
HP: Harry Potter and the Forgotten Mysteries

a riencernated oc find himself in the HP verse with some boons mc will not be overly overpowered, yes he will be powerful but with limits is it the cannon vers or au ??? that is still for debate who reincarnated him ??? we dont know yet what will he do in his life there . having fun or chasing girls or pursuing knowledge????

Mahdi_ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
10 Chs

Ch :01

This was supposed to be just another day of my boring life, you know waking up in my small rusty room, bathing, having my breakfast, and going to school, that what was supposed to happen, I mean this was the same routine I had for the last six years and even if it was boring; I liked it, so when something happened outside of my routine you'd find me excited and afraid at the same time, I wanted to break my routine but at the same time;, I fear anything that is beyond my comfort zone.

So this is what happened to me now, the last thing I remember was me going to sleep, and what was expected to happen was me waking up in my dirty old room but no I woke up in a freaking dark room and classic old roulette in front of me, well for the first half-hour I had a fuking mental breakdown, I have never cursed this much in my whole 20 years in my life,

in the second half-hour I just stayed gazing on the roulette, and if you are wondering how the hell I know how much time passed, well in the middle of the roulette there was a clock that started the countdown from 1 hour to zero.

When the countdown reached zero, the roulette started spinning faster and faster,

I just kept staring at it, I felt like this freaking roulette is deciding my life for me; it kept spinning for about a minute than it stopped on a card I know,

It was at that moment I knew I fucked up. If it is what I think it is then I am fuked. You ask why, because the card says HP (AU,)

I started my second mental breakdown until the roulette started spinning again, so I stopped the shit that was going in my brain and focused on the roulette; I mean if it going to send me to the HP verse maybe just maybe it will give me the ability to at least protect my self.

The roulette stopped it; it stopped on another card, and guess what after I saw the card, I know luck was just a freaking concept for people to justify their failures.

but I was not happy. In a world where magic is just a common shit and death Eeaters showing up left and right, what the hell is Zen Wistaria from Snow White with the Red Hair is going to help me there.

I looked at the second image while cursing my shity luck, how am I going to survive with just Zen abilities, hell i don't even know what are his abilities but this is harry potter world we're talking about. at least give me something else, another spin pretty please,

Then something happened, the card turned, and there is something written on the back of card

Zen Wistaria


Zen Wistaria


Prince Zen


Snow White with the Red Hair




High Intelligence

Political Knowledge

Tactical Wit





To spend times with Shirayuki


To protect Shirayuki


Izana Wistaria (Older Brother)

Haruto Wistaria (Mother)

Kain Wistaria (Father, deceased

Well at least he is not completely useless, the card of Zen floated and entered my body then there was darkness, I found myself living the life of Zen from his birth inside the palace till the end ( I didn't want to spoil the anime on you ) it not exactly living, it like watching a movie from his point of view, yes just watching, I can't control a shit,

I woke up again in front of the roulette clutching my head from all the memories that kept pouring in my head, shit all the

memories of Zen were forced into my brain, I felt like a train rammed into my head, and believe me that not a good feeling to have.

after some time all the pain started weakening until it has gone, and the roulette started rotating again then stopped on another card, and this time I didn't recognize the card.

I boost myself as a man of culture; I watched every anime and read every manga I could before I became the sleeping beauty(died)but I didn't recognize this card, so while I thought that I needed a cigarette to cool my head, the card floated in front of me.


Sequence 9: Seer


The corresponding Beyonders lack direct skills confronting enemies but are experts in divination. They master all kinds of divination methods, including astrology, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, spiritual numbers, and scrying.[1]

Danger Intuition: They can intuitively detect danger using their spirituality.

Seers can use Spirit Vision and deduce a person's health and emotions, as well, if something has a magical aura.[2]

In terms of knowledge of mysticism, a Seer will be more learned and professional than a Mystery Pryer.[1]

Initially, Seers have a slight increase in memory that improves along with the digestion of the potion.

The Seers can recall almost everything they see using dream divination.

They can "see" obstructed objects and "hear" faint footsteps, allowing them to take preemptive judgment. But visual, auditory, or tactile senses are not having any enhancements.

oh what a great card, I know this is just the power of sequence 9 from fool pathway in the lord of mysteries but damn it Moore useful then the whole lifetime of Zen

as I was worried about my mental health, the Hp card floated and merged with me

Then My head started hurting so badly!

A gaudy and dazzling dreamworld filled with murmurs instantly shattered. The sound asleep Zen (just call him Zen for now)felt an abnormal throbbing pain in his head as though someone had ruthlessly lashed at him with a pole again and again.

As I attempted to turn around, look up, and sit up I found that my body just won't listen to me. It as if I lost all the power in my body

After what felt a long time, the Throbbing pain in my head receded thus I started feeling my body again, allowing me to slowly accumulate immaterial strength until I could finally move my back and open my eyes.

My vision first blurred before it was screened by a faint crimson red. All I could see was a study desk made of burly wood in front of me. Right in the middle was an opened notebook with coarse, yellow pages. The title was eye-catchingly written with strange, deep black lettering.

To the left of the notebook was a stack of neatly arranged books, a black ink bottle.a pen with a fully circular body Its tip was still dripping with black ink. as I moved my head ,I saw the layout of the room.

The room was not very large, with a brown door on each side of the room. Close to an opposite wall was a low wooden bed.a typical room I guess.....such a room can be small and perfect, plain and relaxing, simple and inviting.

As I waited for the memories of the body that i took over to hit me like every transmigration novel I read but there nothing

"Mm, I guess I have to find the identity of this body in the traditional way," i though as my eyes gazed toward the notebook.

"But first let's have a look at my current body i moved my barely functional body toward the mirror on left side of the room across the bed.

Just as I expected, I was a mini version of Zen wistalia.

A medium length hair that is silver-blonde (white in the anime) with fringes long enough to pass his eyebrows. It is shorter beneath my ears and longer up top and my eyes are a crystal blue that has been both jokingly and more seriously described as pretty by Obi.

Ah the memories of Zen are affecting me in the mention of Zen old friends but that has a solution in the form of occlumency but that is for the future.

After admiring my handsome features I took the notebook and seated myself comfortably on the wooden chair, then i opened the notebook to read.

As I expected it was kind of dairy, and after an extensive reading I found a an interesting things

Well first for my name , I was named after my grandfather Marcus. And my full name is Marcus Quinn Magorian Yaxley

And that long name alright.but I will just keeps it short ,just Marcus.

Apparently the tradition of giving long names begins in the middle ages as it was a way of protecting your self from getting cursed by different spells that required your name.

But in present time, this curse spell was forgotten in the river of time but it become a way for different families to hint that they are ancient families ,and have a long history to them.

Well,i was one of the last two living members of the Yaxley family, or as they call it here The Noble and Most Ancient House of Yaxley, the other is my supposed father Corban Yaxley.

I sighed as I started tapping the table softly" well nothing can be perfect in this life "

Having a former death eater as father is concerning but not overwhelming ,that if he didn't have a fetich of torturing his son, based from the books none of the death eaters sons had a problem in this area, yes they had problems as they had a strict upbringing and basically was forced to be in slytherin then brainwashed to follower the dark lord.

But i don't think they were tortured by their parents so I think I'm safe for now.

Other thing I found in the diary was just basic information like my birthdays witch was 04 August 1980 as the same year harry was born.

And I found that basically I was raised by the house elf as my father was busy working and never really cared about his son at all

Well i guess my supposed father birthed me just to continue the Yaxley line and my mother is a mystery itself.

Sunny was the house elf and the only in the family as we were just two people we didn't need too many workers.

Back to the problem if how did this previous Marcus died well the only clue was the mention of watch that the previous Marcus found in the house basement as it was on the last entry in the diary, but as I searched the room I didn't find any pocketwatch at all.