
HP: I'm a book

[Using Chatgpt for grammar and improvements, + I'm lazy and English isn't exactly my first language :P] Here's a concise version of the recent events: I died. The good news though, is that I reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter! But there's a slight problem... I'm a book. Why the fuck did I turn into a magical book? And who is this four-eyed kid? *** I do not own anything from J.K Rowlings books only my ideas and creations, I made this purely for fun and I'll be uploading at random intervals. PS. This is my second novel

TheFoolButBusted · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Introductions

Chapter 1: Introductions

[December 4th, 1989]

[4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey]

In the dead of night, the streets of Privet Drive lay shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional flicker of lamp posts casting long shadows across the pavement. While the Dursleys slumbered soundly in their beds, one boy remained wide awake.

That boy was Harry.

After the events of today, Harry couldn't fall asleep. He was currently staring at the book he had brought down from the attic.

"How do I get this to work?" Harry murmured softly to himself.

He had tried several things to somehow uncover the function of this mysterious book. He didn't understand why it was completely blank or why it never responded to his words. But he knew it was magical, and if it was magical, it should at least have some type of function. What that function was, he didn't know. But he intended to find out.

After continuous tries throughout the night, Harry finally resolved himself to take action. Since the book was blank, it might indicate that you needed to write on it for it to function. However, if he made a mistake, would it be irreversible? Harry decided to take the risk.

He opened the book once again, took out his inkwell pen, and started writing.



Several days passed since his reading frenzy. During those days, he grew increasingly despondent. No matter how much he read, he knew what the next line would be. Without discovery, what would his purpose be?

He had thoroughly absorbed every piece of knowledge his authorization permitted, word by word. It led him to experiment and theorize about aspects the books didn't cover before boredom set in, and he began acting recklessly.

"Protego Diablico!" he shouted loudly, before changing his appearance to match a certain old fool and shouting phrases like "For the greater good!"

"Fus Ro Dah!"


He felt like he was losing his mind. He knew a lot of time had passed, but how long, he didn't know, nor did he care.

So he danced loudly, breaking, exploding, and even transfiguring things into absurdities.

He felt utterly purposeless. He had tried everything, from destruction to creation, but nothing mattered. He felt completely hopeless.

And so he lay on the floor, reminiscing about the memories he had access to, when suddenly, the library shook.

A black liquid formed around him at an alarming speed, ink floating around the library like wisps of smoke, spreading and attaching itself everywhere, until it finally stopped and was absorbed into a single black book.

Elric picked up the book that had formed in front of him, and suddenly, he could see beyond the darkness of the outer realm.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter."

A black inky text materialized in front of his eyes.

He stared at it blankly for a moment before a huge grin appeared on his face.



[Inside a locked and shabby cupboard]

Harry stared at the book's first page, almost as if he were waiting for something incredible to occur, but eventually, nothing did.

"Maybe there's a key, a code, or maybe—" He stopped midsentence as he watched the scribbled words he had just written dissolve into the book.

Harry watched as the ink dissolved through the pages, and suddenly, another text of words appeared, almost identical to his own handwriting.

"Hello there, Harry Potter. I'm Lorebinder,"

Harry blinked in surprise, his eyes filled with awe as he read the words, his breathing quickened slightly as his eyes fixed on the words that had just formed.

A book was talking to him. It was not something he'd expected to encounter. But that just made it even more mysterious and cool.

"Hello...?" Harry responded tentatively, feeling a bit unsure about the situation.

When no response came, he confirmed that the book could only talk to him through the parchment itself.

Presumably by absorbing the ink from his pen.

He hurriedly brought out his inkwell pen once again and scribbled his words:

"Nice to meet you too, Lorebinder."

He glanced around the room, half expecting something to jump out of nowhere. But the silence of the cupboard reassured him that it was just him and the mysterious book, and continued writing.

"What exactly are you?" Harry asked, his curiosity piqued.

As he watched the ink dissolve into the book another line of text appeared.

"I don't exactly know what I am... But you can consider me an overseer of knowledge."

"An overseer of knowledge?" Harry repeated aloud, his voice barely more than a whisper in the silence of the cramped space. He glanced around the cupboard, half-expecting some sort of response from the mysterious book, but the room remained still and quiet.

Turning his attention back to the book, Harry hesitated before picking up his pen once more. "What do you mean by that? How can you oversee knowledge?" he wrote, his hand trembling slightly with anticipation.

As the ink dried on the page, Harry waited anxiously for a response. Moments passed, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, new words began to materialize before his eyes.

"I am the keeper of all knowledge, Harry," the text read, its message clear and concise. "Within the pages of this book lies knowledge of truth, both ancient and arcane. It is my duty to oversee this knowledge and ensure that it is used wisely."

Harry's mind raced as he processed the words before him.

To say he was in disbelief would be an understatement.

Harry was confused. How could such a book be within the Dursley's attic, gathering dust if it was so important?

He picked up his pen once again and began to write a response.

"Thanks for sharing that bit of info, though I'm curious why would something as important as you be inside an almost abandoned attic?" Harry wrote, feeling slightly uncertain.

As the he wrote the last line, the ink stayed on the parchment for a long moment before it finally got dissolved and three distinct golden words materialized instead of the black inky color.

"I chose you."

The words almost felt like they reverberated within the small cupboard.

Harry stared at the words in confusion before realizing the implications of those three powerful words.


[Meanwhile, somewhere else]

"HAHAHA! FINALLY, A PERSON TO TALK TO!" I laughed like a madman, as if I had seen the sun for the first time.

I had finally found someone to talk to, to communicate with, perhaps to advise or even teach.

Even the library seemed to agree with my views.

I looked at the screen in front of me with the biggest grin I'd had in ages.

[Potential Book Keeper found. Would you like to establish a connection?]


I grinned.

"I might not be the one to go on an epic adventure, but at least I can watch someone else's adventure while helping!"

Chapter end.