
HP: Second Chance

Once enemies, now united by circumstance, four wizards face a critical decision. Having lost faith in those close to them, they embark on a perilous journey. Rewinding time, their lives become solely their own. Donning masks, a new game begins from this moment onward. Playing: HP/FD, DM/DG, NL/MB, RW/AG, BC Jr/BL. Support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionForge · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
37 Chs

Chapter 13

A few days after the Malfoys and Snape had joined the boys, the magical world had been rocked for the umpteenth time this summer. All the newspapers and magazines literally went crazy with the sensational news. The building of the editorial office of the Daily Prophet was put up for auction. However, it was impossible to find out who would now own the leading mass media outlet. The auction was closed. But even beyond that, the press had something to talk about. 

 The goblins had acted in a big way when they sued the Wizengamot. They did not limit their accusations to Rita Skeeter alone. The race was also accusing the editor-in-chief of this publication. And they hinted that the owner of the Daily Prophet might be indicted as well. It was thanks to these hints that the announcement of the auction appeared in the press. The trial was bloody, figuratively speaking, of course. The goblins did not want to give up their position and their lawyers persistently wrested the punishment for the editor and the reporter. The Potter family's solicitor was also demanding the same, since the suit had been filed on behalf of the Director of Gringotts and the young lord. No matter how much Dumbledore glared from behind his half glasses, he still had to convict. Rita Skeeter had annoyed many wizards with her articles, and most of the judiciary voted in favour of the prosecution. The scandalous journalist was sentenced to ten years in Azkaban with the deprivation of all property in favour of the plaintiffs.

 Immediately after the trial, the High Wizard of the Wizengamot demanded that the Potter family solicitor, who had not had time to leave the Ministry, tell him where Harry was. But the goblin, grinning in a surly smile, said that Lord Potter wished his whereabouts to remain private information and he had no intention of giving away his client's secrets to anyone. Then, using the fireplace in the atrium of the Ministry, he disappeared. 

 Dumbledore could only grit his teeth and wonder where his puppet had gone. Back in his office, the old man decided it was time to contact Black. He reckoned that Sirius, being on the run, would be unaware of his godson's disappearance. Otherwise, the escaped prisoner would have shown up in his office long ago and caused a scandal. Albus twirled the quill thoughtfully in his fingers and set it aside. He mentally went back to the moment he had read out the verdict for the umpteenth time. He was sorry that Miss Skeeter would spend ten years in Azkaban. He had such big plans for her! She was going to get on Boy Who Survived's nerves this year. Dumbledore knew that the journalist was an unregistered animagus, but he kept quiet, letting her have her way with him. This lady had a role to play in the plan he had made years in advance and now that plan would have to be adjusted. Dumbledore was also angry that the editor-in-chief had also gone to prison. Albeit for a shorter time than Rita, but it was still a loss. Jeremy was eating out of his hand and getting Albus the articles he wanted into print. Dumbledore used them to push his ideals on his readers. And now he no longer has that opportunity.

 Albus Dumbledore's POV.

 Somehow I don't feel at ease. Nothing unexpected would have happened. Although, what am I talking about? It already has. Potter is missing, the Dursleys are in trouble, Skeeter is in Azkaban, Bellatrix Lestrange has escaped from prison and is now walking around somewhere free, Arabella is dead. What else is there? Oh, yes! Potter, the Mordred boy, somehow managed to find out he was a lord and arranged for the goblins to file a lawsuit against the Daily Prophet on his behalf. And one of my leverage points against the mages was gone. Jeremy was the only one who wasn't afraid to do things for my benefit under the nose of his boss. Merlin, how much effort and money had been invested in him! And it's all gone to waste. Maybe we should start a school newspaper. It's not a bad idea, let the students read it and get the word out to their parents. Yeah, I'll have to think about that. After all, kids are the best leverage against their parents.

 Potter, Potter, where did you disappear to at such a bad time? I hope Black can find you. He's a dog for a reason. A bloodhound like him can usually find the right trail quickly. I think I'll send the boy to the Weasleys. If Petunia can't get his wand, Molly can. By the way, I need to find out where they've sent their inconsiderate son to, because I didn't really understand it the last time we spoke. I didn't have time for that. Oh, yeah, we should also check if the limiter's charged. And when the time comes for our hero to meet Tom again, it may turn out that no "Priori Incantatem" will happen and the boy will either defeat Riddle, or will not be able to escape and Riddle will defeat him. Although, maybe he doesn't need to do that? Who knows when Tom will be reborn? Sure, Pettigrew's back with him now, but there's a ritual to be performed. If I know Tom, and I know Tom well, he'll want to use Potter's blood in the ritual. Otherwise it'll be harder for him to get to the boy. It's just when exactly all this is going to happen. I'm still leaning towards this school year. He got to Bertha Jorkins, so he knows all the information. And if he knows, he won't wait. I don't think he'll get another chance this good. I wonder who's going to help Potter get in? It'll have to be one of the Slytherins. I'll have to look at them more closely this year. And Merlin grant that my judgement is correct. Now, there are a few mistakes in the plan already. Oh, well, I'll fix it. It's just a pity that the brat can't erase the memory of his new status, because too many people know he's a lord now, thanks to that damned court. Someone will ask him about it anyway, and he'll start flapping his eyes. There's no way to avoid trouble then. Okay, well, I'll write Black a letter now, the sooner the boy is under supervision the better.

 End of Albus Dumbledore's POV.

 Once again picking up his quill and sliding the parchment over to him, the Headmaster of Hogwarts wrote a message to Sirius.

* * * * *

 Harry sat in the chair opposite Bellatrix. The woman was recovering quickly and now looked quite fit. Her heavy, black curls spread beautifully over her shoulders and glistened in the light. Her black eyes had lost their crazy sparkle, and now you could often see a laughing sparkle in them. Her skin was pale, but of a pleasant shade, not the waxy colour it had been before; her hands were no longer trembling, and Bella herself hardly ever flinched at any loud sound. Now, receiving normal nutrition and healing potions, the woman no longer resembled a skeleton covered with skin, and acquired quite pleasant to the male eye roundness. Still, she hadn't regained the blooming look she'd had before she'd joined the Dark Lord's service, the one Harry had seen in the collodographs in the Black family album.

 Bellatrix twirled a small brooch between her fingers. It was an ancestral Black artefact that gave the wearer a glamour. No one could remove the illusion without the wearer's permission or see through it.

- Are you sure you're up to this? - Harry asked for the umpteenth time in the last half hour.

- Absolutely," the woman nodded and stood up from her chair and pinned the brooch onto the lapel of her dark purple robe.

 A ripple passed across Bellatrix's face and a second later her appearance changed perceptibly. There was now a very beautiful woman standing in front of Potter. Smooth, chocolate-coloured hair reached her waist, the black colour of her irises had changed to brown-green, her skin had acquired a pleasant, peachy tint, her lips had become a little thinner, but retained their rich colour. It was now impossible to recognise Bellatrix Lestrange in this woman.

- Well, hello, Isabella Runge," Harry said, rising from his seat and kissing the lady's slender fingers.

- I prefer Belle," she replied with a smile.

- Wouldn't the similarity be too blatant in that name? - Squinting, the young man asked.

- I don't think so. No one would even dare to assume that a fugitive criminal would dare to appear in public in broad daylight and become a journalist.

- Yes, it's really unlikely," Harry nodded. - We just have to wait for Lucius to show up to be absolutely sure you're going to take that seat.

- Lucius is going to die, but he'll own the paper. I don't doubt that," Bellatrix said with confidence in her voice as she settled back into her chair.

- Merlin willing. - Potter said absent-mindedly, walking to the window.

 When the press had first reported the auction, Lord Malfoy had immediately announced that the Daily Prophet would be theirs. And Bellatrix, realising that due to her ill health and status as a fugitive criminal she couldn't do much to help for the time being, had offered her candidacy for the role of journalist. Malfoy Senior and Snape had approved of her idea, arguing that most wizards were inherently naive and would believe anything in print. Harry, having experienced this firsthand, didn't even bother to argue. He was worried about Bella, though, because she still hadn't fully recovered. And it would take more than a month for that to happen.

 In order for Bellatrix not to be recognised, she needed to change her appearance. There were many suggestions, ranging from a reversal potion to Muggle remedies. Lady Walpurga silently, listened to everything and only snorted. In the end she was the one who suggested the best option.

 One of the many hiding places scattered throughout the house held a valuable and rather ancient artefact. A lotus flower brooch. It cast a very powerful illusion that could not be removed by anyone but the Black that becomes the master of this artefact. It was impossible to see through it by any magical means or with the help of other artefacts. In fact, the illusion was impossible to detect and that was even if one knew what to look for. At the wearer's will, the brooch could become invisible and only the wearer could remove it as well. When Bellatrix took the artefact in her hands, without a second's hesitation she infused it with her blood and, feeling the brooch heat up for a moment, smiled contentedly. The auction was due to take place today and they were all really hoping that Lucius would return with good news. Harry had been nervous all day, waiting for the outcome, and decided to stay close to Bellatrix so he wouldn't snap at anyone. The woman had an unusual effect on him. Whereas in THAT life, seeing Madame Lestrange could only make Harry want to destroy her, in THIS life it was the opposite. He felt at peace in Bella's presence and wanted to protect her, even though he knew perfectly well that if she were perfectly healthy, she would be able to protect herself, and not only herself, but her loved ones as well. And now, being in the living room with her, Potter didn't feel nervous at all, believing not even in the woman's words, but in the confidence with which she said them.

 The door creaked softly and Harry turned around sharply. His friends had entered the living room. After a couple more minutes, Sirius and Barty joined them, and then Narcissa and Regulus entered, talking quietly.

- It's about time my father got back," Draco muttered, glancing at his watch.

- I think he'll be here soon," Narcissa said softly.

 There was silence in the living room again. Finally, after nearly a quarter of an hour, the fire in the fireplace blazed with emerald flames, letting the lordship Lord Malfoy into the house. Harry chuckled nervously as the man suddenly reminded him of a cat that had eaten too much sour cream.

 Turning towards Potter, Lucius arched an eyebrow somewhat surprised, as if asking what had made him laugh.

- How was that? - Sirius asked impatiently.

- "The Prophet is ours," the blond replied succinctly and pulled a scroll out of his pocket, certifying that the leading newspaper in magical Britain belonged to the Malfoy family.

 A general sigh of relief spread through the living room. The boys shone like polished galleons, delighted to have one of the levers of public opinion in their hands.

- That's just great," Narcissa said, smiling. - I propose to celebrate this event.

 There was no objection to this proposal and Lady Malfoy, taking her sister with her, rushed into the kitchen. She didn't know that at the small, almost family party that would take place thanks to her, one very important decision for all of them would be made.

Guys I try to release chapters pretty often (On all my stories). So it would be cool if you could support a student (me) on the writing path, it's a very good motivation to keep going. Have a good day everyone: buymeacoffee.com/FanFictionForge

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