
CH 84: Not A Chapter

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

Since one of my hands was still empty, I reached down and grabbed her breasts, once again mauling them to my desire, marring them thoroughly.

I wanted her to remember me when she looked at the mirror.







She tried to make eye contact, trying to beg, her earlier haughtiness replaced by a pitiful panic, showing just how quickly she folded. "Just for a second," I said as I let her move up.

She tried to breathe between her desperate coughs, but I didn't wait for her to recover before pushing her down once more. After trying to seduce her married daughter's boyfriend, she didn't deserve any mercy!

Her face was stained with drool and tears as I neared to my climax, her pouty lips bruised under my merciless assault. She cried and moaned, muffled due to the presence of my shaft, struggling to take a breath.

Impressively, however, she managed to take the full length without making too much of a fuss. But I was coming close to an explosion.

I pulled out without warning, which surprised her, but not as much as when my cum exploded on her face, painting her like a cheap whore, even staining the remaining scraps of her nightie while I pointed it at her breasts, its whiteness contrasted with the marks I had left.

"You … animal," she murmured even as she fell on all fours when I finally loosened my grip on her hair, struggling to catch her breath.

I decided not to retaliate her last insult, because I felt it was pretty deserved. Instead, I stood up and walked toward Fleur. "Make sure to fix the place," I ordered as I gestured around before lifting Fleur's naked body with a bridal hold, leaving Appoline behind.

I enervated Fleur only after I laid her on the bed and took a ready position on top of her, then I cast a weakened enervation spell to wake her up, but slowly. Then I slipped inside her, completing her awakening process in a gentler manner.

"Where are we?" Fleur murmured.

"We're back in the bedroom, honey," I said even as I pushed deeper into her. "I guess the last orgasm exhausted you a bit too much," I added.

"It doesn't seem to stop you," she added, managing to tease me despite her quickening breaths and increasing heart rate, driven by her awakened desire.

"We can stop if you want," I offered, secure in the knowledge it wouldn't be accepted. Fleur said nothing, but the way she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me deeper, was answer enough…

The first lights of the mornings were dancing along its walls when I finally returned to Hogwarts. Leaving Fleur alone while she was deliciously naked and exhausted was always a difficult call, and the fact that Apolline was in the next room, struggling with the gift I had delivered made the situation even more enticing.

Unfortunately, I had taken rather impressive actions, such as imprisoning Snape and slapping down Nott, though luckily, the former was a deep secret. Even with the Elder wand, I doubted that I could survive the consequences of revealing that.

I got stronger, but I was not yet in a place to face Voldemort. Maybe I would never be. Thankfully, I had no intention of facing that bastard directly.

Since Potter was a self-sacrificing idiot, I had no problem using him to attack Voldemort when the time was right.

When I arrived at the room —the room for the Head Boy which I forcibly took from Nott— I was met with a nice surprise. There was a note hanging on the door, written by my neighbor Daphne. Curious, I opened it —after a diagnostic charm to make sure there were no nasty surprises— only to see Daphne inviting me to a quick tea before breakfast. She didn't explicitly mention it, but it was an obvious invitation to discuss our next actions against Nott and Snape, not knowing the disappearance of the latter.

I scribbled a quick answer, agreeing to her invitation even though I didn't appreciate the necessity of waking up even earlier than the breakfast. Unfortunately, when I took down Nott, that was what I had signed up.

The school was going to be chaotic enough with Snape's disappearance, no need to complicate it further by leaving the Slytherin leadership too fluid.

So, after two hours of sleep, a cold shower, and a pepper-up potion later, I was reasonably awake as I stumbled toward the shared portion of our combined suite, wearing my morning robe, only to see Daphne already sitting on the table, looking calm and collected. I smirked softly.

She was doing her best not to look nervous, which itself betrayed her nervousness. It was understandable, of course.

My presence had saved her from a horrible fate, but from her angle, it was nothing less than a mystery, one that she needed to solve if she were to have even a semblance of control during our last year.

"Good morning, Daphne," I said with a smirk even as I took the seat directly across her, while using the opportunity to examine her body, and not just for my viewing pleasure. Also, I used her name rather than Heir Greengrass bullshit, forcing a bit of intimacy to the situation, just like a hot woman dressed as she did deserve.

She was definitely sexy with her flowing blonde hair and her tight morning robe with strategically-wide top side enough to give me a glimpse of her cleavage, just enough to masquerade as accidental.

"Good morning, Draco," she said calmly, but a gentleness she had never used before —according to Draco's memories.

"So, excited for the new year," I asked, not commenting on her cheerfulness yet. It was clear that she was angling for an alliance, and I wasn't against it as well. Considering that playing nice with Nott or his supporters were not an option, I could either ally with Daphne, or try to build a new clique.

The latter option was completely unfeasible, Draco had made too many enemies during his first six years through his pointless posturing, and changing it would take time.

Allying with Daphne was the much better option, and I might even let her take the reigns publicly if she could offer me a good deal.


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