Magic can solve all the Wizarding World's problems. What's that? A prophecy that insists on a person? Things not quite going your way? I know, lets use this here ritual to summon another! It'll be great! - An eighteen year old Harry is called upon to deal with another dimension's irksome Dark Lord issue. This displeases him.
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It had the unmistakable boring look of a home of history books. Even from this distance they put a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe his request hadn't been that good. He wasn't really interested in the distant history of this world anyway. Different though it may be, it wasn't immediately relevant.
There was, however, another source of more recent information. "Accio stack of Daily Prophets."
Leaning backwards even further into his comfortable chair, Harry began to skim the papers.
Because he had to limit himself to something he decided to focus on the life of his counterpart. Any differences that he picked up on would probably be important.
He didn't find much.
At fifteen months old Iris Potter was hailed as the Girl-Who-Lived when something miraculous happened at a cottage in Godric's Hollow that left James and Lily Potter dead, Voldemort naked, missing and presumed destroyed and her the sole survivor, unharmed barring a scar.
There was plenty of speculation but the girl herself dropped off the face of the earth so it was likely she was dropped off at the Dursleys, just as he had been. The Longbottoms were tortured, Malfoy and his ilk bribed their way out of prison and everything seemed to follow the same pattern that his life had.
Until about two weeks ago when Trelawney was kidnapped.
When Dumbledore had said that Voldemort had leaked the prophecy to the press he had understated the megalomaniac's flair for the dramatic.
At noon, two days after Voldemort's unmasking in the Ministry atrium, a naked and partially flayed Sybill Trelawney had appeared in the middle of the holiday shopping crowd in Diagon Alley. Without regard for the bloody footprints she left behind she had made her way to the Daily Prophet offices. Horrified reporters had watched her drinking a vial of what was later confirmed to be Veritaserum and monotonously start talking about the prophecy. Politely she had even allowed several questions. When the serum wore off she had calmly taken a letter opener from a nearby desk and stabbed herself in one eye before driving it completely into her brain through the other. She was dead before she hit the floor.
It had apparently had a rather large impact on everyone present.
Since then every witch and wizard on the British Isles had been screaming at everyone else: how they were Doomed, how they were Saved, how Iris Potter should get up off her arse and do something already.
In an effort of supreme politicking Fudge still held the Minister's Office because, "his Ministry could obviously not be held accountable for events that were preordained." Harry desperately hoped that people were too busy panicking to just throw the man out and that they would come to their senses soon, in favour of the much less attractive idea that they agreed with him.
Sirius Black was confirmed deceased and several Death Eaters had been apprehended but their situation was clouded in mystery. Nobody knew what had happened with them and with the general turmoil nobody appeared to be asking questions.
Harry's stomach gave a loud growl, informing him that he had skipped lunch altogether and that it was now definitely time for dinner. He chose to take it up in his room so that he could stretch his legs on the way over. Tilly was happy to oblige.
To his surprise, Tilly returned while he was eating dessert, carrying a stack of parchment.
"Master Headmaster Dumblydore asks Tilly to give these to Master Harry."
Slowly he put down his fork and pushed his half-empty plate to the side. "Thank you Tilly. Let's see what he wants this time."
Warily he spread the documents out before him. It was a contract. Specifically, a contract for the post of Divination teacher at Hogwarts. A small note was affixed.
Dear Mr. White,
Enclosed is the standard employment contract for new teachers at Hogwarts. Considering your verbal acceptance of a teaching position regarding the subject of Divination, as well as your subsequent use of the associated quarters and amenities it seemed prudent to get the formalities out of the way.
Yours sincerely,
Albus Percifal Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Order of Merlin, First Class
Grand Sorcerer
Chief Warlock of the British Wizengamot
Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
It occurred to Harry that so many things had happened over the last few days that he was forgetting important details. Such as being blackmailed into teaching bloody Divination.
He also realised that he was swearing more than ever too but that was somewhat less relevant and perhaps even understandable.
The note was brief and contained very little actual information, but there was an enormous amount of subtext. You've already agreed both in word by accepting and in deed by using the rooms, so give it up and sign. Also, I am an extremely important man with many titles and connections and will make your life hell if you don't do as I say.
Bloody Albus bloody Dumbledore.
He didn't want to be in this castle or be among these people; he didn't want to teach and he especially didn't want to teach Divination of all things. But what else could he do?
However politely it was phrased, he was not a citizen of this country - muggle or otherwise - so he probably had no legal rights. The little amount of money he did have was not enough to live on or escape with, especially considering Dumbledore's long reach and access to obscure tracking magics. He just didn't have the resources to go anywhere without help. Help he didn't have.
And Dumbledore had made his point well. He carried a big stick and was prepared to beat him into submission with it.
On the other hand, teaching Divination wouldn't be hard, exactly. And since it was an elective starting in third year with nobody continuing past the OWLs he wouldn't even have that many classes. That would leave him with a lot of free time and access to both the library and the Room of Requirement, both tremendous resources.
Hesitantly he reached for the contract and looked it over. It looked like a standard employment contract.
He scoffed. Not that he had encountered any of those before. This would, after all, be his first job.
Neither did he know anything about the salary offered, but it certainly sounded like enough to make ends meet.
The biggest problem he saw with it was that it mentioned September 1st as its effective date. Logical for regular new teachers, but what would he do for money until then? It wasn't even July yet. Was Dumbledore hoping to confine him to the castle? Since he was obviously only offered the position to keep him close the idea didn't seem too far-fetched.
With a sigh Harry realised he would end up signing it because he really had very little choice. If he couldn't find help he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He did not, however, have to give in and sign right now. Let Dumbledore sweat a little, and maybe they would get to haggling later. That is, if he could curb his instincts to murder the bastard as soon as he saw him. He'd worked out a lot of his anger in the Room of Requirement but not all of it was gone. Not by a long shot.
Still, imagining the various curses he would like to use was an enjoyable way to spend an evening.
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