
HP: Elder Brothers Watch

Being an older brother was hard. Somewhere it is said that Twins share the same soul, one having the first half while the other the second. Brothers were inseparable, thick as thieves, stuck to the hip, best friends. Even though life can be harsh and the circumstances might drive them apart, the other will most likely drop everything at the drop of a hat to go and help the other out. Now take that brotherly bond, add magic, a dark lord hell-bent on killing your other half of the soul, conspiracies, and politics. What will I, Ares Potter, do for my brother? The answer is obvious, Destroy anyone that wants to lay a finger on him until he is ready. After all, I'm the older brother! "Only by two minutes, Ares!" "That means you're still two minutes too early to defeat me, Twerp!" ___ I own nothing, just my OC. First time doing this so don't judge too harshly, please.

Develish_Beta · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Chapter Six

After leaving the blonde girl in her compartment, I started wandering the halls again, more accurately, I started heading back to Harry.

After reaching his trunk, I opened the sliding door, and looked inside, glancing at the two kids inside the compartment... and the pile of sweets that was between them.

I took a breath.


The said child tensed, looking at me with alarmed eyes as the other boy looked at me as if he was seeing a ghost.

"What did I say about sweets?"

My little brother looked at the pile of candy that was on the chair and then at me before avoiding eye contact.

"Don't eat sweets in the morning?"

I nodded my head and walked inside the compartment, eyeing the two of them before sighing and sitting down on the opposite side.

What the hell? I was eleven, not twenty-nine.

"Hand over a chocolate frog would you?"

I extended a hand and the said chocolate was placed on my palm. Opening the box, I grabbed the frog that tried to jump away and bit into it, looking at the card I got.

Filius Flitwick, as the name stated, stared at me from the card. I rose an eyebrow as he waved and walked off, out of the frame.

Well, that was weird.

"W-what are you doing here?"

I glanced back at the ginger boy that was looking at me with fear in his eyes. I blinked at him for a second. What did he mean by that?

"I'm with my brother? What's so weird about that?"

The boy seemingly recoiled, leaning back into the chair he was sitting in as he grabbed the rat that was on his lap and brought it closer to him.

[Ron Weasley.]

I looked at the rat and narrowed my eyes at the name that hovered above it.

[Petter Pettigrew.]

I felt my ire flare like a fire that was doused a second later. I kept my irritation from showing on my face as I returned my gaze to the Weasley.

"T-The books said that his followers took you to raise as the next dark lord."

I stared at this dumbass for a moment before lifting my hand to massage the bridge of my nose. I knew who he was talking about, of course. Voldemort, "The Big Bad" was alive just eleven years ago, when we were born. The man that killed my parents, and tried to do the same to Harry.

The same man that gave my brother that scar.

"And this book was written by... Who?"

The boy gulped.

"It was w-written by someone with a pen name, I don't know the real name, I swear!"

I leaned back, humming slightly for a moment, not letting my eyes wander away from the boy and his pet. That rat was going to die, I would make sure of it.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, biting into the frog again, consuming the lower half.

"Well... as you can see, I wasn't in fact, taken by death eaters."

I pointed out blandly, confusing my brother further who seemed lost since the start of the conversation.


Ever wonder what it's like to see something that people wanted to look majestic for a whole fifteen minutes where everyone would see it and move past it the next second?

Yeah, that's exactly what Hogwarts looked like.

With all of its... Was that fire? Are these people ignorant of electricity?

Taking in a deep breath, I release it with a deep, disappointed sigh.

In all honesty, I should have expected this, but I guess using magic to illuminate something was a bit too much to ask for.

Rolling my eyes, I waited patiently for our boats, which were somehow moving in the right direction without anyone directing them.

How? Magic.

Honestly, this magic made no sense.

When we finally reached the castle, entered it, and went up the stairs, trying not to get trampled on by the excitable children, I got to listen to a very inspiring speech from Mcgonagall about how every house, no matter which, was our family if we ended up there...

Yeah, no.

I remained standing there, behind my brother as he looked around like he was seeing everything for the first time... which he was.

I was content with remaining silent and letting the old woman return from the main hall, ignoring the others bickering...

"So it's true then."

Yup, ignore it all.

"They were saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Oh fuck me sideways, it's been twenty minutes! Do we have to get into something with the other kids?

I looked over at the blonde kid that started talking, noting that he was way too young to have that arrogant look on his face.

"This is Crab and Goyle-"

Who names their kid Crab?

The kid walked over to stand in front of Harry and I raised an eyebrow,

"And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

...Oh fuck.

The Weasly snorted and I ran over the political ramifications of what would happen if Harry responded badly to the Malfoy Heir...

I should have shoved that book in his head, but no, I had to be a pushover and let him read the magic books.

My mind returned to focus just in time to see the blonde offer his brother a hand. Harry looked at his hand for a moment and then up at his face, looking defiant.

Time to step in and get my little sibling out of the political mess he was about to create.

Grabbing his forearm, I pulled him back, stepping up next to him. Looking at the slightly startled blonde, I gave him a calm stare for a moment before grabbing his offered hand and giving him a handshake.

"Ares Potter, Heir to the noble and most ancient house of Potter. A pleasure to meet you."

This would be a pain and we were only eleven, I can only imagine what kind of loops I will have to jump through when I reach majority.