magic circuits," Leo muttered. "Magic in humans in this world is just like the powers of mutants in the Marvel universe. People who are born compatible with magic accumulate it from birth and show signs when they develop the necessary willpower and intent."

The book then delved into the types of magic—jinxes, hexes, charms, curses, and more. The deeper Leo read, the more fascinated he became. When the text reached the topic of wands, he leaned in closer.

"Wands are tools used by wizards and witches to discharge magic more efficiently. Made from the wood of magical trees and cores from magical beings, wands harmonize with magic more easily than wizards or witches, making spellcasting smoother."

Leo paused, deep in thought. 'Could it mean that the reason the wand chooses the wizard is due to the magical core of the wand? Maybe it has sentience. Maybe it can feel the wizard it chooses, like emotion or magical harmony.'

As he read further, his theory solidified. The book explained that spells were given names to help wands recognize them. These specific words, usually not common in the wizard's native language, ensured that the wand would not inadvertently cast a spell during normal conversation. With practice, a wizard could cast a spell by name alone, as the wand would recognize the command, even without the intent.

"It's like training a dog with specific words," Leo mused. "Not the best example, but close enough."

Excitement bubbled within him. "Since a wizard can produce magic without a wand using intent, willpower, and emotion, let me try." Leo placed a feather quill in front of him, pointing his hand at it. He focused, commanding the quill to rise. Nothing happened.

He relaxed, clearing his mind, and entered a meditative state. This time, he didn't command but stated as a fact for the quill to rise. To his surprise, it moved slightly.

Encouraged, Leo tried again, pouring all his intent, willpower, and emotion into the effort. The quill shot into the air before falling back down. His control was shaky, but he felt a thrill like no other.

"All those years of meditation finally paid off," Leo muttered.

Eager to learn more, Leo returned to his desk, devouring the rest of the book. As he neared the end, a line struck him: "Magic is a gift for all our witches and wizards, waiting to be used by your creative and intelligent minds. It can be a boon or a curse; it all depends on how you wield it."

The words resonated deeply. 'All this time I've been chasing magic, but I've never thought about what I truly want to do with it.' He closed his eyes, contemplating his future. He wanted to be powerful, to protect himself and his family, but beyond that, his goals were unclear.

"Do I want fame?" He shook his head. "No, I had enough of that in my previous life. It only brought hassle."

"Do I want wealth?" The idea appealed to him. "Wealth would definitely make things easier."

"What do I want?" The answer crystallized in his mind. "Absolute control. Yes, that's what I want. Unlike my previous life where I had to bend to the powerhouses; this time I will make sure that doesn't happen," Leo said to himself.

A knock on his door broke his concentration. Eva, the house-elf, entered.

"Master Leo, lunch is ready."

At lunch, Leo joined his father, his mind still buzzing with newfound knowledge and clarity. His father, Robert, looked at him curiously.

"You've been busy," Robert remarked. "Finished reading already?"

Leo nodded. "Yes, I just finished the last one right before lunch."

Robert's eyebrows rose. "I knew you wouldn't take long, but that's faster than I anticipated."

"They were quite exciting, I guess that's the reason," Leo said.

Robert let out a little laugh. "Magic is fascinating, isn't it? So, what did you learn about magic?"

"Surely fascinating. I learned something like this…" Leo moved his hand, and the vase on the table rose slightly to Robert's surprise.

"Impressive," Robert stated. "But you're lacking a lot of control."

As Robert finished, he moved his hand, and the vase, following the direction he pointed, landed in Leo's lap.

Leo caught the vase and said, "Definitely lacking. I'll make sure to practice enough." Robert nodded in approval.

Some might think that showing his capabilities in front of his parents was risky, but Leo knew that the only people who would always support him were his family. After reading the books and noticing the various magical artifacts in the house, he was convinced that his parents were not ordinary wizards.

His assumption was confirmed by Robert's reaction. Had they been regular wizards, his parents would have been shocked by his rapid progress. Instead, Robert's measured response suggested that they had expected it all along.

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