

The man stepped carefully down the states, his wand raised, casting a lumos spell to illuminate some area. The man in question was a young man of age 20. He had long wavy, black hair which he was quite fond of.

His dark eyes scanned every steps he took as he ventured down the stairs. It was evident that this man was sweating, anxious and excited at the same time.

Finally the stairs ended and a old door stood infront of him. Carefully, his wand still raised up, he pushed the door open. What the man saw completely took him by shock! The huge room, filled with darkness and a very little shade of sea green light, reflecting the up on the ceiling. A path, made out of marble lead to a podium, where a Green Stone sat. It was glowing, as if calling the man towards it.

Smirking to himself, he walked to podium. He had heard of this stone only in books and stories he had heard. A stone that granted immense power at a cost. The man was ready to pay any cost to be granted with this power. He had nothing to lose. And everything to gain.He grinned as finally reached the stone. It glowed even brighter. Without hesitation, he took it in his hands.

What he felt next was like a daze to him. Immense pain, bones cracking, high levels of dopamine releasing. He couldn't help but scream. A scream mixed with agony and joy.

After what felt like hours, the man collapsed on his knees, the stone gone from his hands. He looked at his hands and saw his fingers were pointer and sharp, his skin was pale grey. He would feel power gushing through his veins as he stood up.

He turned around as he heard footsteps from behind. He saw 5 wizards and witches. All aurors. Their face contorted in complete disbelief and fear.

"What the hell have you done, Tom??" One of them asked, in a shaky.

The man just laughed cruelly as he pointed his wand at them, and sending out beams of green light.