
HP: Merge

His father constantly told Draco Malfoy not to touch an unknown artifact with his bare hands. And Draco has learned this rule perfectly... Yes, but who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad. Definitely not Draco Malfoy!

Walosan · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs


Draco Malfoy was an obedient and well-behaved boy. He tried to follow his father's orders and his mother's instructions with all his being. Yes, it didn't always work out. His hot temper and general irascibility somewhat hindered the boy from adhering to the norms of behavior of a "true aristocrat. Apparently, the hot blood of his mother, who in her maidenhood bore the proud name of Black, manifested itself in the Malfoy heir, much stronger than his father would have wanted.

And yet, in spite of his temper, the boy did his best to live up to his father's expectations and earn his mother's soft smile. This was especially evident when it came to the boy's own life, health, and safety. No, he had little fear of death. A teenager, fresh out of childhood, simply could not fear death to the fullest. He hasn't even seen death yet!

But still, when it came to his personal safety, Draco Malfoy knew how to restrain his temper and a certain quick temper, as well as haste. Maybe it was the blood. After all, the Malfoys have long been famous for their ability to get out of any situation. Maybe it was upbringing, which smoothed out the sharpest edges in a teenager's personality. Perhaps... But Draco himself sincerely believed that this situation was only because of his mother.

Narcissa Malfoy knew how to be terrifying and convincing. Especially when it came to the life and health of her beloved boy. Yes, the mask of a perfect wife and lady that she wore, indulging her husband's desires, buried beneath that powerful, bright and temperamental girl from Slytherin, but the "generic madness" still made itself felt... Black, what else can be said.

In fact, because of this, the other, side of his mother, Draco had learned the main rule of any smart wizard... Do not touch the artifacts with your bare hands! It was this simple thought, Lucius, for many years, hammered into the head of the unhelpful heir. It took a while, but it worked.

Now, Draco could not in his wildest dreams imagine a situation in which he would voluntarily take up an artifact more complicated than a nimble-writing pen. Not having a pair of dragon-skin gloves on him. And a godfather by his side, too, would be desirable. Uncle Snape had always been good to little Draco, and he understood a great deal about magic. Naturally, outwardly he had never shown any concern for someone else's heir, let alone done anything of the sort at Hogwarts. But is Draco completely stupid? Growing up in the Malfoy family, the child simply couldn't help but understand his godfather's feelings.

In general, yes, Draco would not touch artifacts with his bare hands and under the sights of someone else's wand. But who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad, much less dangerous? Certainly not Draco Malfoy!

And in vain... Touching the Dark Lord's things was dangerous for his health, especially after Lucius Malfoy filled them with his magic without sparing himself...