
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 11: Felix Felicis

Hello Reader, Author here,

I'm really sorry for the inconsistent updates with the new chapters, I had practical exams on both halves of the day, and it was very exhausting to write after that.

Next chapter update will be on Monday and from Monday chapters will be published on a daily basis, except for Sundays. 

Thank You


Chapter 11: Felix Felicis


Shelby Mansion


Over the next few weeks, Leo tested his potions on various magical beings with similar physiology to humans, just as Muggles tested drugs on animals before human trials. Achieving the desired effects, he informed his parents that the potions were ready for wizard and witch testing.

Robert knocked on Leo's door.

"Come in," Leo's voice called from within.

Robert entered to find the room in disarray, cluttered with notes, books, and papers. He carefully navigated through the chaos. "You should really clean this up before your mum sees it," he advised which made Leo's shoulders sagged.

"Magic is so fascinating," he said, eyes bright with wonder. "I can't help but wonder what the ancient wizards and witches were thinking, what their intentions were behind the spells, curses, and theories." Regaining his composure, he smiled at his father. "Potion-making is fun, but I really enjoy reading about spells, journals, and history."

"You'll be a great wizard," Robert said. "To think that even after making such advances in potion-making, you say it's just for fun." Robert chuckled. "You've achieved something almost as great as Zygmunt Budge, the creator of Felix Felicis, the Liquid Luck potion."

Leo's reaction wasn't what Robert expected. "I don't know. I don't feel the same way about Zygmunt Budge's Felix Felicis" said Leo in a nonchalant manner.

"Why?" Robert asked, puzzled.

"Well, if the books you gave me are to be taken into consideration, then magic is based on our intent, willpower and emotion. These three factors affect magic the most, don't they?" Leo questioned.

"Yes," Robert replied.

"Then, does that mean if someone creates a potion that makes a person happy, calm, and focused, while negating all negative emotions, the result will be that magic responds in the most suitable way for what the person wants?" Leo smirked.

Robert's eyes widened in realization. "Theoretically, yes. Does that mean Felix Felicis only affects a person's emotions and intent, and the magic itself turns that into luck or desired events?"

"That's what I think," Leo said, but internally he added, 'A potion that plays with serotonin and dopamine levels. Maybe I should let the wizards of this world smoke weed sometime or may be something even better.'

Robert, silent for a moment, asked, "If what you said is true, does that mean you have discovered some other potions that can achieve the same effect or it's just a theory?"

Leo didn't answer directly. "Inducing euphoria isn't difficult. The real problem is the side effects."

"I see," Robert said, understanding dawning. "Just like how consuming Felix Felicis can be toxic and lead to overconfidence."

"It will be toxic, addictive, and cause serious complications," Leo nodded, recalling the side effects similar to some drugs he had worked with in his previous life, that were similar with long-term use of Felix Felicis.

Robert shifted the conversation. "How is your magical study coming along?"

"Not bad, but without a wand, I can't do many things," Leo replied.

"It can be tough without a wand," Robert agreed.

Seeing that his father was in a mood for conversation, Leo decided to ask some of the question that had been in his mind for a while now. Leo asked, "Dad, I have wanting ask a question"

"Go on" Robert said with a relaxed manner.

"Did we take part in the war against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Leo asked, his voice tinged with unease.

"No, we didn't," Robert said, caught off guard by the question. "Are we wizarding family from Britain" Leo asked

Robert sighed knowing where this conversation was going, "Your mother was born on Britain and I was born in Germany and no more questions about this topic. I will answer them but only after you are a little bit older" said ending the topic.

Leo knowing that he won't get any answers nodded.

"How many potions do you want to send for testing?" Robert asked, changing the subject.

"Three will do. We don't want to flood the market," Leo said, he knew that it would be too eye-catching if a lot of modified potent potion were to be released. 'Two or three won't make much difference as every now and then some wizard or witch comes up with a better version of the prerecorded potions' he thought.

"Good. Taking out too many at once will cause problems," Robert stood, ready to leave. "Clean this room before your mum comes in."

Left alone, Leo sighed and waved his hand. Books flew to the shelves, trash to the bin, and notes stacked neatly on the table.

"Magic really is fun," he murmured. With a flick of his wrist, he whispered, "Lumos." A tiny ball of light formed in his palm, growing brighter as he manipulated it, testing his control.

Leo could freely move around with the ball of light and manipulate its intensity and size. All these time after knowing about magic, he had continuously practice the wandless magic so that he could understand magic better.

"Good control," he muttered, satisfied with the results. "Nox" He closed his palm, extinguishing the light.

Knock! Knock!

Before he could respond, Lisa walked in.

"Leo, did you finish studying magic?" she asked in her usual cheerful tone.

"Yes, Mum, and don't worry, I know about tomorrow's exam," Leo said, anticipating her concern.

"Really? I thought you'd forgotten," Lisa said, patting his shoulder. "You don't need to continue your Muggle schooling, you know. It's not that I don't want you to study; it's just not good to put so much pressure on yourself."

"I know, Mum. I don't see it as a hassle; I enjoy studying and school," Leo smiled.

High school wasn't exactly fun for Leo. His age and size made him an outcast, and older boys often tried to bully him—unsuccessfully.

"Really? Then what about the rumors I had been hearing about some of the older boys tripping and falling near you?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, that... coincidence, I guess," Leo said, feigning innocence.

"Be careful with your 'coincidences.' They might get you into trouble," Lisa warned playfully.

"Of course. There's no law against it," Leo smirked.

"Really? I thought there was," Lisa said playfully, her tone light before turning serious "But don't do it often. If someone from the Ministry notices, it'll be bad."

Leo nodded.




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